2 research outputs found

    Long-Run Relations Between the Financial Institutional Reforms and the Nigerian Manufacturing Performance (1970 - 2005)

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    This paper investigates the impact of financial institutional reforms on the manufacturing performance in Nigeria. Co-integration and Error Correction Model (ECM) techniques were used on annual time series covering the period between 1970 and 2005. It was observed that, in general the financial institutional reforms did not have a significant impact on the Nigerian manufacturing sector performance during the period under review. In particular financial reforms exhibited an insignificant relationship with the share of manufacturing in GDP

    Socio-Economic, Demand and Supply-Driven Determinants of Health Care Expenditures in Sub-Sahara Africa

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    This study examined the real determinants of health care expenditure in Sub-Sahara Africa. Considering the determining factors from socio-economic, demand and supply sides, data for the study were sourced from World Health Organization and World Development indicators published by World Bank. The study employed Westerlund Error-correction Based Panel Cointegration test to examine the relationship between the determining factors of health expenditure and the health expenditure itself. Findings from the study confirmed that there are long-term co-movements between the determining factors of health expenditure and health expenditure itself. Also, the study revealed that all variables from socio-economic, demand and supply sides have significant impacts on health expenditure in both short and long- run. In addition, most variables in the demand and supply sides have negative and significant impacts on health expenditure while all variables from socio-economic side have positive and significant impacts on health expenditure in both short and long-run in the selected Sub-Sahara African countries. Keywords: Health Expenditure, Socio-economic Side, Demand Side, Supply Side, Panel Unit Root test, Error Correction Based Panel Cointegration. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-10-07 Publication date:May 31st 202