67 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of Canchim calves raised on pasture in Parana state, Brasil

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    The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effects of environment upon birth and weaning weight (adjusted to 205 days of age, PN and PD respectively) of Canchim calves raised on pasture. Data of 2,719 animals born from 1977 to 1996, at Fazenda Modelo Experimental Farm of IAPAR, in Ponta Grossa-Paraná-Brazil, were used. Analyses were performed through GLM procedure (SAS 2001). The statistical model included fixed effects of breed composition, sex and year of birth of calf and random effects of sire and error. Except for breed composition (P<0.55), all other sources of variation considered in the model were significant (P<0.0001). Least squares means for PN and PD were 33.98 ± 0.38 kg and 145.13 ± 2.45 kg, respectively. Calves born in March weighed 38.07 ± 1.28; while those born in June weighed 31.48 ± 0.44. For weaning weight, animals born in July were heavier, with average weaning weight of 158.00 ± 2.3 kg in contrast to those born in January (123.82 ± 4.51 kg). The effect of the different sources of variation indicates that the establishment of a breeding season during certain months can result in calves heavier at weaning. The heritability estimates suggest that phenotypic characteristic of individuals are a good indicator of the genotype. The estimates for direct heritability (h²A) were 0.29 ± 0.02 and 0.21 ± 0.2 respectively for PN and PD, indicating the existence genetic variation for both characteristics. (Portuguese


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as características qualitativas da carcaça e da carne de novilhos Aberdeen Angus terminados em confinamento, com canade-açúcar + concentrado, ou em pastagem cultivada de azevém (Lolium multiflorum) + sal comum como suplemento mineral. Abateram-se os novilhos aos 24 meses de idade com pesos similares de 394 e 396 kg, respectivamente. Alimentaram-se os animais confinados com dieta contendo, na matéria seca, 72,3% de cana-de-açúcar e 27,7% de concentrado. Os novilhos apresentaram no início da terminação peso médio de 320 kg e idade média de vinte meses. Não houve diferença nas percentagens de músculo e de osso. A percentagem de gordura foi similar, sendo de 22,8% e 20,7%, respectivamente, para animais terminados em pastagem e confinamento. A suculência, o sabor, a força de cisalhamento e a quebra no descongelamento mostraram-se maiores nos animais terminados em pastagem cultivada, sendo, respectivamente, 6,93 pontos, 6,60 pontos, 9,23 kgf e 8,28%, contra 5,93 pontos, 5,77 pontos, 7,27 kgf e 5,27%, na mesma ordem, para novilhos alimentados em confinamento. Contudo, outras características qualitativas da carne como cor, textura, marmoreio, maciez e quebra na cocção foram similares entre os tratamentos. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Aberdeen Angus, cana-de-açúcar, confinamento, pastagem hibernal

    Carcass Composition and Cuts of Bulls and Steers Fed with Three Concentrate Levels in the Diets

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    In this paper, weight, carcass dressing, weights of the primary cuts, weights of the physical components of the primary cuts, and weights of the main commercial cuts of 66 Purunã animals, of which 33 were bulls and 33 were steers were evaluated. These animals, with an average age of 19 months at the beginning of the experiment, were finished in a feedlot system during 116 days, and were fed with diets containing three levels of concentrate (0.8%, 1.1%, and 1.4% of body weight). The concentrate was formulated with 25% soybean meal, 73% ground corn grain, 1% of a mineral mix, and 1% of limestone. The interaction between sexual groups and the concentrate level was not significant for any of the variables. Likewise, no effect of the concentrate level was detected on the same variable traits. The bulls demonstrated higher hot carcass weights (265.1 vs 221.7 kg) and a higher proportion of forequarter (38.4% vs 36.1%) however the steers presented with higher proportions of side (19.7% vs 18.5%) and hindquarter (44.2% vs 43.1%). The bulls produced higher yields of muscle in the three primary cuts, there by resulting in higher yields of edible portions of the carcass. The bulls also produced higher weights of tenderloin, knuckle, topside, flat, eye round, rump, and rump cover. The finishing of young bulls in feedlot is to be recommended, since the animals produce carcasses with higher amounts of edible meat and higher yields of commercial cuts, thus allowing for a better price for the carcass. Low concentrate level could be used due to the lower cost of production for farmers