461 research outputs found

    Spectral analyses of the dual polarization Doppler weather radar data.

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    Echoes in clear air from biological scatterers mixed within the resolution volumes over a large region are presented. These echoes were observed with the polarimetric prototype of the forthcoming WSR-88D weather radar. The study case occurred in the evening of September 7, 2004, at the beginning of the bird migrating season. Novel polarimetric spectral analyses are used for distinguishing signatures of birds and insects in multimodal spectra. These biological scatterers were present at the same time in the radar resolution volumes over a large area. Spectral techniques for (1) data censoring, (2) wind retrieval and (3) estimation of intrinsic values/functions of polarimetric variables for different types of scatterers are presented. The technique for data censoring in the frequency domain allows detection of weak signals. Censoring is performed on the level of spectral densities, allowing exposure of contributions to the spectrum from multiple types of scatterers. The spectral techniques for wind retrieval allow simultaneous estimation of wind from the data that are severely contaminated by migrating birds, and assessment of bird migration parameters. The intrinsic polarimetric signatures associated with the variety of scatterers can be evaluated using presented methodology. Algorithms for echo classification can be built on these. The possibilities of spectral processing using parametric estimation techniques are explored for resolving contributions to the Doppler spectrum from the three types of scatterers: passive wind tracers, actively flying insects and birds. A combination of parametric and non-parametric polarimetric spectral analyses is used to estimate the small bias introduced to the wind velocity by actively flying insects

    Нейролінгвістичне програмування і стратегічне текстотворення

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    Монахова Т. В. Нейролінгвістичне програмування і стратегічне текстотворення / Т. В. Монахова // Одеський лінгвістичний вісник : зб. наук. праць / [голов. ред. Н. В. Петлюченко] ; Нац. ун-т «Одес. юрид. акад.». – Вип. 3.- Спец. вип., присвячений 200-річчю від дня народження Т. Г. Шевченка. – Одеса : Гельветика, 2014. – С. 177-184.У статті розглянуто співвідношення народницької, модерністської та постмодер- ністської стратегій текстотворення з трьома типами репрезентативних систем: візуальною, аудіальною і кінестетичною. Висунуто гіпотезу про те, що концепція стратегічного текстотворення корелює з теорією нейролінгвістичного програ- мування на лексико-семантичному рівні, й цей зв'язок може бути виявлений шляхом аналізу сенсорновизначених слів

    Development of the person of the future engineer as the result of productive training

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    The article notes a worldwide decline in the productivity of engineering education. The requirements for the engineer put forward by the world leader in the field of production of aviation, space and military equipment, the corporation The Boeing Company are presented. It is proposed to implement the standards of the Global Initiative CDIOВ статье отмечается всемирное падение продуктивности инженерного образования. Приводятся требования к инженеру, выдвигаемые мировым лидером в области производства авиационной, космической и военной техники, корпорацией The Boeing Company. Предлагается реализовать стандарты Всемирной инициативы CDI

    Identification of Re-assessment Intervals to Support a Measurement Based Care (MBC) approach with the interRAI Community Mental Health (CMH) Assessment

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    Background: Mental health is a fundamental aspect of people’s health and is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Ineffectively treated mental health problems could result in a shorter life expectancy as a result of death by suicide or serious health problems. These could be improved with a proper treatment plan based on results from systematic assessments. Measuring quality of care is challenging worldwide and varies among organization due to the absence of standardize instruments and lack of ability to regularly collect data within the health care settings. The potential use of the interRAI Community Mental Health (CMH) assessment, as a measurement based care (MBC) instrument, generates data that help to adjust the care planning and resource allocation based on the identified changes in the client’s strengths, preferences, and need. However, further research is needed to identify the optimal re-assessment interval from the initial interRAI CMH assessment. Objective: This thesis investigated the relationship of time between initial assessment and re-assessment with rates of change in clients’ needs. Methods: This retrospective study used secondary data from interRAI CMH assessments completed on clients in Ontario, Canada between 2007 and 2020, which are stored on the interRAI Canada server at the University of Waterloo. A variety of statistical techniques were used to identify the shortest period of re-assessment time to see the meaningful rate of changes. Results: This study showed that DSI and PSS-Short scales are valid and reliable over time. The highest rate of change of 75.9% for the DSI was among clients who have been re-assessed within 3-6 months. On average, the rate of change for the DSI was 73.6. The most noticeable rate of change for the PSS-short scale was for clients who have been re-assessed after 6 months: 28.2% between 6-9 months, 25.9% between 9-12 months, and 27.6% after 12 months or more. On average, the rate of change for the PSS-short was 22.7%. The most noticeable rate of change of 14.8% for the traumatic life events CAP was for clients who have been re-assessed after 12 months or more. On average, the rate of change for the traumatic life events CAP was 10.9%. The best rate of improvement (46.7%) after the initial assessment were between 6-9 months and 9-12 months. The period of time when clients worsen their initial score to 20.0% was after 12 months from the initial assessment. Conclusion: Through a thorough analysis of the dataset, this study confirmed that existing re-assessment period of 6 month is appropriate. Understanding the benefits of MBC, specifically the interRAI instruments, in CMH settings makes decision makers to apply standardized measurement instruments to the service delivery to improve quality of care, healthcare outcome, to achieve clients’ goals at the end of the treatment, and to help clinicians to monitor clients’ treatment progress and address their changes appropriately by observing the symptoms on a regular basis

