5 research outputs found

    Use of entropy in the analysis of nominal traits in sheep

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    In the analysis of dependencies between nominal traits entropy and its function, mutual information seems to be a proper descriptive statistic. This is shown by characterizing the relationships between the prolificacy of dams and selected genetic attributes: the genotype of transferrin, the genotype of hemoglobin, and the type of birth, as well as the environmental attribute, i.e., year of birth. The entropy method may improve the exactitude of investigations concerning the influence of different factors on production trait. The index of relative uniformity, introduced in this study, proved to be an adequate tool for the determination of similarity in the examined flocks. The application of mutual information in the determination of values of the dependence measures in the analyzed experiment was justified

    Metodologija dizajniranja novih spojeva za namještaj

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    Techniques for self-assembly and disassembly of furniture are predominant mainly in the group of cabinet furniture. The lack of new constructions of furniture joints affects the market development of skeletal furniture intended for self-assembly. These connections should have the following characteristics: be easy to assemble and disassemble, have a minimum number of components, meet aesthetic requirements and be externally invisible. The aim of the study was to develop a methodology for formulating the assumptions for designing a new connection of skeletal furniture. At the outset, the distinguished joint features were presented. Then, assessment criteria were formulated for each feature, with adequate numerical values. On this basis, specific joints and fittings for skeletal furniture were collected and divided into 84 groups. The prepared numerical values were used as the data for statistical analysis. In the first step of the analysis, relationships were characterized between the studied features using the Spearmans rank correlation. On the basis of statistical analysis, the correctness of the obtained classifi cation was confirmed. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the cluster and Spearmans correlation coefficient values, there was no reason to highlight any qualities as a component of project assumptions. Cluster analysis pointed to differences between groups, as well as groups having similar features. Against this background, a clear design assumption was built.U skupini korpusnog namještaja uglavnom prevladavaju tehnička rješenja za samostalnu montažu i demontažu namještaja. Nedostatak novih konstrukcijskih spojeva za namještaj utječe na razvoj tržišta korpusnog namještaja namijenjenoga samostalnoj montaži. Konstrukcijski spojevi korpusnog namještaja trebali bi se moći lako sastaviti i rastaviti, imati minimalan broj komponenata, zadovoljiti estetske uvjete i biti izvana nevidljivi. Cilj istraživanja bio je razviti metodologiju za formuliranje pretpostavki za projektiranje novoga konstrukcijskog spoja za korpusni namještaj. Na početku rada prikazana su istaknuta obilježja pojedinih spojeva. Potom su za svako obilježje formulirani kriteriji vrednovanja, kojima su dodijeljene brojčane vrijednosti. Prikupljeni su i u 84 skupine grupirani različiti spojevi i elementi za spajanje korpusnog namještaja. Tako pripremljene numeričke vrijednosti uvrštene su kao podaci u statističke analize. U prvom koraku analize primjenom Spearmanove korelacije ranga određeni su odnosi između istraživanih obilježja. Na temelju statističke analize potvrđena je ispravnost dobivene klasifikacije. Na temelju klasterske analize obilježja i Spermanova koeficijenta korelacije pokazalo se da nema razloga za naglašavanje bilo kojeg obilježja kao sastavnog dijela projektne pretpostavke. Klasterska analiza označuje različitosti među skupinama, ali i povezuje skupine koje imaju zajednička obilježja. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata formulirane su jasne pretpostavke za dizajn novih spojeva korpusnog namještaja

    Synergy factors in the analysis of lamb survival

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    Survival is one of the most important traits in genetic improvement programmes in livestock. The objective of this study is to determine sex, inbreeding, and birth type effects as well as their interactions on birth survival in lambs of two breeds. Records of 6356 Polish Merino (PM) breed and 9143 Wielkopolska sheep (WS) were taken into the analysis. Relationships between survival and three binary variables (sex, inbreeding, type of birth) were estimated by the use of logistic regression. Interactions among these variables were also included in the model. Thus, the odds ratios and synergy coefficients were estimated. Lowest birth mortality was registered for inbred females from single birth. Differences in survival between the studied breeds were observed. Negligible single effects of sex, inbreeding and birth type for PM were estimated, whereas for WS these effects were significant (P<0.01). Opposite dependencies were obtained for interactions among these variables. In the case of PM, synergy between birth survival and joint effects of sex-inbreeding, sex-birth type, sex-inbreeding-birth type were highly significant, but for WS only inbreeding-birth type interaction was considerable. Hence, a generalisation of the obtained results seems to be difficult: they exhibit a very complex background of lamb survival

    Assessment of the impact of the storage time of fire retardant and heating of the protected wood on the effectiveness of fireproofing

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    It was investigated whether and how the storage time of a fireproof salt preparation affects the effectiveness of fire retardance. The impact of long-term heating of the treated wood on the effectiveness was also determined. Statistical methods were used to determine the significance of changes related to the age of the preparation and the effect of heating of treated wood on flame retardant effectiveness. A commercial fire retardant was used for the tests, with three different storage times and in five concentrations. The flammability tests were performed using the Mini Fire Tube method. It was concluded that the storage time of the preparation does not significantly affect the effectiveness values