44 research outputs found

    Putting older people at the heart of every ICT development

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    Industrial DesignIndustrial Design Engineerin

    The Average Man Does Not Exist

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    Applied Ergonomics and Desig

    Male urination in the train

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    This paper presents the results of a study about hygiene in train toilets. The central problem is that with the existing train toilet design and the different groups of users it is impossible to keep the train toilet clean. In a conventional train, it is especially difficult for men to urinate without spilling urine outside the bowl while standing. This, sometimes invisible spray of urine drops on the toilet seat, smells strongly and feels wet. Therefore women and men are reluctant to sit on the toilet seat. It also causes women to hover while urinating and as a consequence they add to the soiling of the seat. To break this negative spiral, the solution for experiencing better hygiene in a train toilet is to divide the train toilet into two separate modules: a urinal for men (standing) and a family seated toilet for others.Design EngineeringIndustrial Design Engineerin

    Schoolmeubilair voor gehandicapten: Studiedag gehouden op 3 oktober 1986 te Delft

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    Industrial Design Engineerin

    Data of Simona population for MDHMS application: Collecting and deriving data for human modelling sotware to use in Flight Simulator Design

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    For the interior design of a flight simulator, the ergonomic software MDHMS has been used to test different interior layout issues. The MDHMS program includes an accommodation analysis capability, which generates a digital sample of the specific target group. This report shows the data required for this analysis. Since there are just a few reference files available for only parts of the Dutch population, some methods to derive data from related files in order to make the chart complete are presented.Industrial DesignIndustrial Design Engineerin

    Introduction to the Special Issue, Anthropometry in Design

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    Feature at a Glance: Welcome to the special issue on anthropometry! This discussion will cover a range of differently sized topics to fit your interests. De Bruin and Castelluci discuss the problems of designing school furniture that fits students, noting that “Regarding School furniture dimensions, students are usually exposed to furniture with fixed dimensions, which makes it almost impossible to adjust to the ‘growing’ anthropometrics along their school life and neither does it accommodate multidimensional fit very well.” Griffin et al. discuss developing an “understanding [of] body dimensions in relation to how a body functions, moves, and changes” that “is fundamental to creating compatible wearable products” for aging women. Alemany et al. discuss 4D scanning, observing that “This technology is able to capture the human body surface in motion at high frequency with a high resolution” and offers “an enormous potential to advance in ergonomic design and biomechanics.” Bradtmiller describes the “nearly infinite combination of head/facial characteristics” and that “This combination of traits allows us to recognize unique individuals but increases the challenge of designing head and face products that fit a wide variety of individuals with a relatively small number of sizes”.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Applied Ergonomics and Desig


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    Dit rapport is het verhaal van mijn eerste antropometrisch onderzoek uit de tijd dat senioren nog bejaarden heetten. De vraag kwam van de GDVV Den Haag destijds via de GMD Amsterdam of wij wilden bepalen wat de beenlengte was van de ouderen ivm de aanschaf van nieuw meubilair en het bouwen van nieuwe verzorgingshuizen in Den Haag. Ik vroeg of ik iets meer mocht meten en kwam tot 30 lichaamsmaten. Het meetteam bestond uit werknemers van de GDVV (verpleegkundigen en artsen), die door ons getraind werden in het herhaaldelijk meten van elkaar gedurende 3 dagen. De meetstoel werd bij ons in de Centrale Werkplaats gebouwd, het gebouw waar nu onze faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen is gevestigd. Daarna duurde de voorbereidingen 8 maanden en de meet periode 6 weken en vervolgend duurde de analyse en rapportering weer 12 maanden voordat dit rapport gereed was. Het is daarna frequent gebruikt door ontwerpers en architecten en 15 jaar geleden zijn de data digitaal beschikbaar gekomen op www.dined.nl. Een artikel hierover staat in Applied Ergonomics 1987Industrial DesignIndustrial Design Engineerin

    Human Diversity: Design for life: 9th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology: Proceedings, Delft, The Netherlands, 22-26 August 2008

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    This book of full papers contains the proceedings of the ICPA (International Congress of Physiological Anthropology) conference, held at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, TU Delft, from 22-26 August 2008.Industrial DesignIndustrial Design Engineerin

    Design of an ergonomic electric guitar

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    An investigation of existing literature reveals that guitar players are most prone to musculoskeletal injuries amongst all musicians. In the light of recent injuries to prominent guitar players such as Eddie Van Halen, this article explores ergonomics of electric guitars. By means of surveys, user observations, biomechanical analysis and laboratory measurement, the root of the problem has been determined. Bad posture while playing and high wrist flexion seem to be the two prominent issues that are omnipresent. The article culminates with the design of an electric guitar that presents a solution to the ergonomic issues associated with the existing design.Industrial DesignIndustrial Design Engineerin