    Festivals as a sustainable development tool: Case study of Teriberka, Russia

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    Sustainable development refers to positive economic, social, and environment changes brought both locally and globally, creating a better world for individuals and future generations. Sustainable development in the Arctic shares the same approach, yet the smallness and remoteness of the Arctic regions often present a challenge to its implementation (Larsen & Huskey, 2015). I believe that the remarkable beauty, culture, history, and geography of these territories may generate positive returns for sustainable development through the organization of festivals. This paper examines the Teriberka festival taking place in a small same-name village in the Russian Arctic. The questions raised are what constitutes a sustainable Arctic festival, and whether or not the Teriberka festival can be considered one of them. By utilizing interviews with the primary and secondary festival stakeholders, this research aims to capture how the Teriberka festival contributes to the sustainable development of the village from the economic, social, and environmental perspective. It points out that the way each festival addresses these three aspects largely depends on the context, such as the history and background of the host community and festival initiation. In case of Teriberka, the socio-economic aspect of SD is predominant while the environmental one is addressed to a lesser extent. The study concludes that the changes are brought by the festival indirectly, through the tourism development and drawing attention of the government that starts to direct its efforts towards improving the infrastructure in the village

    Cholera Vibrio Virulence Strategy and Ways of its Realization (Scientific Review)

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    The basic ways of Vibrio cholerae virulence strategy realization through acquisition and expression of genes of various toxic substances are discussed. Considered are molecular mechanisms responsible for interaction between host organism and cholera vibrios, as well as for genetic information exchange, for accumulation and loss of determinants of factors, which are non-identical structurally but functionally similar. Based on the analysis of literature data and personal observations put forward is a conception of pathogenicity factor intersubstitutability allowing for restoration and maintenance of pathogenetic potential of severe diarrheal disease agents among the strains deprived of cholera toxin genes

    Formaldehyde in Alcoholic Beverages: Large Chemical Survey Using Purpald Screening Followed by Chromotropic Acid Spectrophotometry with Multivariate Curve Resolution

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    A strategy for analyzing formaldehyde in beer, wine, spirits, and unrecorded alcohol was developed, and 508 samples from worldwide origin were analyzed. In the first step, samples are qualitatively screened using a simple colorimetric test with the purpald reagent, which is extremely sensitive for formaldehyde (detection limit 0.1 mg/L). 210 samples (41%) gave a positive purpald reaction. In the second step, formaldehyde in positive samples is confirmed by quantitative spectrophotometry of the chromotropic acid-formaldehyde derivative combined with Multivariate Curve Resolution-Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS). Calculation of UV-VIS and 13C NMR spectra confirmed the monocationic dibenzoxanthylium structure as the product of the reaction and disproved the widely cited para,para-quinoidal structure. Method validation for the spectrophotometric procedure showed a detection limit of 0.09 mg/L and a precision of 4.2–8.2% CV. In total, 132 samples (26%) contained formaldehyde with an average of 0.27 mg/L (range 0–14.4 mg/L). The highest incidence occurred in tequila (83%), Asian spirits (59%), grape marc (54%), and brandy (50%). Our survey showed that only 9 samples (1.8%) had formaldehyde levels above the WHO IPCS tolerable concentration of 2.6 mg/L

    Physiological and biochemical responses of invasive species cenchrus pauciflorus benth to drought stress

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    The invasive plant Cenchrus pauciflorus Benth exhibits strong adaptability to stress, especially drought. When newly introduced certain plant species can become invasive and quickly spread in an area due to lack of competition, potentially disturbing the ecological balance and species diversity. C. pauciflorus has been known to cause huge economic losses to agriculture and animal husbandry. Thus, understanding the physiological responses of C. pauciflorus to drought stress could help explore the role of C. pauciflorus in population expansion in sandy land environments. In this study, we evaluated the response of C. pauciflorus to induced low, moderate, and severe drought stress conditions. Results showed a linear reduction in the fresh weight (FW), dry weight (DW), and relative water content (RWC) of the aboveground parts of C. pauciflorus following drought stress as compared to the control plants (no drought stress). Chemical analyses showed that the drought treatments significantly induced the production of proline, soluble proteins, soluble sugars, MDA, and free amino acids as compared to the control treatment (no drought stress). On the other hand, the starch content was significantly reduced in drought-treated plants. This was also accompanied by a significant linear increase in the antioxidant enzyme activities (SOD, POD, and CAT) in plants subjected to drought stress. On the basis of physiological and biochemical analyses, we propose that C. pauciflorus has evolved to survive harsh drought stress conditions of the desert via sophisticated biochemical adjustment and antioxidant reprograming that allows protection against damage caused by drought stress