8 research outputs found

    Nicht ohne Grund erfolgreich

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    Operating map - tool for plating functional layers

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    The increasing demand for special functional layers and layer systems requires reliable electroplating process control. The use of operating maps is demonstrated covering all aspects of the layer formation starting from nucleation, crystal growth and structure as a function of electrochemical kinetics as well as hydrodynamics and mass transport. In particular, the influence of pulse plating of Zn as an example is demonstrated. Finally, techniques to characterise the deposits such as X-ray fluorescence (layer thickness and distribution), X-ray diffraction (texture and grain size) as well as methods to evaluate hardness, Young's modulus and ductility are applied. The data are used to produce the operating map via a system of neural networks so that the effect of changing electrochemical deposition parameters and resultant deposit characteristics can be determined. This methodology has the advantage of short access time and high reliability

    Automatisierung im Bergbau/Sensorik. Autonomes eigensicheres Bildverarbeitungssystem Schlussbericht

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    The research project was aimed at the conception and development of an intrinsically safe image processing system for applications in underground areas with high explosion hazards. The system is to run with different softwares for different applications and will be fully autonomous in detecting situations and triggering reactions without human control. Operation of the sensor system must be in accordance with underground mining conditions, i.e. adjustment and repair must be simple, and the system must be able to cope with the high dust concentrations in undergrund mines. Among the applications will be monitoring of places of work and identification of codings. Grey image transfer will be possible via narrow-band telephone lines. For the purpose of underground monitoring of conveyor belts and chutes, the necessary software will be developed, and in-situ tests will be made. In case of disturbances, the system must be able to shut off the conveying system automatically in order to prevent secondary damage. Further, data of the conveyed volume and the degree of utilisation of the conveyor system capacity will be recorded and passed on to the control room. (orig.)Das Ziel dieses Forschungsvorhabens ist die Konzeption und die Entwicklung eines eigensicheren Bildverarbeitungssystems, das fuer unterschiedliche Aufgabenstellungen im schlagwettergefaehrdeten Steinkohlebergbau eingesetzt werden kann. Der geraetetechnische Aufbau soll so beschaffen sein, dass es mit unterschiedlicher Betriebssoftware an verschiedene Aufgabenstellungen angepasst werden kann. Das System soll autonom arbeiten. Es soll ohne eine menschliche Kontrolle Situationen erkennen und Reaktionen ausloesen. Die Bedienung des Sensorsystems muss den spezifischen Gegebenheiten des Bergbaus gerecht werden. So muessen sich alle Einstell- und Reparaturarbeiten besonders einfach durchfuehren lassen. Die grosse Staubentwicklung unter Tage ist in besonderer Weise zu beruecksichtigen. Es soll sich fuer Aufgabenstellungen wie die Ueberwachung von Arbeitsraeumen, Erkennung von Codierungen einsetzen lassen. Die Uebertragung von Graubildaufnahmen soll ueber schmalbandige Telefonleitungen moeglich werden. Fuer die Aufgabenstellung, Foerderbaender und Schurren unter Tage zu ueberwachen, soll beispielhaft die erforderliche Betriebssoftware erstellt und das System erprobt werden. Bei einer erkannten Stoerung soll das System die Faehigkeit besitzen, die Foerderanlage selbsttaetig abzuschalten, um Folgeschaeden zu vermeiden. Des weiteren sollen Betriebsdaten ueber die gefoerderten Mengen und den Auslastungsgrad der Anlage erfasst und an die Warte gemeldet werden. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F95B1322+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    AnSim, Anwendungsorientierte Simulation zur Planung und Produktion maßgeschneiderter, elektrolytisch erzeugter Oberflächen: Schlussbericht. Projektlaufzeit: 01.07.2007 - 31.12.2010

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    Within the BMBF-supported project "Application-oriented Simulation for planning and production of customized, electrolytic generated surfaces (german AnSim: Anwendungsorientierten Simulation zur Planung und Produktion maßgeschneiderter, elektrolytisch erzeugter Oberflächen)" a methodology was developed to continuously describe the highly complex interrelationships between the composition of an electrolyte and the process parameters for deposition and performance of the plating. The analyses were exemplified for the deposition of zinc and zinc alloys. Neuronal networks will be injected with individual, discrete experimental results. Those are cross-linked, according to the functional chain of composition, process, deposition and performance. Based on the systematically survey of the injected networks characteristic maps will be established continuously. These characteristic maps allow a determination of optimal work environments. The analysis of such characteristic maps supports the planning of new compositions and determination of process parameters. This methodology of characteristic maps allows an excellent connection with simulation processes, with which the hydrodynamic and electrical boundary conditions on a workpiece in a plating cell are calculated for numerous finite elements. The information stored in the characteristic maps allows access without delays for computing. The short time required for computing enables reengineering as weil, for which a given function of layers the necessary recipes and process parameters are being searched for. The use of neuronal networks provides the possibility to enhance the model behaviour with subsequently gathered results. In addition to the trials virtual experiments can be executed in order to design characteristic maps. Virtual experiments rely on verified physical laws. In the proposed project was demonstrated by means of individual experiments how to structure phenomenological models. The participants in this project intent to transfer this methodology to related applications of electroplating processes. One major emphasis will be the pulse deposition