4 research outputs found

    Legal regulation of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety when using underground resources at regional and local levels

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    The article deals with environmental and legal problems of using underground resources, particularly associated petroleum gas. Today regional legislation develops unsystematically and inconsistently, because the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are regulated insufficiently in the sphere of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety, when using underground resources. Some cases contain direct contradictions to federal legislation. Some constituent entities of the Russian Federation have a tendency for normative legal regulation of this area of public relations within the framework of "advanced standard-setting". These tendencies show the need to specify the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in federal legislation. Disposal of associated petroleum gas is becoming a serious problem today. A great part of this gas is wildly flared getting into the atmosphere, whereas there is a more decent and even profitable way of its disposal. The article analyzes the corporate structure of associated petroleum gas production in Russia and determines the directions for improving the legal framework. Based on their research, the authors propose to develop a Program of implementing a set of measures aimed at increasing the extraction and subsequent processing (disposal) of associated petroleum gas by independent oil companies, which could serve as measures for state stimulation of oil production development

    Ecological state of the urban environment as an object of forensic analysis within the period of introducing the judicial reform of Russia

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    For today, environmental protection is one of the most serious issues for the government. The urban environment is exposed to numerous negative natural and anthropogenic processes. The scientific article considers the main problems of forensic analysis of the ecological state of the urban environment. Reduction in the scope of environmental expertise caused by urban development reformation became the negative matter. The authors believe that the forensic analysis is an important legal instrument for ensuring rational environmental resources management and environmental protection from harmful impacts on urban areas. Along with rationing, licensing, certification, audit, the forensic analysis performs the function of environmental control, acting as a guarantor of compliance with legal requirements. In order to integrate new kinds (types) of forensic analysis into a unified list of kinds (types) of analysis and to regulate the existing lists, the adoption of the National Standard on Forensic Ecological Expert Analysis is demanded; however, the adoption of a unified National Standard of the Russian Federation on forensic analysis is also required

    Regional features of legislative framework for environmental security of the Russian Federation

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    The article addresses the problem of the current environmental crisis, which threatens the sustainable development of human civilization. As a result of further degradation of natural systems, the biosphere gets destabilized and loses its integrity, the large areas get devastated, and the quality of the environment necessary for life becomes unstable. The crisis can be overcome only by building a relationship of the human and the nature which does not leave room for destruction and degradation of the natural environment. Thus, scientific research, analysis and search for solutions to legal problems of ensuring environmental security in the regions of the Russian Federation acquire special relevance and practical significance and are the objectives of this work. Without theoretical understanding and scientific research of the elements of this system and, first of all, the regional system of legislative framework for environmental security and its features in the field of governance, it is impossible to achieve the necessary interaction of federal and regional systems and to solve the problem, since there remain fundamental causes and sources that generate the whole range of threats to ecological security

    Legal regulation of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety when using underground resources at regional and local levels

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    The article deals with environmental and legal problems of using underground resources, particularly associated petroleum gas. Today regional legislation develops unsystematically and inconsistently, because the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are regulated insufficiently in the sphere of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety, when using underground resources. Some cases contain direct contradictions to federal legislation. Some constituent entities of the Russian Federation have a tendency for normative legal regulation of this area of public relations within the framework of "advanced standard-setting". These tendencies show the need to specify the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in federal legislation. Disposal of associated petroleum gas is becoming a serious problem today. A great part of this gas is wildly flared getting into the atmosphere, whereas there is a more decent and even profitable way of its disposal. The article analyzes the corporate structure of associated petroleum gas production in Russia and determines the directions for improving the legal framework. Based on their research, the authors propose to develop a Program of implementing a set of measures aimed at increasing the extraction and subsequent processing (disposal) of associated petroleum gas by independent oil companies, which could serve as measures for state stimulation of oil production development