10,310 research outputs found

    Electron Scattering in AlGaN/GaN Structures

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    We present data on mobility lifetime, τt\tau_t, quantum lifetime, τq\tau_q, and cyclotron resonance lifetime, τCR\tau_{CR}, of a sequence of high-mobility two-dimensional electron gases in the AlGaN/GaN system, covering a density range of 14.5×1012\sim1-4.5\times10^{12}cm2^{-2}. We observe a large discrepancy between τq\tau_q and τCR\tau_{CR} (τqτCR\tau_q\sim\tau_{CR}/6) and explain it as the result of density fluctuations of only a few percent. Therefore, only τCR\tau_{CR} --and not τq\tau_q -- is a reliable measure of the time between electron scattering events in these specimens. The ratio τt/τCR\tau_t / \tau_{CR} increases with increasing density in this series of samples, but scattering over this density range remains predominantly in the large-angle scattering regime

    Jet-like correlations between Forward- and Mid- rapidity in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions from STAR at 200 GeV

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    In this proceedings we present STAR measurements of two particle azimuthal correlations between trigger particles at mid-rapidity (η<|\eta|< 1) and associated particles at forward rapidities (2.7 <η<<|\eta|< 3.9) in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV. Two particle azimuthal correlations between a mid-rapidity trigger particle and forward-rapidity associated particles preferably probe large-x quarks scattered off small-x gluons in RHIC collisions. Comparison of the separate d- and Au-side measurements in d+Au collisions may potentially probe gluon saturation and the presence of Color Glass Condensate. In Au+Au collisions quark energy loss can be probed at large rapidities, which may be different from gluon energy loss measured at mid-rapidity.Comment: Quark Matter 06 Conference proceedings, submitted to Journal of Phys.

    Selection of intense rainfall events based on intensity thresholds and lightning data in Switzerland

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    This paper presents a method to identify intense warm season storms with convective character based on intensity thresholds and the presence of lightning, and analyzes their statistical properties. Long records of precipitation and lightning data at 4 stations and 10 min resolution in different climatological regions in Switzerland are used. Our premise is that thunderstorms associated with lightning generate bursts of high rainfall intensity. We divided all recorded storms into those accompanied by lightning and those without lightning and found the threshold <i>I</i><sup>*</sup> that separates intense events based on peak 10 min intensity <i>I</i><sub>p</sub> &ge; <i>I</i><sup>*</sup> for a chosen misclassification rate α. The performance and robustness of the selection method was tested by investigating the inter-annual variability of <i>I</i><sup>*</sup> and its relation to the frequency of lightning strikes. The probability distributions of the main storm properties (rainfall depth <i>R</i>, event duration <i>D</i>, average storm intensity <i>I</i><sub>a</sub> and peak 10 min intensity <i>I</i><sub>p</sub>) for the intense storm subsets show that the event average and peak intensities are significantly different between the stations. Non-parametric correlations between the main storm properties were estimated for intense storms and all storms including stratiform rain. The differences in the correlations between storm subsets are greater than those between stations, which indicates that care must be exercised not to mix events of different origin when they are sampled for multivariate analysis, for example, copula fitting to rainfall data

    Consumer Purchasing Behaviors and Attitudes toward Shopping at Public Markets

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    This paper identifies and empirically evaluates factors that explain the variations in consumers’ attitudes toward shopping at farmers markets in general and public markets in particular. The analysis draws on data from a telephone survey conducted in Jefferson County, Alabama. Logit model results point to several factors that seem to be strongly correlated with consumer purchasing behaviors and attitudes toward shopping at public markets, including income, education, age of household head, household size, and price and quality of produce. The insights gained from the study should help farmers increase the profitability of their operations and improve the likelihood that they will continue farming.Consumer/Household Economics,

    Non-parabolicity of the conduction band of wurtzite GaN

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    Using cyclotron resonance, we measure the effective mass, mm*, of electrons in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with densities, n2D16×1012n_{2D}\sim 1-6\times10^{12}cm2^{-2}. From our extensive data, we extrapolate a band edge mass of (0.208±0.002)me(0.208\pm0.002) m_e. By comparing our mm* data with the results of a multi-band \textbf{k.p} calculation we infer that the effect of remote bands is essential in explaining the observed conduction band non-parabolicity (NP). Our calculation of polaron mass corrections -- including finite width and screening - suggests those to be negligible. It implies that the behavior of m(n2D)m*(n_{2D}) can be understood solely in terms of NP. Finally, using our NP and polaron corrections, we are able to reduce the large scatter in the published band edge mass values

