54 research outputs found

    Immigration And The Labour Market In Castilla-La Mancha

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    In the last two decades it has growing the scientific interest in the socio-economic impacts of immigration on labour conditions of native workers. The studies show that these impacts are generally very weak and they are relatively concentrated in certain economic sectors. In the Spanish case, the studies concur with this assessment but found some differences when analyzing the increase occurred in the last ten years, due in part to the sectorial composition and the different initial share of immigrant workers. With this framework, the main aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of immigration on the employment in Castilla-La Mancha. Specifically, we study the general features of the incorporation of immigrant workers, their sectorial concentration and if there is a "replacement" effect over the native workers

    Comparative Study Of Platforms For E-Learning In The Higher Education

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    Castilla-La Mancha University has decided to implement two tools: WebCT and Moodle, Virtual Campus has emerged: www.campusvirtual.ulcm.es. This paper is dedicated to the analysis of said tool as a primary mode of e-learning expansion in the university environment. It can be used to carry out standard educational university activities in accordance with the guidelines set out by the new European Space for Higher Education. New needs continue to present themselves, not only with regard to the exchange of information and documents, but the complete and integrated management of teaching which is carried out using virtual environments and the Internet: e-learning

    Skill Development In Social Science Subjects: A Proposed Methodology

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    The university has to train students in skills which according to the demanding requirements of the job market and social environment are the basis of their competitiveness: specific skills or generic skills cutting across the different degrees. The convergence framework defined by the European Higher Education Area requires the incorporation of educational and psychology progress in skill development, because the teacher becomes a teaching facilitator instead of a transmitter of knowledge, where the students learn to learn and the lecturer teach how to learn; for this the teacher guides students' self-learning, using appropriate resources, working methods and monitoring. This paper examines the skills required of students on social science courses and shows the experience of how to develop, promote and evaluate these skills

    Structure Of Latent Factors In The Learning Of Statistics

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    Today, almost all curricula in the social sciences contain at least one course in statistics, given its importance as an analytical tool. This work identifies the latent factors relating to students’ motivation and attitudes toward statistics and tests their covariance structure. Specifically using a structural equations model, the work confirms that the evaluative factors affect the affective factors and the interest variable affects the level of anxiety. The findings obtained using the partial least squares method allow the authors to confirm the proposed relations and validate the model

    Environmental Impact And Business Management In Rural Tourism

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    The growth in rural tourism and the importance of the environment to its sustainability have given rise to a growing interest in analyzing the impact of tourist activity and in studying how the environmental resource fits into business management in the industry. But the economic characteristics of rural tourism businesses and the diversity and complexity of their environmental impacts have made it difficult for a generally accepted framework for such analyses to emerge. There is wider agreement on the key role played by entrepreneurs’ environmental awareness in the adoption of eco-friendly management practice. In this context, and within the Spanish region of Castilla-La Mancha, this paper undertakes a questionnaire-based study of the environmental awareness of entrepreneurs in rural tourism using the partial least squares (PLS) method to estimate its latent dimensions and the environmental impacts perceived

    Cultural Tourism, Using A Multicriteria Analysis: Spanish World Heritage Cities

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    The city tourism has become a subject of growing interest in tourism research, in a dynamic sector and with a particularly complex behaviour. In this scenario, the management of available information turns out to be difficult. Until now, specialized literature in tourism has been focused on general analysis, but down to a higher level of disaggregation (cities), presents a greater complexity. This paper aims to classify cities declared World Heritage by UNESCO on the basis of information available, by applying a multicriteria decision aid method: The Promethee

    The Evolution Of Disability Among Surveys In Spain

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    The definition of the word disability is controversial, due to his complexity and multidimensionality. The successive disability models and their empirical measurement in the diverse health national surveys vary greatly. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (World Health Organization, 2001), known as the ICF, sees disability as the outcome of interactions between the features of the individual and the physical, social, and attitudinal world. This approach has the dual advantage of stressing the social context in which individuals are enabled or excluded while not ruling out the roles of bodies and medicine. In this paper, we analyze the evolution of the measurement of disability among three health national surveys in Spain

    Micro-SME Characterization From Financial Statements

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    In recent years, small businesses have created interest and research, because they represent the majority of the business fabric and account for over seventy per cent of jobs in developed countries. Governments of these countries share a general interest in knowing about Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME). Based on this premise, the approach of this study is to characterize micro-SMEs in the province of Cuenca, Spain, by analysis of financial statements, specifically analyzing their structure in financial terms by use of univariate and multivariate statistical techniques allowing this kind of business in the province of Cuenca to be identified. The information used comes from the databases of SABI (Iberian Financial Statement Analysis Systems), DIRCE (Central Business Directory and CamerData, the database of the Chambers of Commerce. The statistical analysis is centered on a classic modal of exploratory factor analysis, and finally the main results arising from the study are presented

    Are Spanish Health Services Appropriate To The Needs Of People With Disabilities?

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    In recent decades, social policies have advanced greatly in developed countries, especially with regard to disabilities. This has led to greater resources for these social policies, especially those related to health care. However, people with disabilities have different needs, which are not always reflected in health service care. So, using data of the 2006 Spanish National Health Survey (ENSE 2006), this study focuses on this group of people and analyses the main causes for which they do not receive the health care required. It also examines their healthy behaviour habits, highlighting possible differences with the entire population. This information should be considered when providing health and social care services to people with disabilities

    Challenges For Tourism: A Changing Paradigm

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    The present environment is characterized for the uncertainty and crisis, and the existence of threats and dangers in the society and in the tourist sector for the survival of companies in the market. In addition, apart from changes in the economic situation, changes in demand occur in terms of new wants and needs, obliging suppliers to adapt to them in order to survive in times of a highly competitive environment and a difficult economic situation, when the key is not just attracting visitors, but also satisfying them in order to gain their loyalty. So the real threat is the lack of response to changing situations. The Spanish tourist sector is pressured by various threats such as the need to improve the competitiveness of destinations and products, make the industry more professional, encourage new forms of marketing and promotion, or change the sales model. Therefore, businesses must adapt to these changes and respond to them, strengthen the confidence of customers, who seek to obtain the optimum value for money. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the tourism activity in the town of Cuenca in the period 2005 to 2009, focusing the analysis on how supply changed to adapt to the requirements of demand. The aim being to evaluate their and correct errors, and design the actions of the future. That is to say, create an appropriate market strategy to promote the tourism product and ensure the idea of a consolidated tourist destination
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