1,173 research outputs found

    Weighing the impact of ICT on "modular" SMEs

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    We call "modular firm" a network of small interacting firms, exchanging artifacts (atoms) and information (bits) to accomplish a common goal. In this paper we propose a method to assess how effective is the information exchange among firm modular units. We propose to model a modular firm as a set of units that interact through well-defined channels: structural information together with type, format, and traffic shape are used to weigh the information exchange and the value associated to a given organizational setting

    "Det var jag som var den där vuxna och han var ett barn" : En kvalitativ studie om hur det är att vara ett vuxet barn till en alkoholist

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    Syftet med vårt lärdomsprov är att undersöka hur uppväxten i en alkoholistfamilj har påverkat det vuxna barnet. Vi undersöker även vilka konsekvenser det vuxna barnet fått av uppväxten, vilket förhållningssätt det vuxna barnet har till alkohol och hur relationen mellan det vuxna barnet och den missbrukande föräldern ser ut. I teoridelen definieras alkoholismen; vad är alkoholism, vem kan bli alkoholist och vad är skillnaden mellan en alkoholist och en storkonsument. Vidare fastställs missbrukets effekt på familjen, samt barnens roller i en alkoholistfamilj. Även typiska karaktärsdrag och konsekvenser i vuxenlivet tas upp. I undersökningen har vi använt oss av kvalitativ undersökning. Vi har intervjuat fyra personer som har en pappa som är alkoholist. I resultatet framkommer både likheter och olikheter mellan vuxna barn till alkoholister, men den gemensamma nämnaren är konsekvenser i vuxenlivet för alla barn som levt med en alkoholiserad förälder.The aim of our thesis is to investigate how growing up with an alcoholic parent has affected the adult child. We also examine the impact on the adult child as a result of growing up in a family where one parent is or was an alcoholic, what kind of attitude the adult child has to alcohol and how the relationship between the adult child and the alcoholic parent has been affected. In our theoretical part, we define alcoholism; what is alcoholism, who can become an alcoholic and what is the difference between an alcoholic and a big consumer. Further down we establish the impact on the family and the children's roles in the family. We also cover the typical characteristics and consequences in adult life. In the survey, we used a qualitative research. We have interviewed four people who have a father who is an alcoholic. The result shows both similarities and differences between adult children of alcoholics, but the common denominator is that all children of alcoholics are affected in adulthood

    Using Graph Transformation Systems to Specify and Verify Data Abstractions

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    This paper proposes an approach for the specification of the behavior of software components that implement data abstractions. By generalizing the approach of behavior models using graph transformation, we provide a concise specification for data abstractions that describes the relationship between the internal state, represented in a canonical form, and the observers of the component. Graph transformation also supports the generation of behavior models that are amenable to verification. To this end, we provide a translation approach into an LTL model on which we can express useful properties that can be model-checked with a SAT solver

    Ingannare con la trasparenza

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    Security Games for Node Localization through Verifiable Multilateration

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    Most applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) rely on data about the positions of sensor nodes, which are not necessarily known beforehand. Several localization approaches have been proposed but most of them omit to consider that WSNs could be deployed in adversarial settings, where hostile nodes under the control of an attacker coexist with faithful ones. Verifiable multilateration (VM) was proposed to cope with this problem by leveraging on a set of trusted landmark nodes that act as verifiers. Although VM is able to recognize reliable localization measures, it allows for regions of undecided positions that can amount to the 40 percent of the monitored area. We studied the properties of VM as a noncooperative two-player game where the first player employs a number of verifiers to do VM computations and the second player controls a malicious node. The verifiers aim at securely localizing malicious nodes, while malicious nodes strive to masquerade as unknown and to pretend false positions. Thanks to game theory, the potentialities of VM are analyzed with the aim of improving the defender's strategy. We found that the best placement for verifiers is an equilateral triangle with edge equal to the power range R, and maximum deception in the undecided region is approximately 0.27R. Moreover, we characterized-in terms of the probability of choosing an unknown node to examine further-the strategies of the players

    Influencing ethical leadership and job satisfaction through work ethics culture

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    Abstract: There is a growing realisation that organisational resources such as organisational culture and ethical leadership, directly affect employee attitudes and workplace behaviour. This also applies to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where political and economic instability have resulted in mismanagement, corruption and unethical leadership practices. The present study investigated the mediating effects of work ethics culture in the relationship between ethical leadership and employees’ job satisfaction perceptions, in an attempt to explore the impact of perceived work ethics culture. Ethical leadership was measured by the Ethical Leadership Scale, while job satisfaction was measured by the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, and work ethics culture by the Corporate Ethical Virtues. The sample comprised of 839 employees from a railway organisation in the DRC. Mediation analysis and partial least squares SEM (PLS-SEM) were used to analyse the data. The results revealed that the work ethics culture emerged as mediator of ethical leadership and employees’ job satisfaction relationships. This research provides suggestions for human resources practitioners and leaders when developing strategies to foster and enforce a positive and ethical work environment, which may increase workers’ satisfaction and their performance, and decrease their turnover intention

    Situated Learning with Bebras Tasklets

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    A Bebras short task, a tasklet, is designed to provide a source for exploring a computational thinking concept: at the end of the contest it could be used as a starting point to delve deeper into a computing topic. In this paper we report an experience which aims at taking full advantage of the potential of Bebras tasklets. A math teacher asked her pupils to act as Bebras \u201ctrainers\u201d for younger mates. The pupils, in pairs, were assigned to design and prepare a tangible game inspired by a Bebras tasklet, devised for the younger pupils to practice. They also had to explain the game to the younger pupils, make them play and support them in solving it. In carrying out this assignment the pupils acting as trainers had to deeply explore the Bebras tasklet and face its computational thinking challenge, and also practiced soft skills as collaborating with peers towards a common goal, adapting language and communicative style to engage with younger mates, devising and designing a tangible object, and planning its creation. The experience proved that using Bebras tasklets as the social and cultural context for situated learning of computational thinking competencies is indeed quite productive

    ParIC : A Family of Parallel Incomplete Cholesky Preconditioners

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    A class of parallel incomplete factorization preconditionings for the solution of large linear systems is investigated. The approach may be regarded as a generalized domain decomposition method. Adjacent subdomains have to communicate during the setting up of the precon­ ditioner, and during the application of the preconditioner. Overlap is not necessary to achieve high performance. Fill­in levels are considered in a global way. If necessary, the technique may be implemented as a global re­ordering of the unknowns. Experimental results are reported for two­dimensional problems
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