832 research outputs found

    Energy-Based Interference Analysis of Heterogeneous Packet Radio Networks

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    156 Adaptive metabolic changes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa during cystic fibrosis lung infection

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    Diagnose foliar da soja em sistema plantio direto utilizando técnicas de agricultura de precisão em Carambeí, PR.

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    A diagnose foliar foi desenvolvida para fornecer informações sobre o estado nutricional das plantas e servir de orientação para o manejo de nutrientes visando produtividades ótimas. As outras aplicações incluem também, a estimativa regional do estado nutricional. No entanto pouco se sabe ainda sobre a variação espacial do estado nutricional, particularmente no sistema de plantio direto. Em uma lavoura de soja, cultivada no sistema de plantio direto na região Sul do Brasil, avaliou-se a variabilidade espacial dos teores de nutrientes e o estado nutricional, para identificar as limitações à produção da cultura. Amostras de solo e folhas georeferenciadas foram coletadas em um talhão de 13 ha, em grades de amostragem de 40 por 40 m, e em grades menores de 20 por 20 m, 10 por 10 m, e 5 por 5 m. Os teores foliares de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo e Zn foram determinados. Foram utilizados e discutidos dois procedimentos para avaliação do estado nutricional: as faixas de suficiência e os índices DRIS. Avaliouse a produção de grãos na época da colheita. Ajustou-se semivariogramas para todos os teores de nutrientes nas folhas. Os alcances dos semivariogramas indicaram que a grade amostragem de 20 por 20 m foi a mais adequada para representar a variabilidade espacial dos teores de nutrientes nas folhas de soja. Os métodos de avaliação do estado nutricional foram complementares e indicaram que o potássio foi o nutriente mais limitantes à produção de soja. São apresentados os mapas krigados dos teores de macro e micronutrientes e dos índices DRIS.bitstream/CNPS/11594/1/bpd23_2003_diagnose_foliar.pd

    Оценка неравномерности упругих свойств листов из закрытоячеистых пенополиолефинов акустическим методом

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    The widespread use of polyolefin foams in strategically important industries is due to their high thermal, sound and vibration insulation properties. The aim of the work was to evaluate the non-uniformity of elastic properties over the area of sheets of polyolefin foams of various types using the acoustic non-contact shadow amplitude method of testing and confirmation by the structural analysis method.The article presents the developed installation and a new method of non-contact acoustic testing of sheets made of closed-cell polyolefin foams based on recording the amplitude of the pulse that passed through the sheet and allowing to assess to the unevenness of its elastic properties during scanning. Studies of uneven elastic properties were carried out on sheets of closed-cell polyolefin foams of the ISOLON 500 and ISOLON 300 brands which differ in material and manufacturing technology (technique of cross-linking, method and multiplicity of foaming).It is shown that the absolute amplitude of the signal and its spread relative to the average value is affected by the structure of the foam polyolefin material and its heterogeneity over the area of the studied sheet determined by the production technology which is confirmed visually using microscopy.Studies have shown the effect on the indications unevenness of the method of obtaining and the apparent density of the material. It is shown that the most uneven elastic properties and structure belong to sheets of polyolefin foam obtained by chemical cross-linking technology (the unevenness of Δ was 6.5 %). Among the physically cross-linked sheets of polyolefin foam the most uniform in structure and elastic properties are samples made of ethylene vinyl acetate with Δ = 3.8 %, as well as sheets with a high foaming rate (Δ = 3.9 %). The unevenness of structure of the studied sheets of polyolefin foams was confirmed by optical microscopy of sections in two mutually perpendicular directions.Широкое использование пенополиолефинов в стратегически важных отраслях промышленности обусловлено их высокими тепло-, звуко- и виброизоляционными свойствами. Целью работы являлась оценка неравномерности упругих свойств по площади листов пенополиолефинов различных типов с использованием акустического бесконтактного теневого амплитудного метода контроля и подтверждением методом структурного анализа.Разработаны установка и новая методика бесконтактного акустического контроля листов из закрытоячеистых пенополиолефинов, основанная на регистрации амплитуды импульса, прошедшего сквозь лист, и позволяющая оценить неравномерность его упругих свойств в процессе сканирования. Исследования неравномерности упругих свойств проведены на листах из закрытоячеистых пенополиолефинов марки ISOLON 500 и ISOLON 300, различающиеся материалом и технологией изготовления (способ сшивки, метод и кратность вспенивания).Показано, что на абсолютную амплитуду сигнала и её разброс относительно среднего значения влияет структура материала пенополиолефина и её неоднородность по площади исследуемого листа, определяемая технологией производства, что подтверждено визуально с использованием микроскопии. Исследования показали влияние на неравномерность показаний способа получения и кажущейся плотности материала. Показано, что наиболее неравномерные упругие свойства и структуру имеют листы из пенополиолефинов, полученных по технологии химической сшивки (неравномерность Δ составила 6,5 %). Из физически сшитых листов пенополиолефинов наиболее равномерными по структуре и упругим свойствам являются образцы, изготовленные из этиленвинилацетата с Δ = 3,8 %, а также листы с высокой кратностью вспенивания (Δ = 3,9 %). Неравномерность структуры исследованных листов пенополиолефинов подтверждена оптической микроскопией срезов в двух взаимно перпендикулярных направлениях

    Knowledge and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination among undergraduate students from central and southern Italy

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    At the end of 2020, the Italian Ministry of Health launched a national vaccination campaign to counteract the COVID-19 pandemic. The present study aimed at appraising levels of knowledge about and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination in a sample of Italian undergraduates during the first phase of the immunization plan. A web-based questionnaire was administered to students attending universities in Bari, Naples, and Rome during the period February–April 2021. Of the total of 3226 participants, 91.9% were keen to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. More than 80% gave correct answers to questions about COVID-19 vaccine administration, functioning, and effects on community health. However, only 63.8% identified the correct composition of the available vaccines. Knowledge was found to be related to sociodemographic features and COVID-19 vaccination acceptance (p < 0.05). COVID-19 vaccination acceptance was found to be related to having a previous vaccination against influenza (OR 3.806, CI 95% 1.181–12.267; p = 0.025) and knowledge (OR 4.759, CI 95% 2.106– 10.753; p = 0.000). These results show a good level of awareness about COVID-19 vaccination in this population, which may indicate the effectiveness of communication strategies accompanying the COVID-19 immunization campaign in Italy