13 research outputs found

    Metodologija dizajniranja novih spojeva za namještaj

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    Techniques for self-assembly and disassembly of furniture are predominant mainly in the group of cabinet furniture. The lack of new constructions of furniture joints affects the market development of skeletal furniture intended for self-assembly. These connections should have the following characteristics: be easy to assemble and disassemble, have a minimum number of components, meet aesthetic requirements and be externally invisible. The aim of the study was to develop a methodology for formulating the assumptions for designing a new connection of skeletal furniture. At the outset, the distinguished joint features were presented. Then, assessment criteria were formulated for each feature, with adequate numerical values. On this basis, specific joints and fittings for skeletal furniture were collected and divided into 84 groups. The prepared numerical values were used as the data for statistical analysis. In the first step of the analysis, relationships were characterized between the studied features using the Spearmans rank correlation. On the basis of statistical analysis, the correctness of the obtained classifi cation was confirmed. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the cluster and Spearmans correlation coefficient values, there was no reason to highlight any qualities as a component of project assumptions. Cluster analysis pointed to differences between groups, as well as groups having similar features. Against this background, a clear design assumption was built.U skupini korpusnog namještaja uglavnom prevladavaju tehnička rješenja za samostalnu montažu i demontažu namještaja. Nedostatak novih konstrukcijskih spojeva za namještaj utječe na razvoj tržišta korpusnog namještaja namijenjenoga samostalnoj montaži. Konstrukcijski spojevi korpusnog namještaja trebali bi se moći lako sastaviti i rastaviti, imati minimalan broj komponenata, zadovoljiti estetske uvjete i biti izvana nevidljivi. Cilj istraživanja bio je razviti metodologiju za formuliranje pretpostavki za projektiranje novoga konstrukcijskog spoja za korpusni namještaj. Na početku rada prikazana su istaknuta obilježja pojedinih spojeva. Potom su za svako obilježje formulirani kriteriji vrednovanja, kojima su dodijeljene brojčane vrijednosti. Prikupljeni su i u 84 skupine grupirani različiti spojevi i elementi za spajanje korpusnog namještaja. Tako pripremljene numeričke vrijednosti uvrštene su kao podaci u statističke analize. U prvom koraku analize primjenom Spearmanove korelacije ranga određeni su odnosi između istraživanih obilježja. Na temelju statističke analize potvrđena je ispravnost dobivene klasifikacije. Na temelju klasterske analize obilježja i Spermanova koeficijenta korelacije pokazalo se da nema razloga za naglašavanje bilo kojeg obilježja kao sastavnog dijela projektne pretpostavke. Klasterska analiza označuje različitosti među skupinama, ali i povezuje skupine koje imaju zajednička obilježja. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata formulirane su jasne pretpostavke za dizajn novih spojeva korpusnog namještaja

