78 research outputs found

    Roadmap for Open Science (Canada)

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    The objective of the Roadmap for Open Science is to provide overarching principles and recommendations to guide Open Science* activities in Canada. The recommendations are intended for science and research funded by federal government departments and agencies. The Roadmap for Open Science was developed in the context of the Directive on Open Government, the Model Policy on Scientific Integrity and the Data Strategy Roadmap for the Federal Public Service. It builds on the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications and the Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management. A federal approach to supporting Indigenous data strategies is outlined in the Data Strategy Roadmap for the Federal Public Service, Recommendation 8. For this reason, Indigenous knowledge and rights to self-determination are not explicitly covered in this roadmap and its recommendations. 1. PEOPLE: Open Science is a shared commitment between all stakeholders. The scientific community is integral to Open Science and needs to be meaningfully engaged at every stage of the process, including the design, implementation and evaluation of its effectiveness and impact. 2. TRANSPARENCY: Scientific research outputs are “Open by Design and by Default”; they are “FAIR”, i.e. Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. Withholding scientific research outputs requires a valid reason consistent with a framework (to be developed) on which scientific information will be kept private or confidential. 3. INCLUSIVENESS: In achieving Open Science, diverse and inclusive approaches are used, reflecting the breadth of perspectives across scientific communities and knowledge systems. 4. COLLABORATION: Open Science enables collaborations between and among intramural and extramural science communities, within Canada and globally. 5. SUSTAINABILITY: The practice of Open Science requires a sustainable approach with concrete steps forward and the commitment necessary to achieve the long-term vision

    Genetic Insights into Bicuspid Aortic Valve Formation

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    Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most common congenital heart defect, affecting 1-2% of the population. It is generally diagnosed late in adulthood when deterioration of the abnormal leaflet becomes clinically evident. BAV patients have an increased risk of developing serious complications, including stenosis, regurgitation, endocarditis, dilation of the aorta, aortic dissection, and aneurysm. BAV is a heritable trait, but the genetic basis underlying this cardiac malformation remains poorly understood. In the last decade, thanks to studies in animal models as well as genetic and biochemical approaches, a large number of genes that play important roles in heart development have been identified. These discoveries provided valuable insight into cardiac morphogenesis and uncovered congenital-heart-disease-causing genes. This paper will summarize the current knowledge of valve morphogenesis as well as our current understanding of the genetic pathways involved in BAV formation. The impact of these advances on human health including diagnosis of BAV and prevention of cardiovascular complications in individuals with BAV or with a family history of BAV is also discussed

    Transcription of Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Atria1 Natriuretic Peptide Genes in Human Tissues.

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    We have compared the expression of atria1 natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) genes in various human tissues using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction technique. Tissues of three human subjects, obtained at autopsy, were analyzed. BNP transcripts could be detected in the central nervous system, lung, thyroid, adrenal, kidney, spleen, small intestine, ovary, uterus, and striated muscle. ANP transcripts could also be demonstrated in various human extracardiac tissues including several endocrine organs. In all periphera1 tissues, the level of both natriuretic peptide transcripts was approximately l-2 orders of magnitude lower than in cardiac ventricular tissues. This distribution is in marked contrast to the much lower level of ANP and BNP transcripts present in extracardiac rat tissues (generally less than l/1000 of ventricles). These data suggest differential expression of the two natriuretic peptide genes in cardiac and extracardiac tissues in man. Furthermore, the presence of local synthesis of ANP and BNP in various peripheral organs su gests paracrine and/or autocrine function of these natriuretic peptides

    Transcription factor PEX1 modulates extracellular matrix turnover through regulation of MMP-9 expression

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    The phenylephrine-induced complex-1 (PEX1) transcription factor, also known as zinc-finger protein 260 (Zfp260), is an effector of endothelin-1 and alpha(1)-adrenergic signaling in cardiac hypertrophy. However, the role of PEX1 in transcriptional regulation of myocardial remodeling remains largely unknown. In the present study, we used PEX1 gain- and loss-of-function to examine the effects of PEX1 on left ventricular remodeling. Adenoviral constructs expressing PEX1, antisense PEX1, or LacZ were delivered by local injection into the anterior wall of the left ventricle in Sprague-Dawley rats. PEX1 overexpression led to induction of hypertrophic gene program and increased fibrosis. In agreement with this, the expression of genes involved in the fibrotic process, such as collagens I and III, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), fibronectin-1, transforming growth factor beta-1 and connective tissue growth factor, were significantly up-regulated following PEX1 overexpression, whereas silencing of PEX1 significantly inhibited the expression of pro-fibrotic genes and increased left ventricular ejection fraction and fractional shortening. In vitro luciferase reporter assays showed that PEX1 regulates the expression of MMP-9 by activating promoter. Furthermore, PEX1 gain- and loss-of-function experiments in rat neonatal cardiac fibroblasts and myocytes revealed that MMP-9 gene expression was affected by PEX1 predominantly in fibroblasts. Our results indicate that PEX1 is involved in regulating cardiac fibrosis and extracellular matrix turnover, particularly fibroblasts being responsible for the fibrosis-associated changes in gene expression. Furthermore, PEX1 activation of the MMP-9 promoter triggers the pro-fibrotic response directed by PEX1.Peer reviewe

