232 research outputs found

    The effect of fluorine-containing inhibitors of corrosion of copper in atmospheric conditions

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    The effect of fluorine-containing inhibitors of corrosion of copper in atmospheric conditions was studied by method of removing anodic polarization curves and corrosion of full-scale tests. The introduction of the inhibiting compositions as corrosion inhibitor of copper polyfluorinated amines leads to a decrease of the peak current of active dissolution of copper, which increases the corrosion resistance of copper wire rod during transportation in various climate conditions

    Development trends of diversified agro-industrial enterprises in the context of international integration of economic relations

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    Globalization and growing competition have exacerbated the problems of analysis and diagnosing the level of economic development sustainability and the possibilities of economic entity market potential use at the global level. The development of a complete, reliable and up-to-date information base on the current financial, economic and technical level of an industrial enterprise development, its strategic development opportunities, making informed effective decisions on the directions of diversification or agro-industrial production restructuring is extremely important today from the standpoint of state policy development regarding the support for the key sectors of the Russian agro-industrial complex.In modern conditions, characterized by the intensification of economic relation integration in international markets

    Government control over innovative ventures in the West European countries

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    The article analyzes strategies and mechanisms of government control over the innovative ventures in the countries of Western Europe. All countries use their own mechanisms and tools for innovative ventures stimulation on the government level and their effectiveness is quite different. The paper is concentrated on studying the experience of government control models over innovative ventures in Switzerland, Finland and Sweden; countries, which take top positions in innovation implementation strategies among the leading countries in the world. Main results of their government innovative policy were analyzed; conclusions about their applicability for the development of the Russian innovative ventures were made.peer-reviewe

    Application of the Hurd-Mori reaction for the synthesis of chiral 1,2,3-thia(seleno)diazole derivatives from (+)-3-carene and α-pinene

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    Chiral 1,2,3-thaidiazoles derivatives containing either cyclopropyl or cyclobutyl groups were synthesized from seco-derivatives of (+)-3-carene and α-pinene by the Hurd-Mori reaction.Acknowledgements: The authors thank the International Association for the Promotion of Cooperation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (INTAS, Grant # 97-0217) for the financial support of this work

    Two Ways of Cyclization of 5-imidazolylthioureas with Dimethyl Acetylenedicarboxylate

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    Two ways of cyclization of imidazolyl derivatives of thiourea with dimethylacetylene dicarboxylate (DMAD) were studied. Reaction of N,N'-disubstituted thioureas with DMAD led to formation of a thiazoline ring whereas transformation of trisubstituted thioureas under the same conditions give the novel imidazo[1,5-c][1,3,5]thiadiazine heterocyclic system. © ARKAT USA, Inc.The authors thank Russian Foundation for Basi c Research (RFBR grant 08-03-00376-a) and CRDF BRHE-2008 (grant Y5-C-05-04) for financial and material support

    Retrospective Analysis of the Conceptual Model of Economic Management in Sub-regional Structures

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    Modern Russian model of building a system of economic management sub-localities based on the provisions of the Federal Law â„–131-FZ of 06.10.2003 “On general principles of local self-government in the Russian Federation”. Terms and conditions of formation of the system of local government in Russia since the beginning of the reform of its political system and establishment of a model of mutual relations of the state and local levels of government are associated with a rigid opposition rival power elite. On the basis of generalization of foreign practice of granting local governments a certain jurisdiction may be concluded that most of the issues at the local level, if we abstract from their purely legal understanding, are public in nature. Based on the research practice of interaction of bodies of state power and local self-government bodies authors consider it possible to state that the municipal authority has a number of features inherent in the government: a distinct institutionalized character; Time continuity, flexibility, universality; on the basis of laws and other regulations; implementation in a particular area in relation to all individuals within its entities; the possibility of using funds of legitimate violence; the establishment and collection of taxes; independent budgeting. Keywords: region, economic management model, sub-regional structures JEL Classifications: P5, R10, R5

    Magma feeding paleochannel in the Monchegorsk ore region: geochemistry, isotope U-Pb and Sm-Nd analysis (Kola region, Russia)

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    A comprehensive study of a 340 m thick lenticular-sheet body of ultramafic composition penetrated by structural well M-1 at a depth of about 2.2 km was accomplished. Its main volume is composed of plagioharzburgite; fine-grained rocks of norite and orthopyroxenite chilling zones are preserved on endocontacts. The rocks of the body are similar in composition to the rocks near the underlying ore-bearing layered intrusion – the Monchepluton. The age of intrusion of the ultramafic body is 2510 ± 9 Ma (U-Pb, ID-TIMS, zircon) and, taking into account analytical errors, is comparable with the formation period of the Monchepluton (2507-2498 Ma). According to the study of the Sm-Nd system in rocks and minerals, a positive value of the eNd (+1.1) parameter was established, similar to that in dunites and chromitites of the Monchepluton. Based on these results, the ultramafic body penetrated at depth was assigned to the magma feeding paleochannel through which the ultramafic, weakly contaminated magma entered the overlying magma chamber. This body is a unique example of a magma-feeding system for the ore-bearing layered intrusion of Precambrian age