8 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between calving year and season, parity, number of AI, day of lactation, milk production in the 1st 100 lactation days or diseases occurrence (retained placenta, endometritis or cysts), sperm motility (SM) during 30, 60 and 90 minutes of the cervical mucus survival test, cervical mucus crystallization (CMC) and their infl uence on days to fi rst insemination (interval), open days (SP), inseminations number for pregnancy (index), and pregnancy rates (PR) in Holstein cows (n=284). Signifi cant differences of interval, SP and index were detected also in relation to number of AI and day of lactation (P < 0.001). Cows without reproduction diseases (healthy) had better results of interval, SP (P < 0.01), index and PR. Pregnancy rate of healthy cows was by 11.43% higher, but without statistical signifi cance. The higher results of PR (62.74%) were discovered in relation to ferny-like crystallization of cervical mucus (P < 0.001). CMC affected results of cervical mucus survival test, the highest motility of sperms after the 60 and 90 minutes was assumed in the case of club moss – ferny (14.80% and 7.96%) and ferny-like crystallization (13.82% and 8.47%) with statistical signifi cance (P < 0.05). The choice of these characteristics and defi nition of their relations allows assuming their using for detailed study and determination of the cows´ biological ability to conceive, the one of the main components of effi ciency of cows´ reproduction.Cílem práce bylo vyhodnotit vztahy mezi rokem a ročním obdobím otelení, pořadím laktace, dnem laktace, mléčnou užitkovostí za sto dní laktace, výskytem reprodukčních poruch (zadržení lůžka, endometritida, ovariální cysty), aktivitou spermií během testu přežitelnosti v cervikálním hlenu, krystalizaci cervikálního hlenu a vliv těchto faktorů na délku inseminačního intervalu, servis periodu, inseminační index a zabřezávání ve stádě holštýnských dojnic (n=284). Vzorky cervikálního hlenu (CM) byly získávány sterilní pipetou rektovaginální metodou v den inseminace u skupiny krav během března 2002 až prosince 2005. Arborizace CM byla hodnocena pod mikroskopem po rozředí a zaschnutí na podložním sklíčku. Mikroskopicky byl posuzován podíl spermií s progresivním pohybem (aktivita) během testu přežitelnosti po 30, 60 a 90 minutách inkubace v cervikálním hlenu ve vodní lázni při teplotě 38+1oC. Byl zjištěn statisticky významný (P<0,001) vliv pořadí inseminace a počtu laktačních dní na délku intervalu a SP. Zdravé plemenice dosahovaly lepších výsledků v délce intervalu (rozdíl 8,82 dne), SP (rozdíl 42,72 dní, P<0,01), indexu (rrozdíl 0,44) i zabřezávání (rozdíl 9,44%) v porovnání s kravami s reprodukčními poruchami zjištěnými po otelení. Nejlepších výsledků (P<0,001) v zabřezávání (62,74%) dosahovaly dojnice, u nichž v testu arborizace CM byla zajištěny kapraďovitá krystalizace (tzn. optimální doba pro inseminaci). Nejvyšší aktivita spermií (P<0,05) byla zjišťována v případě plavuňovito-kapraďovité a kapraďovité krystalizace CM v čase 60 (14,8 a 13,82%) a 90 (7,96 a 8,47%) minut. Testy arborizace byly zvoleny pro posouzení vhodnosti doby inseminace a testy přežitelnosti v CM pro posouzení schopnosti oplození, resp. pro predikci zabřeznutí. K hodnocení výsledků byl využit statistický program SAS STAT8,0 GLM, lineární model


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    The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between calving year and season, parity, number of AI, day of lactation, milk production in the 1st 100 lactation days or diseases occurrence (retained placenta, endometritis or cysts), sperm motility (SM) during 30, 60 and 90 minutes of the cervical mucus survival test, cervical mucus crystallization (CMC) and their infl uence on days to fi rst insemination (interval), open days (SP), inseminations number for pregnancy (index), and pregnancy rates (PR) in Holstein cows (n=284). Signifi cant differences of interval, SP and index were detected also in relation to number of AI and day of lactation (P &lt; 0.001). Cows without reproduction diseases (healthy) had better results of interval, SP (P &lt; 0.01), index and PR. Pregnancy rate of healthy cows was by 11.43% higher, but without statistical signifi cance. The higher results of PR (62.74%) were discovered in relation to ferny-like crystallization of cervical mucus (P &lt; 0.001). CMC affected results of cervical mucus survival test, the highest motility of sperms after the 60 and 90 minutes was assumed in the case of club moss – ferny (14.80% and 7.96%) and ferny-like crystallization (13.82% and 8.47%) with statistical signifi cance (P &lt; 0.05). The choice of these characteristics and defi nition of their relations allows assuming their using for detailed study and determination of the cows´ biological ability to conceive, the one of the main components of effi ciency of cows´ reproduction

    Changes in milk fatty acid composition in relation to indicators of energy balance in Holstein cows