    The assessment of postpartum mood disorders and its risk factors

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    Wstęp: Celem pracy jest ocena rozpowszechnienia zaburzeń nastroju z uwzględnieniem występowania depresji poporodowej oraz analiza czynników predysponujących do ich występowania. Materiał i metody: Grupą badaną były pacjentki Ginekologiczno-Położniczego Szpitala Klinicznego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu, przebywające na oddziałach poporodowych. Badanie miało charakter kwestionariuszowy. W pracy wykorzystano skalę depresji Becka, Edynburską Skalę Depresji Poporodowej (EPDS) i kwestionariusz własny. Pacjentki wypełniły anonimowy kwestionariusz i skalę depresji Becka w 1.−7. dni po porodzie (n = 184), a następnie przesłano im skalę depresji Becka oraz EPDS po 30 dniach od porodu w celu ponownej oceny nastroju. Uzyskano 41 odpowiedzi zwrotnych. Badanie uzyskało zgodę Lokalnej Komisji Bioetycznej. Wyniki: Wśród badanych pacjentek będących w 1.−7. dniu po porodzie: 11,96% uzyskało wynik świadczący o łagodnej depresji, a 0,54% o umiarkowanej według skali Becka. Po około 30 dniach od porodu wynik ten zwiększył się do 19,51% dla łagodnej i odpowiednio 2,44% dla umiarkowanej depresji. Wnioski: Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników czynnikami predysponującymi do wystąpienia zaburzeń nastroju w 1.−7. dni po porodzie były: nieplanowana ciąża, komplikacje zdrowotne podczas trwania ciąży, pobyt w szpitalu z powodu zagrożenia ciąży, epizody depresji w przeszłości oraz wystąpienie myśli rezygnacyjnych lub samobójczych w przeszłości. Wystąpienie w przeszłości stresującego wydarzenia w postaci poronienia, martwego porodu lub śmierci dziecka wiązało się z uzyskiwaniem niższych wyników w skali Becka przez badane pacjentki. W pracy nie wykazano istotnej statystycznie zależności pomiędzy uzyskanymi wynikami w skali Becka a badanymi czynnikami ocenianymi miesiąc od porodu, analizowana grupa była istotnie mniejsza (n = 41).Introduction: The aim of our study was to estimate the prevalence of mood disorders including postpartum depression and to analyze its potential risk factors. Material and methods: The patients staying in maternity wards at the Gynecological Clinical Hospital of PUMS were examined during their postpartum period. Depressive symptoms were measured using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and our own questionnaire. The anonymous questionnaire and BDI were filled by the patients between 1st and 7th day after the delivery (n = 184), then they were asked to fill the BDI and EPDS after 30 days of the childbed (n = 41 patients refilled the survey). The research has obtained permission of the Local Bioethical Commission. Results: During the first week of the childbed, 11.96% of the patients achieved score, which might imply they suffer from mild depression and 0.54% from major depression according to BDI. After the second examination the score increased to 19.51% and 2.44%, respectively. Conclusions: The unplanned pregnancy, health issues during the gestation, hospitalization due to pregnancy complications, no stressful factors in the past like: history of miscarriage, stillbirth or death of the child, episodes of depression in the past, suicidal ideation in the history can be bracketing the risk factors of mood disorders after 1 to 7 days of the childbed. The significant correlation between score of the BDI and the answers in the questionnaire wasn’t demonstrated after 30 days of the postpartum period, however the analyzed group was significantly lower (n = 41)

    Analiza polimorfizmu genu metaloproteinazy 13 (–77A>G) w polskiej populacji pacjentów z tętniakami aorty brzusznej i z niedrożnością aortalno-biodrową

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    Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and aortoiliac occlusive disease (AIOD) are common vascular diseases withboth genetic and environmental risk factors involved. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a major role inthe remodelling of the extracellular matrix of aorta, and their contribution to the pathogenesis of abdominalaortic aneurysm is unquestionable. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of MMP13 (–77A>G)gene polymorphism in the development of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) or aortoiliac occlusive disease(AIOD) in the Polish population. We investigated 925 individuals in 3 groups: AAA (n = 300), AIOD (n = 312),and control (n = 313). The MMP13 (–77A>G) genotyping analysis was performed by PCR–RFLP methodsand gel electrophoresis. The MMP13 (–77A>G) genotype distribution and allele frequencies were consistentwith the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. No significant differences in genotype distribution and allele frequenciesbetween patients with the AAA or AIOD and the control group were observed. There were also no significantdifferences in MMP13 (–77A>G) genotype distribution and allele frequencies between the study groups inregard to gender, hypertension, myocardial infarction, or other risk factors. The results of our study indicatethat MMP13 (–77A>G) gene polymorphism is a susceptibility factor neither of abdominal aortic aneurysmnor aortoiliac occlusive disease in the Polish population.Tętniak aorty brzusznej (AAA) oraz niedrożność aortalno-biodrowa (AIOD) są częstymi chorobami, którychwystępowanie jest determinowane przez czynniki genetyczne i środowiskowe. Jednoznacznie potwierdzono różudziałmetaloproteinaz macierzy (MMPs) w patogenezie AAA poprzez udział w przebudowie macierzy zewnątrzkomórkowejściany aorty. Celem badania było określenie roli polimorfizmu genu MMP13 (–77A>G)w rozwoju tętniaka aorty brzusznej i niedrożności aortalno-biodrowej w populacji polskiej. Badaniu podlegało 925osób zakwalifikowanych do 3 grup: AAA (n = 300), AIOD (n = 312) i do grupy kontrolnej (n = 313). Analizagenotypowania MMP13 (–77A>G) została przeprowadzona metodą PCR-RFLP i elektroforezy w żelu. Rozkładgenotypów MMP13 (–77A>G) i częstość występowania alleli były zgodne z prawem Hardy’ego-Weinberga.Nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic w rozkładzie genotypów i częstości występowania alleli pomiędzy pacjentamiz AAA lub AIOD oraz grupą kontrolną. Nie zaobserwowano istotnych różnic w rozkładzie genotypów MMP13(–77A>G) i częstością alleli pomiędzy badanymi grupami w odniesieniu do płci, występowania nadciśnieniatętniczego, zawału serca i innych czynników ryzyka. Wyniki badania autorów wskazują, że polimorfizm genuMMP13 (–77A>G) nie jest czynnikiem różnicującym występowanie tętniaka aorty brzusznej i niedrożnościaortalno-biodrowej w populacji polskiej

