537 research outputs found

    The Impact of an Instructional Program on Students' Proficiency of English Vocational Terms

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    The present study aimed at investigating the effect of an instructional program on vocational educational students' proficiency of vocational educational terms in English. The study sample consisted of 60 male and female students from Al-Balqa'a Applied University, Jordan. Moreover, the study investigated the effect the students' gender and secondary school stream on their performance after receiving the vocational instructional program. Findings revealed that the instructional program had a positive effect on students' achievement and awareness of the vocational terms in English and both their gender and secondary school stream influenced their achievement, since female students did better than male students, and students from the academic stream were better than their counterparts from the vocational stream. Keywords: English, Vocational Education, EFL, Gender, Jordan

    Effectiveness of Counseling Program Based on Satir Theory to Reduce Psychological Stress among Married Syrian Refugee Women

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    The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of implementing a counseling program based on the Satir theory to reduce psychological stress among married Syrian refugee  women. A quasi-experimental research design was utilized and 30 Syrian refugee women who visited the International Islamic Organization for International Relief, were recruited from Al Mafrag Governorate. For this research, a survey and a psychological program based on Satir's theory were applied.  The results of the study showed a statistically significant difference in the level of psychological stressors among participants in favor of the experimental group. Moreover, there was a statistically significant difference in the follow-up over time measurement in favor of the experimental group. The study recommends that  more studies are conducted using a similar program but with different variables

    The Relationship Between Perfectionism and Goal Orientation Among Gifted Students in the King Abdullah II School of Excellence

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    This study aimed to find out the relationship between Perfectionism and Goal Orientation among Gifted Students in the King Abdullah II School of Excellence. It also aimed at finding out if the relationship between Perfectionism and Goal Orientation is different according to the level of education and gender. To achieve the objectives of the study, Perfectionism and Goal Orientation scales were developed by the researchers. The sample of the study consisted of 184 students at seventh and eighth grades in the King Abdullah II School of Excellence. They were randomly stratified selected from the students population. The results of the study indicated that the level of Perfectionism among the gifted students was high, and the study showed that the level of the types of goal orientation was high, specifically Mastery goal oriented. The results also indicated there was no statistically significant difference at the significance level (α=0.05) in the strength of the correlation between Perfectionism and the types of goal orientation due to the level of education. The results also indicated there was no statistically significant difference at the significance level (α=0.05) in the strength of the correlation between Perfectionism and the types of Goal Orientation due to gender

    Fast flux botnet detection framework using adaptive dynamic evolving spiking neural network algorithm

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    A botnet, a set of compromised machines controlled distantly by an attacker, is the basis of numerous security threats around the world. Command and Control servers are the backbones of botnet communications, where the bots and botmasters send report and attack orders to each other. Botnets are also categorized according to their C&C protocols. A Domain Name System method known as Fast-Flux Service Network (FFSN) – a special type of botnet – has been engaged by bot herders to cover malicious botnet activities and increase the lifetime of malicious servers by quickly changing the IP addresses of the domain name over time. Although several methods have been suggested for detecting FFSNs, they have low detection accuracy especially with zero-day domain. In this research, we propose a new system called Fast Flux Killer System (FFKS) that has the ability to detect FF-Domains in online mode with an implementation constructed on Adaptive Dynamic evolving Spiking Neural Network (ADeSNN). The proposed system proved its ability to detect FF domains in online mode with high detection accuracy (98.77%) compare with other algorithms, with low false positive and negative rates respectively. It is also proved a high level of performance. Additionally, the proposed adaptation of the algorithm enhanced and helped in the parameters customization process

    Local Power For Combining Independent Tests in The Presence of Nuisance Parameters For The Logistic Distribution

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    Four combination methods of independent tests for testing a simple hypothesis versus one-sided alternative are considered viz. Fisher, the logistic, the sum of P-values and the inverse normal method in case of logistic distribution. These methods are compared via local power in the presence of nuisance parameters for some values of α using simple random sample

    Secondary stressors among Syrian refugees in Jordan

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    هدفت الدراسة إلى الكشف عن مستوى الضغوط الثانوية لدى اللاجئين السوريين في الأردن، في ضوء المتغيرات الآتية: (الجنس، العمر، عدد سنوات الإقامة في الأردن، مكان السكن)، وتم اتباع المنهج الوصفي الارتباطي. تكونت عينة الدراسة من (1095) لاجئاً ولاجئةً، اختيروا بالطريقة المتيسرة. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن مستوى الضغوط الثانوية لدى أفراد العينة جاء ضمن المستوى المتوسط. كما أظهرت نتائج الدراسة وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية على مقياس الضغوط الثانوية تعزى إلى متغيرات: (الجنس، والعمر، وعدد سنوات الإقامة في الأردن، ومكان السكن، والحالة الاجتماعية)، بينما أظهرت النتائج عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية تعزى إلى متغير (المستوى التعليمي).The study aimed to reveal the secondary stressors, among Syrian refugees in Jordan. To achieve the study objectives, the researchers build up the secondary stressors scale. The study sample consisted of (1095) male and female refugees, they were chosen based on the convenience sample. The study results showed the level of secondary stressors among the sample individuals was moderate. The results indicated that there were statistically significant differences on the secondary stressors scale attributed to variables (gender, age, number of years of residence in Jordan, place of residence, social status), and there were no statistically significant differences attributed to the variable (educational level)

    Granulomatous Hepatitis Secondary to Histoplasmosis in an Immunocompetent Patient

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    Histoplasma capsulatum is the most common endemic mycosis in the United States and usually occurs in certain geographic areas, such as the Mississippi or Ohio River valleys. Histoplasmosis usually causes a mild disease in the immunocompetent but can progress to disseminated disease in patients with impaired immunity. Granulomatous hepatitis as a manifestation of disseminated histoplasmosis in immunocompetent patients is extremely rare. We report the case of a 62-year-old immunocompetent gentleman with a history of histoplasmosis who presented with abdominal pain, elevated liver enzymes, who was diagnosed with granulomatous hepatitis secondary to histoplasmosis

    Seeking care behavior of men with sexual dysfunction in Jordan: patients’ perspective

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    BACKGROUND: Sexual health problems are common among different health conditions such as cancer, diabetes mellitus and heart diseases. Little has been published on why and what factors behind hesitance to seek help and hiding the problem. METHODS: The study explored the extent to which men suffering from sexual dysfunction are willing to discuss their sexual concerns and care needs with nurses. A qualitative exploratory approach was used to explore men’s perspectives on nurses’ role in providing men’s sexual healthcare in Jordan. Data were collected through semi-structural interviews from 16 men with sexual health problems secondary to chronic health conditions. RESULTS: Four themes were derived from the data; men’s perceptions about sexual healthcare, ability of men to seek help from nurses, barriers to seeking help, and desired sources for help. Men reported that they would not seek help from nurses; they preferred using other sources, including internet, friends and other men with similar experiences. CONCLUSIONS and discussion: closed social and family structure limited men’s willingness to seek help for their sexual problems in Jordan leaving them untreated, which might then threaten their general health and wellbeing. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Nursing is a profession that deals with human as a whole and the sexual health care was not part of nurses’ daily care for men. Therefore, this study added a view to nurses and health care professionals to consider sexual health care as part of their sexual health care for men. This might be through developing a multidisciplinary service for men. KEY WORDS: Sexual healthcare, Men’s health, Nurses, Jordan