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    The contents of protein (P), fat (F), a F:P ratio, and content of individual fatty acids (FA) and groups of FA, including ratio of SFA:UFA (saturated FA-to-unsaturated FA) and MUFA:PUFA (ratio monounsaturated FA-to-polyunsaturated FA) in milk during the first 17 weeks of lactation with respect to the development of NEB demonstrated by the change in cows’ body condition. The differences in fat content were more pronounced than those in protein content. The resulting changes of the fat-to-protein ratio over time are associated with adipose tissue mobilization due to NEB, which was also confirmed by the changes in the BCS during the experimental period. The results indicate the possibility of using both fat content and fat-to-protein ratio as indicators of NEB in early lactation cows. The highest concentrations of saturated FA (SFA) were observed for C14:0, C16:0, C18:0, and also for the SFA with low carbon numbers. The highest concentrations of unsaturated FA (UFA) were determined for C18:1, C18:2, and C16:1. The significant difference in SFA:UFA between cows with decreasing of the BCS and cows without big change in the BCS after calving were not found. The changes in MUFA:PUFA in milk during the first 5 weeks of lactation differed between the cows with low and high decrease of BCS one month after calving. In cows with a greater NEB effect was observed ratio of PUFA:MUFA in milk with a value above 6.5. The results suggest the possibility of using MUFA:PUFA ratios as suitable indicators of NEB in cows after calving

    Body condition score and milk fatty acid composition in early lactation of Czech Fleckvieh cows

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    The development of body condition score (BCS) and milk fatty acid composition and its mutual relationships were evaluated in the first 4 weeks of lactation of 50 Czech Fleckvieh cows. Average BCS values ranged from 4.14 at calving to 3.6 points in the 4th week of lactation. The percentage of saturated fatty acids (SFA) tended to slightly increase (69.1 to 71.3%), whereas the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) tended to decrease (30.9 to 28.7%). The animals used were divided to three groups according to the BCS change between calving and week 4 of lactation. The cows with a minimum BCS loss during the first 4 weeks postpartum (–0.03 points) showed higher (+2.16 to 5.24%; P &lt; 0.05) SFA proportions than those having BCS loss more than 1 point. An opposite tendency was observed for UFA, with the highest (+1.23 to 5.26%; P &lt; 0.05) proportion found in the animals with the greatest BCS loss (≥ 1 point). These results indicate that high proportions of milk UFA related with a deep negative energy balance expressed by the highest BCS loss (≥ 1 point). The correlations between BCS at calving, BCS in the 1st and 2nd week of lactation, and proportion of fatty acid groups determined in the 4th week ranged from r = 0.29 to r = 0.41 (P &lt; 0.05)

    The influence of eating and rumination time on solids content in milk and milk yield performance of cows

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of rumination time, eating time and season on milk yield and on milk component content in the context of milk recording. The experiment was carried out with two breeds - Czech Fleckvieh cattle and Holstein cattle - for one year. Vitalimetr 5P neck responders were used to monitor eating and rumination time. For statistical evaluation, the time of eating and rumination was divided into three groups according to the length of eating and ruminating, with each breed being categorised separately. The highest protein content, which was 3.6%, was calculated for the group with an average eating time. The fat content was highest for the group with a below-average eating time. On the other hand, the highest milk yield was statistically significantly (P &lt; 0.01) higher in the group with the longest eating time. In terms of rumination, the trend was similar to that of the eating period. In the evaluation of the effect of rumination time, there was no difference in protein %, fat kg and fat % content. A significant (P &lt; 0.05) increase of protein kg was observed with higher rumination time. Changes in milk yield and milk components also occurred throughout the year. During the winter months, the yield decreased, but there was an increase in milk constituent content. During the summer months, the reverse results were obtained. The findings of this study highlight the importance of evaluating eating and rumination time as a potential predictor of milk yield and milk solids content, which are important in milk monetization

    Relationship between energy status and fertility in Czech Fleckvieh cows

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    The aim of this study was to confirm that a negative energy balance expressed by declining body condition score (BCS) can lead to the deterioration of fertility results of Czech Fleckvieh cows. The BCS of cows was evaluated before calving and during the first five weeks of lactation. The evaluation was based on 338 Czech Fleckvieh cows calved between the October 13th, 2009 and April 27th, 2010 at one dairy farm. Analysis of relationships between the energy balance results and fertility score expressed by the reproduction results (pregnancy rate after the first and all inseminations, the insemination interval, service period, insemination index, calving period) of the observed group were performed. The higher body condition score of the Czech Fleckvieh cows before calving turned out advantageously regarding the energy source during the postpartal period. No negative effect of higher BCS in cows before calving was confirmed. The best reproduction parameters were attained in the group of cows with no change or marked increase of body condition after calving recorded. However, statistically significant differences between the groups were detected only in the third week of lactation. Significant differences in the level of body condition were detected in relation to the length and type of oestrus onset

    Monitoring Lameness in Cattle Using the Vitalimeter

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    The most serious medical illness in breeding dairy cattle include diseases of the limbs, especially the hooves, which is a cause of premature decommissioning of the breeding. This is a crucial economic factor, because it can also significantly reduce the production of milk, and weight. It is therefore very important early detection of lameness. The aim of this study was to monitor the correct movement of dairy cows and subsequent detection of lameness through the automatic scoring system (vitalimeter), which facilitates the search for sick animals

    Monitoring Lameness in Cattle Using the Vitalimeter

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    The most serious medical illness in breeding dairy cattle include diseases of the limbs, especially the hooves, which is a cause of premature decommissioning of the breeding. This is a crucial economic factor, because it can also significantly reduce the production of milk, and weight. It is therefore very important early detection of lameness. The aim of this study was to monitor the correct movement of dairy cows and subsequent detection of lameness through the automatic scoring system (vitalimeter), which facilitates the search for sick animals