    Costs of Population Cervical Cancer Screening Program in Poland between 2007-2009

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    Abstract Background: Screening programs may contribute to decreasing the mortality rate in a given population and their main target, in case of cervical cancer, is to find and to cure preclinical stages of this malignancy. Regularly repeated tests in defined time intervals can diagnose the illness at its early stages but the results come with a high cost. Population program of early detection of cervical cancer has been conducted since 2007 and is run by the Central Coordinating Center and 16 regional centers. Funds for promotional, educational, monitoring and medical activities are obtained from the National Health Service. Aim: The aim of this study was to present the cost-effectiveness of the Program between 2007 and 2009. Material and methods: The material for the analysis was obtained from the SIMP system, where all the data about women participating in the Program are implemented. The analysis of the cervical carcinoma treatment and procedure costs was made on the basis of the National Health Service estimates. The number of new cervical carcinoma cases was calculated with the help of the newly introduced system code – C53. Results: Between 2007 and 2009 the cost of one cytological smear was similar in all regions (about 10 PLN). The highest costs were noted in Lubuski and Swietokrzyski regions. The costs of promotional and educational activities amounted up to 4,5 million PLN. A single cervical smear test cost for one woman has increased in the analyzed years from 3,95 up to 7,34 PLN. The total cost of one woman’s cytological examination – medical and non-medical elements – was more than 60 PLN. In 2009, 622 new cases of cervical cancer were found thanks to the Program. The cost of one case of cervical cancer diagnosis was 15 000 PLN. The total costs of all cases of cervical cancer in 2009 was 45,5 million PLN. Conclusions: The situation calls for creating new and effective tools for monitoring medical, epidemiological and financial parameters of the Program. Otherwise, the estimates of the health and social impact of the Program will fail to be plausible. Increased attendance at the Program will only marginally lower the costs of the tests. Not to mention, that different means and solutions regarding cervical cancer prevention need to be suggested due to the fact that Polish population does not yet seem to have developed the habit of taking preventive tests

    Data Mining in the Analysis of Tree Harvester Performance Based on Automatically Collected Data

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    Data recorded automatically by harvesters are a promising and potentially very useful source of information for scientific analyses. Most researchers have used StanForD files for this purpose, but these are troublesome to obtain and require some pre-processing. This study utilized a new source of similar data: JDLink, a cloud-based service, run by the machine manufacturer, that stores data from sensors in real time. The vast amount of such data makes it hard to comprehend and handle efficiently. Data mining techniques assist in finding trends and patterns in such databases. Records from two mid-sized harvesters working in north-eastern Poland were analyzed using classical regression (linear and logarithmic), cluster analysis (dendrograms and k-means) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Linear regression showed that average tree size was the variable having the greatest effect on fuel consumption per cubic meter and productivity, whereas fuel consumption per hour was also dependent, e.g., on distance driven in a low gear or share of time with high engine load. Results of clustering and PCA were harder to interpret. Dendrograms showed most dissimilar variables: total volume harvested per day, total fuel consumption per day and share of work time on high revolutions per minute (RPMs). K-means clustering allowed us to identify periods when specific clusters of variables were more prominent. PCA results, despite explaining almost 90% of variance, were inconclusive between machines, and, therefore, need to be scrutinized in follow-up studies. Productivity values (avg. around 10 m3/h) and fuel consumption rates (13.21 L/h, 1.335 L/m3 on average) were similar to the results reported by other authors under comparable conditions. Some new measures obtained in this study include, e.g., distance driven in a low gear (around 7 km per day) or proportion of time when the engine was running on low, medium or high load (34%, 39% and 7%, respectively). The assumption of this study was to use data without supplementing from external sources, and with as little processing as possible, which limited the analytic methods to unsupervised learning. Extending the database in follow-up studies will facilitate the application of supervised learning techniques for modeling and prediction

    The Influence of the Accelerated Aging Process on the Compressive Strength of Wood Treated with Components of a Salt Fire Retardant

