3 research outputs found

    Women's economic status, male authority patterns and intimate partner violence: a qualitative study in rural North West Province, South Africa.

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    There are conflicting views on the impact of microfinance-only interventions on women's economic empowerment and intimate partner violence in low and middle-income countries. Evidence suggests however that when microfinance is combined with complementary programmes (microfinance plus) it may be effective for empowering women and addressing intimate partner violence. We conducted in-depth interviews with adult women in rural South Africa who had received microfinance loans for more than a year and had recently completed gender training. We explored women's perceptions on income generation; the effects on their relationships, including intimate partner violence; their notions of power; and perspectives on men's reactions to their empowerment. Findings reveal that the notion of 'power within the self' is supported by women's income generation, alongside a sense of financial independence and improved social support. Women reported increased happiness and reduced financial stress, although social norms and gender expectations about women subservience and male headship remain salient, particularly among older women. Furthermore, younger women appeared to tolerate abuse due to financial and caring responsibilities. These findings underpin the importance of complementary gender training programmes and of including men as participants for enhancing the effectiveness of economic strengthening interventions

    Occurrences of Cadmium, Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury in Potable Water in Greater Gaborone, Botswana: Implications for Public Health

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    Heavy metals, such as cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg), are often detected in water, causing detrimental effects to human health. This study assessed Cd, As, Pb, and Hg concentrations in drinking water from the greater Gaborone water distribution system supply area. The Inductively Coupled Plasma—Mass spectrometry was used to analyze 200 water samples from water treatment reservoirs, the distribution line, households, and bottled water. Heavy metal pollution was calculated using the heavy metal pollution index (HPI). Average heavy metal concentrations were in the order of Pb > Hg > As > Cd in the overall study, with lead exceeding the permissible limit set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) in all the samples. Average lead concentrations from indoor taps were 15 times more than untreated raw water. HPI values were respectively 33.2 and 0.74 for the World Health Organization (WHO) and Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS). An increase in heavy metal concentrations post-water treatment suggests inadequate system maintenance and possible contamination of water during the distribution system from copper and lead soldered pipes. Further research on the treatment infrastructure and plumbing activities is suggested

    “Sequestered from the winds of history”: Poetry and Politics beyond 2000

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