    Dissociation of cardiogenic and postnatal myocardial activities of GATA4

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    Transcription factor GATA4 is a critical regulator of the embryonic and postnatal heart, but the mechanisms and cofactors required for its diverse functions are not fully understood. Here, we show that whereas the N-terminal domain of GATA4 is required for inducing cardiogenesis and for promoting postnatal cardiomyocyte survival, distinct residues and domains therein are necessary to mediate these effects. Cardiogenic activity of GATA4 requires a 24-amino-acid (aa) region (aa 129 to 152) which is needed for transcriptional synergy and physical interaction with BAF60c. The same region is not essential for induction of endoderm or blood cell markers by GATA4, suggesting that it acts as a cell-type-specific transcriptional activation domain. On the other hand, a serine residue at position 105, which is a known target for mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphorylation, is necessary for GATA4-dependent cardiac myocyte survival and hypertrophy but is entirely dispensable for GATA4-induced cardiogenesis. We find that S105 is differentially required for transcriptional synergy between GATA4 and serum response factor (SRF) but not other cardiac cofactors such as TBX5 and NKX2.5. The findings provide new insight into GATA4 mechanisms of action and suggest that distinct regulatory pathways regulate activities of GATA4 in embryonic development and postnatal hearts

    Cyclin D2 is a GATA4 cofactor in cardiogenesis

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    Cyclin D2 is a cell cycle regulator with spatially restricted expression. Loss and gain of function in animal models also revealed a role in cell differentiation, but the mechanisms underlying this are incompletely understood. The cardiogenic transcription factor GATA4 is an upstream regulator of cyclin D2. We show that GATA4 and cyclinD2 are part of a forward reinforcing loop in which cyclin D2 feeds back to enhance GATA4 activity through direct interaction. Mutations in GATA4 that abrogate cyclin D2 interactions are associated with human congenital heart disease. The results unravel a unique transcriptional role of cyclin D2 that may underlie its cell specificity. The finding that cyclin D2 is a cardiogenic GATA4 cofactor may be exploitable therapeutically for heart repair

    Nuclear Receptor-Like Structure and Interaction of Congenital Heart Disease-Associated Factors GATA4 and NKX2-5

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    Aims Transcription factor GATA4 is a dosage sensitive regulator of heart development and alterations in its level or activity lead to congenital heart disease (CHD). GATA4 has also been implicated in cardiac regeneration and repair. GATA4 action involves combinatorial interaction with other cofactors such as NKX2-5, another critical cardiac regulator whose mutations also cause CHD. Despite its critical importance to the heart and its evolutionary conservation across species, the structural basis of the GATA4-NKX2-5 interaction remains incompletely understood. Methods and Results A homology model was constructed and used to identify surface amino acids important for the interaction of GATA4 and NKX2-5. These residues were subjected to site-directed mutagenesis, and the mutant proteins were characterized for their ability to bind DNA and to physically and functionally interact with NKX2-5. The studies identify 5 highly conserved amino acids in the second zinc finger (N272, R283, Q274, K299) and its C-terminal extension (R319) that are critical for physical and functional interaction with the third alpha helix of NKX2-5 homeodomain. Integration of the experimental data with computational modeling suggests that the structural arrangement of the zinc finger-homeodomain resembles the architecture of the conserved DNA binding domain of nuclear receptors. Conclusions The results provide novel insight into the structural basis for protein-protein interactions between two important classes of transcription factors. The model proposed will help to elucidate the molecular basis for disease causing mutations in GATA4 and NKX2-5 and may be relevant to other members of the GATA and NK classes of transcription factors.Peer reviewe

    Endothelial Gata5 transcription factor regulates blood pressure

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    Despite its high prevalence and economic burden, the aetiology of human hypertension remains incompletely understood. Here we identify the transcription factor GATA5, as a new regulator of blood pressure (BP). GATA5 is expressed in microvascular endothelial cells and its genetic inactivation in mice (Gata5-null) leads to vascular endothelial dysfunction and hypertension. Endothelial-specific inactivation of Gata5 mimics the hypertensive phenotype of the Gata5-null mice, suggestive of an important role for GATA5 in endothelial homeostasis. Transcriptomic analysis of human microvascular endothelial cells with GATA5 knockdown reveals that GATA5 affects several genes and pathways critical for proper endothelial function, such as PKA and nitric oxide pathways. Consistent with a role in human hypertension, we report genetic association of variants at the GATA5 locus with hypertension traits in two large independent cohorts. Our results unveil an unsuspected link between GATA5 and a prominent human condition, and provide a new animal model for hypertension