8 research outputs found

    Prospecta Colombia 2019: Las organizaciones 4.0 : Una mirada desde el desarrollo sostenible

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    Memorias del evento Prospecta Colombia 2019&nbsp

    Prospecta Colombia 2018

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    El liderazgo es un aspecto fundamental para llegar a los mejores resultados en una organización, por tanto, se pretende demostrar que la aplicación del mismo en un proceso de planificación puede llevar a una institución de alta complejidad, por su carácter nacional e internacional, como la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, a ser una megauniversidad, líder en la modalidad abierta y a distancia, como un referente en el sector educativo, la cual, se ha enfocado en llevar educación de calidad, a través de la innovación y desarrollo tecnológico, a las regiones más apartadas del país disminuyendo la inequidad regional tan marcada en Colombia

    Memorias prospecta Colombia 2020

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    Documento que recopila las ponencias de prospecta 202

    Undergraduate physiotherapy students’ basic wheelchair provision knowledge: a pilot study in two universities in Colombia

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    Purpose: Access to an appropriate wheelchair is a human right. Only between 5–15% of people who need a wheelchair have access to one. One of the key barriers to access is the lack of appropriately trained rehabilitation professionals. The objective of this study was to evaluate basic manual wheelchair provision knowledge in final-year physiotherapy undergraduate students in two programs in Colombia. Materials and methods: Students took the International Society of Wheelchair Professionals Wheelchair Service Provision–Basic Test which was administered online and in Spanish. The minimum score to pass the test is 70%; it assesses seven domains: Assessment; Prescription; Products; Fitting; User training; Follow-up, maintenance, and repairs; and Process. Results and conclusions: One-hundred sixteen students took the test and no one passed the test. The highest median domain scores were in Assessment and Process while the lowest were in Fitting and Products. The limitations of this study include that this sample does not represent all physiotherapy programmes or students in Colombia, there may be potential errors in the Spanish translation of the outcome measure, and students encountered Internet connectivity issues during the test that may have impacted their scores. Immediate interventions are required to improve teaching and students’ learning outcomes related to basic manual wheelchair provision in these two programs. This study may serve as a foundation for future regional or national studies that assess the situation of wheelchair provision training in rehabilitation programs that will inform improvement actions. This manuscript is also available in Spanish as Supplemental Material.Implications for rehabilitation This study indicates that students’ current knowledge on basic appropriate manual wheelchair provision from two physiotherapy programs in Colombia is insufficient. Students’ knowledge does not align with the minimum guidelines recommended for wheelchair service provision by the World Health Organization. Objectively identifying the gap in knowledge in rehabilitation trainees (i.e., physiotherapy students) is a strategy to promote the inclusion of assistive technology related content in formal academic training. The need to include formal training of appropriate wheelchair provision persists and without this training, people with disabilities who require a wheelchair for mobility will continue to face barriers to full participation in society. © 2019, © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor and Francis Group

    Training physiotherapy students in basic wheelchair provision. Experiences at two universities in Colombia

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    Wheelchair provision training is essential to overcome barriers related to the lack of knowledge of health professionals on this topic. Appropriate knowledge of the service provision process may lead to higher quality service and products, and thus be more likely to help people with mobility impairments achieve the fundamental human right of personal mobility. This study aimed to describe a training intervention for two groups of future physiotherapists in Colombia, assess cohort differences in performance on a knowledge test, and explore their post-training perceptions. A quantitative retrospective study with a historical, descriptive-comparative design was conducted. 525 sixth-semester participants completed the International Society of Wheelchair Professionals Wheelchair Service Provision – Basic Test online in Spanish after curriculum modifications were implemented. The test assesses knowledge in seven domains: Assessment; Prescription; Products; Fitting; User training; Follow-up, maintenance, and repairs; and Process. The training intervention was successfully implemented with Physiotherapy students from two institutions, resulting in a 57% increase in test approval rates. Participants demonstrated increased knowledge, satisfaction with the course content, and application of learning to their current work. These results suggest implications for what pedagogical approach to employ, when curricular change may be warranted, and specific considerations for the Colombian context. Furthermore, identifying the minimal knowledge basis for undergraduate programs and facilitating its dissemination can support interprofessional education and enhance professionals’ capacity to support wheelchair provision services. Developing pedagogical materials and resources should address academic needs while also being adaptable to the healthcare system and cultural and economic resources.Establishing minimal knowledge bases for physiotherapists and facilitating their dissemination to support interprofessional education are crucial steps.Sharing pedagogical experiences that improve health workforce training promotes the quality of wheelchair service provision, benefiting the functional independence and well-being of people with disabilities.The use of international resources such as the ISWP test in the training of the health workforce contributes to the standardization of the training process regardless of the context. Developing pedagogical materials and resources should address academic needs while also being adaptable to the healthcare system and cultural and economic resources. Establishing minimal knowledge bases for physiotherapists and facilitating their dissemination to support interprofessional education are crucial steps. Sharing pedagogical experiences that improve health workforce training promotes the quality of wheelchair service provision, benefiting the functional independence and well-being of people with disabilities. The use of international resources such as the ISWP test in the training of the health workforce contributes to the standardization of the training process regardless of the context.</p

    Las organizaciones desde una mirada del desarollo sostenible

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    En el presente libro se articulan en dos líneas, a saber, las organizaciones desde la región y las organizaciones desde el emprendimiento y la gestión. En la primera se analizan diferentes temáticas que dejan ver el uso adecuado de la ciencia y la tecnología, reconociendo el rol de los sectores tanto público como privado y de la sociedad civil en el desarrollo, productividad y competitividad de las organizaciones, por lo que se tienen temáticas como normas internacionales, emprendimiento, tasa representativa del mercado, direccionamiento estratégico en el sector de obras civiles, precios internos y externos del tipo de cambio, que permitan comprender la dinámica contemporánea de las organizaciones, a partir de las experiencias de los diferentes actores que participan en escenarios inclusivos, con el propósito de evidenciar los elementos de competitividad y perdurabilidad que contribuyen a la internacionalización organizacional.La segunda línea trata de las organizaciones en la región, donde se muestran resultados de investigaciones, como las tendencias mundiales en el sector funerario, estrategias de innovación empresarial y responsabilidad social empresarial para Mipymes. Usos agroindustriales de la hoja de coca, factores de competitividad en la ganadería, en el sector metalmecánico, redes socio institucionales en el sector lácteo, imagen comercial de empresario, estrategia de encadenamiento, patios productivos, aplicación del modelo desing thinking, gestión del conocimiento en Mipymes industriales, ecosistema de emprendimiento, microempresas sostenibles, territorios de paz que dejan ver las nuevas tendencias y temáticas de creatividad e innovación para fortalecer la pedagogía, las competencias, las redes de emprendimiento a través de las herramientas, modelos y estructuras de los esquemas emprendedores, que permitan la continua evolución de los mercados emergentes y sus diferentes actores