267 research outputs found

    Rational Function Simplification for Integration-by-Parts Reduction and Beyond

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    We present FUEL (Fractional Universal Evaluation Library), a C++ library for performing rational function arithmetic with a flexible choice of third-party computer algebra systems as simplifiers. FUEL is an outgrowth of a C++ interface to Fermat which was originally part of the FIRE code for integration-by-parts (IBP) reduction for Feynman integrals, now promoted to be a standalone library and with access to simplifiers other than Fermat. We compare the performance of various simplifiers for standalone benchmark problems as well as IBP reduction runs with FIRE.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, 6 table

    Energy-guided Entropic Neural Optimal Transport

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    Energy-Based Models (EBMs) are known in the Machine Learning community for the decades. Since the seminal works devoted to EBMs dating back to the noughties there have been appearing a lot of efficient methods which solve the generative modelling problem by means of energy potentials (unnormalized likelihood functions). In contrast, the realm of Optimal Transport (OT) and, in particular, neural OT solvers is much less explored and limited by few recent works (excluding WGAN based approaches which utilize OT as a loss function and do not model OT maps themselves). In our work, we bridge the gap between EBMs and Entropy-regularized OT. We present the novel methodology which allows utilizing the recent developments and technical improvements of the former in order to enrich the latter. We validate the applicability of our method on toy 2D scenarios as well as standard unpaired image-to-image translation problems. For the sake of simplicity, we choose simple short- and long- run EBMs as a backbone of our Energy-guided Entropic OT method, leaving the application of more sophisticated EBMs for future research

    Studies of seismic effects on snow stability on mountain slopes

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    Studies of seismicity caused by technological explosions at mines in the Khibini Mountains and its influence on snow stability and avalanche releases began five years ago. First quantitative assessments of such influence were obtained during this time. It has been shown that there is a statistically significant correlation between seismic events and avalanche releases. Special seismic measurements to evaluate shaking effects of explosions have been carried out. The most interesting results of the measurements are described. At least two factors caused by shaking decrease snow stability-1) Inertia (decreases friction and increases downhill force), and 2) Snow strength decrease. Deterministic and stochastic models describing the influence of the first factor are presented. A shaking table designed to study seismic influence on snow shear strength, as well as first results obtained with it, are described. Directions of future studies are outlined. The work was supported by RFBR grants: 04-05-65057-a; 05-05-64037-a; 05-05-64368-a

    Разработка систем управления станков с ЧПУ при помощи программной среды MexBIOS Development Studio

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    The application of the Lorentzian plasma theory for the calculation of the properties of multicomponent electric arc plasma is considered. It is shown that this model gives satisfactory results in the temperature range, which is corresponding to the weakly ionized arc plasma and arc plasma with dominant first ionization. The calculations are provided for the arc plasmas of noble gases and their mixtures between them and also that with metals. It is also pointed that the discrepancy between the electron temperature and gas temperature can be significant even at relatively weak electric fields, that fact must be taken into account under the simulation of arc discharges

    Кардиопротекторные средства с биароматической структурой. Часть 1. Блокаторы кальциевых каналов

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are widespread and the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Drugs for the treatment of CVD have been developed since the beginning of the 20th century. To date, a large number of cardioprotective agents of various classes have been created. Nevertheless, the need for the development and development of new effective and safe drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases remains. Literature data indicate that a huge number of cardioprotective agents of various generations and mechanisms correspond to a single generalized pharmacophore model containing two aromatic nuclei linked by a linear linker. In this regard, we put forward the concept of creating a new generation of cardioprotective drugs with a multi-targeting mechanism of action within the indicated pharmacophore model. This work begins a series of literature reviews devoted to the generalization of currently known compounds with cardioprotective properties in a series of compounds corresponding to the pharmacophore model of linked biaromatic compounds. The first part presented here describes calcium channel blockers with cardioprotective effects.Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания (ССЗ) широко распространены, являясь ведущей причиной заболеваемости и смертности во всём мире. Лекарства для лечения ССЗ разрабатываются практически с начала 20 века. К настоящему времени создано большое количество кардиопротекторных средств различных классов. Тем не менее потребность в разработке новых эффективных и безопасных лекарств для лечения сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний сохраняется. Данные литературы свидетельствуют о том, что огромное количество кардиопротекторных средств различных поколений и механизмов соответствует единой обобщённой фармакофорной модели, содержащей два ароматических ядра, связанных линейным линкером. В связи с этим мы выдвинули концепцию создания нового поколения кардиопротекторных препаратов с мультитаргетным механизмом действия в рамках указанной фармакофорной модели. Настоящая работа начинает серию обзоров литературы, посвящённых обобщению известных в настоящее время соединений с кардиопротекторными свойствами в ряду соединений, соответствующих фармакофорной модели биароматических соединений, связанных линейным линкером. В представленной первой части описываются блокаторы кальциевых каналов с кардиопротекторным действием. антиаритмики; кардиопротекторы; блокаторы Са2+-каналов; биароматические соединени

    Кардиопротекторные средства с биароматической структурой. Часть 6. Бета-блокаторы

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    β-Blockers are one of the oldest classes of cardioprotectors used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. They reduce the heart rate, have a hypotensive effect, inhibit myocardial contractility and have antiarrhythmic properties. In the series of biaromatic compounds with a linear linker, there is a quite large group of β-blockers, which in addition to two aromatic nuclei contain a 1,2-dihydroxy-3-aminopropane fragment in the linker, that is the key for the presence of β-blocking activity. Among the compounds of this group are widely used drugs nebivolol and carvedilol, which are used in the treatment of chronic heart failure and arterial hypertension.β-Адреноблокаторы — один из старейших классов кардиопротекторов, применяемых при лечении сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний. Они уменьшают частоту сердечных сокращений, имеют гипотензивное действие, угнетают сократимость миокарда и обладают антиаритмическими свойствами. В ряду биароматических соединений с линейным линкером имеется достаточно обширная группа β-блокаторов, которые помимо двух ароматических ядер содержат в линкере 1,2-дигидрокси-3-аминопропановый фрагмент — ключевой для наличия β-блокирующей активности. Среди соединений этой группы имеются широко применяемые препараты небиволол и карведилол, которые используются при терапии хронической сердечной недостаточности и артериальной гипертензии