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    This paper presents the results of research on the influence of the components of salt flame retardants on the compressive strength of wood depending on the time of accelerated aging. The effect of the agent was assessed on the basis of the change in the strength of treated wood compared to that of untreated wood. In addition, a statistical analysis of the obtained results was used to determine which of the components most significantly affect the changes in the compressive strength of wood along the fibers, and to what extent. It was found that extending the aging process time in the case of control and boric acid-protected samples did not significantly change the strength properties. It has also been found that some compounds contained in fire retardant have an antagonistic effect related to the compressive strength of wood

    Influence of Impregnation with Modified Starch of a Paper Core on Bending of Wood-Based Honeycomb Panels in Changing Climatic Conditions

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    The main objective of the study was to determine the effect of impregnation of the paper core with acetylated starch on the mechanical properties and absorbed energy in the three-point bending test of wood-based honeycomb panels under varying temperatures and relative air humidity conditions. Nearly six hundred beams in various combinations, three types of facings, three core cells geometries, and two paper thicknesses were tested. The experiment results and their statistical analysis prove a significant relationship between the impregnation of paper with modified starch and mechanical properties. The most effective in absorbing energy, the honeycomb panels, consisted of a core with a wall thickness of 0.25 mm and a particleboard facing

    Attempt to adapt a statistical model for the heterosis effect in maize F1 hybrids depending on the genetic distance of parental forms.

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    During the recent years traditional tillage techniques and procedures have been successfully used in combination with the modern molecular technologies. This enables the researchers not only to employ more objective methods of parental material selection, but also shortens the time required to breed a new variant. Many researchers tried to surmise the heterosis effect by examining the genetic distance between two parental lines. The main objective of this work was to display the correlation between the heterosis effect among the F1 generation of maize and the genetic distance between the parental components. Furthermore, an attempt was made to predict the future heterosis effect using mathematical functions. Finding a proof of those correlations would make it possible to select the parental material, used to create a new variation, more effectively and thus to reduce the number of lines tested during the experiment. Hence it would reduce the time needed for the experiments and also significantly reduce the overall cost of the research project. The research displayed that the molecular markers AFLP and RAPD are useful for predicting the formula of a new corn hybrid . They can be also used to group lines according to their origin or parentage, including those having incomplete information about their parentage. For both markers: RAPD and AFLP, the functions that best describe the correlation between the heterosis effect and the genetic distance, were: a third degree polynomial y=a+bx+cx2+dx3 and a linear function y = a + bx..

    Assessment of the impact of the storage time of fire retardant and heating of the protected wood on the effectiveness of fireproofing

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    It was investigated whether and how the storage time of a fireproof salt preparation affects the effectiveness of fire retardance. The impact of long-term heating of the treated wood on the effectiveness was also determined. Statistical methods were used to determine the significance of changes related to the age of the preparation and the effect of heating of treated wood on flame retardant effectiveness. A commercial fire retardant was used for the tests, with three different storage times and in five concentrations. The flammability tests were performed using the Mini Fire Tube method. It was concluded that the storage time of the preparation does not significantly affect the effectiveness values

    Treatment Results of Endoscopic Transnasal Orbital Decompression for Graves’ Orbitopathy—A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis in 28 Orbits of 16 Patients

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    Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is an extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves' disease (GD), which can be associated with corneal ulcerations or optic neuropathy in severe forms. Transnasal endoscopic orbital decompression (TEOD) is a surgical procedure performed in order to decrease the intraorbital pressure by removing part of its bony borders in cases with excessive mass in orbit. The aim of this study was to present the results and evaluate the efficacy of TEOD for GO. The retrospective study included 28 orbits (16 patients) who underwent TEOD from 2017 to 2020. Outcome was evaluated based on visual acuity improvement, clinical activity score (CAS) decrease, proptosis, and intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction. A preoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) increased from 0.69 +/- 0.385 (mean +/- standard deviation) to 0.74 +/- 0.332 (p = 0.17) postoperatively. CAS decreased in 15 orbits postoperatively. Proptosis decreased from 22.89 +/- 1.873 mm to 21.25 +/- 2.053 mm (p < 0.05). IOP decreased from a preoperative 16.11 +/- 3.93 mmHg to 14.40 +/- 3.27 mmHg (p < 0.05) postoperatively. In addition, postoperative relief of exposure keratitis was observed. The analysis of development of iatrogenic diplopia revealed increasing in degree of diplopia. TEOD shows rare complications, but significant improvements in BCVA, CAS, proptosis, and IOP