    Acoustic phonon scattering in a low density, high mobility AlGaN/GaN field effect transistor

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    We report on the temperature dependence of the mobility, μ\mu, of the two-dimensional electron gas in a variable density AlGaN/GaN field effect transistor, with carrier densities ranging from 0.4×1012\times10^{12} cm2^{-2} to 3.0×1012\times10^{12} cm2^{-2} and a peak mobility of 80,000 cm2^{2}/Vs. Between 20 K and 50 K we observe a linear dependence μac1=α\mu_{ac}^{-1} = \alphaT indicating that acoustic phonon scattering dominates the temperature dependence of the mobility, with α\alpha being a monotonically increasing function of decreasing 2D electron density. This behavior is contrary to predictions of scattering in a degenerate electron gas, but consistent with calculations which account for thermal broadening and the temperature dependence of the electron screening. Our data imply a deformation potential D = 12-15 eV.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX. Submitted to Appl Phys Let

    Frequency analysis of the first-overtone RR Lyrae stars based on the Extended Aperture Photometry from the K2 data

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    Additional low-amplitude signals are observed in many RR Lyrae stars, beside the pulsations in radial modes. The most common ones are short-period signals forming a period ratio of around 0.60--0.65 with the first overtone, or long-period signals forming a period ratio of around 0.68. The RR Lyrae stars may also exhibit quasi-periodic modulation of the light curves, known as the Blazhko effect. We used the extensive sample of the first-overtone RR Lyrae stars observed by the Kepler telescope during the K2 mission to search for and characterize these low-amplitude additional signals. K2 data provides space-based photometry for a statistically significant sample. Hence this data is excellent to study in detail pulsation properties of RR Lyrae stars. We used K2 space-based photometry for RR Lyrae candidates from Campaigns 0-19. We selected RR Lyrae stars pulsating in the first overtone and performed a frequency analysis for each star to characterize their frequency contents. We classified 452 stars as first-overtone RR Lyrae. From that sample, we selected 281 RR0.61_{0.61} stars, 67 RR0.68_{0.68} stars, and 68 Blazhko stars. We found particularly interesting stars which show all of the above phenomena simultaneously. We detected signals in RR0.61_{0.61} stars that form period ratios lower than observed for the majority of stars. These signals likely form a new sequence in the Petersen diagram, around a period ratio of 0.60. In 32 stars we detected additional signals that form a period ratio close to that expected in RRd stars, but the classification of these stars as RRd is uncertain. We also report a discovery of additional signals in eight stars that form a new group in the Petersen diagram around the period ratio of 0.465-0.490. The nature of this periodicity remains unknown.Comment: 29 pages, 29 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in A&A, full tables are available upon request before publicatio

    STAR Results on High Transverse Momentum, Heavy Flavor and Electromagnetic Probes

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    We summarize here recent results from the STAR collaboration focusing on processes involving large momentum transfers. Measurements of angular correlations of di-hadrons are explored in both the pseudorapidity (eta) and azimuthal (phi) projections. In central Au+Au, an elongated structure is found in the eta projection which persists up to the highest measured pT. After quantifying the particle yield in this structure and subtracting it from the near-side yield, we observe that the remainder exhibits a behavior strikingly similar to that of the near-side yield in d+Au. For heavy flavor production, using electron-hadron correlations in p+p collisions, we obtain an estimate of the b-quark contribution to the non-photonic electrons in the pT region 3-6 GeV/c, and find it consistent with FONLL calculations. Together with the observed suppression of non-photonic electrons in Au+Au, this strongly suggests suppression of b-quark production in Au+Au collisions. We discuss results on the mid-rapidity Upsilon cross-section in p+p collisions. Finally, we present a proof-of-principle measurement of photon-hadron correlations in p+p collisions, paving the way for the tomographic study of the matter produced in central Au+Au via gamma-jet measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of "Quark Matter 2006", 19th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collision

    R&D results on a CsI-TTGEM based photodetector

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    The very high momentum particle identification detector proposed for the ALICE upgrade is a focusing RICH using a C4F10 gaseous radiator. For the detection of Cherenkov photons, one of the options currently under investigation is to use a CsI coated Triple-Thick-GEM (CsI-TTGEM) with metallic or resistive electrodes. We will present results from the laboratory studies as well as preliminary results of beam tests of a RICH detector prototype consisting of a CaF2 radiator coupled to a 10x10 cm2 CsI-TTGEM equipped with a pad readout and GASSIPLEX-based front-end electronics. With such a prototype the detection of Cherenkov photons simultaneously with minimum ionizing particles has been achieved for the first time in a stable operation mode