55 research outputs found

    Migranti z mandatom za formiranje nacije. Mednarodna dejavnost na multietničnem ozemlju Kosova

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    The post-war reconstruction of Kosovo took the shape of a trusteeship-like international administration led by the United Nations Interim Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and partners. Large numbers of international staff were imported and entrusted with a mandate for nationbuilding according to the Western European civic-territorial model. Although this model has been perceived and promoted as an appropriate and desirable solution for multi-ethnic Kosovo, reconciliation between the ethnic communities, a prerequisite for the implementation of the proposed model, remains a serious challenge for the agents of UNMIK. A number of ambiguous and questionable solutions have been proposed, jeopardising the professional integrity of the international staff.Povojna rekonstrukcija Kosova se odvija pod okriljem mednarodne civilne uprave, na čelu katere je Misija Združenih narodov na Kosovu (UNMIK) s partnerji. Mednarodno osebje, ki se je v velikem številu naselilo na ozemlju Kosova, je dobilo mandat za izgradnjo nacije po vzoru zahodnoevropskega teritorialnega modela. Za implementacijo tega modela, ki je prepoznan in promoviran kot primerna in zaželena rešitev za multietnično strukturo kosovske družbe, je nujno potrebna zgladitev sporov med etničnimi skupnostmi, kar ostaja primarni izziv za akterje Misije ZN na Kosovu. Za dosego tega cilja so bile ponujene številne nejasne in vprašljive strategije, njihov neuspeh pa začenja spodkopavati profesionalno integriteto mednarodnega osebja

    Personal hygiene awareness among food handlers

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    In the globalization and rapid industrial development times food safety assurance is one of the basic conditions for protection of public health. For this purpose knowledge and awareness of personal hygiene among food handlers were determined in one of the middle-sized meat processing plants. It was found out that food handlers are aware of personal hygiene, but do not always practice it. Were observed problems in inter – social relations and communication difficulties at all levels, which can influence on quality of work performed and consequently on food safety assurance. Awareness of importance of good hygiene practice is based upon sense and is not uniformed. Periodicall, thematicall and methodologicall adapted trainings are crucial for food safety

    Occupational Safety and Health in Transnational Workplaces: The Case of Posted Workers

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    Članek predstavlja rezultate empirične študije o varnosti in zdravju pri delu napotenih delavcev v transnacionalnih in večjezičnih delovnih prostorih. Razprava temelji na podatkih, pridobljenih s polstrukturiranimi intervjuji s ključnimi deležniki v Sloveniji, ki jih avtorici analizirata s pomočjo 'pristopa večplastne ranljivosti' (layered vulnerability approach; Sargeant, Tucker 2009). Članek prinaša vpogled v multiple ranljivosti napotenih delavcev, ki so pogosto napoteni na opravljanje dela v nevarnih sektorjih in izpostavljeni številnim zdravstvenim tveganjem, ponuja pa tudi nekaj rešitev za zmanjšanje njihove ranljivosti, med drugim tudi vlogo in pomen učinkovitega širjenja informacij in ozaveščanja.The article presents the results of an empirical study on the occupational safety and health (OSH) of posted workers in transnational, multilingual and multi-employer workplaces. The argument is based on data obtained from semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders in Slovenia, which we analyse within the framework of Sargeant and Tucker’s (2009) layered vulnerability approach. We discuss multiple vulnerabilities of posted workers who are disproportionally recruited into hazardous jobs and exposed to numerous health hazards. Possible measures to reduce OSH-related vulnerabilities of posted workers are identified and discussed, including the role of information sharing and awareness raising

    Sodobne implikacije multikulturnih politik za evropske države blaginje

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    The article discusses the impact that multiculturalism policies (MCPs) have on the contemporary European welfare state. Although the empirical data shows there is no positive correlation between the adoption of MCPs and an increase in social spending, there has been a noted increase in public concerns about the decline of the welfare state system due to their adoption and increased immigration. Rather than dismissing those concerns, the authors use them as a starting point in their discussion on the changes of the concept of social solidarity in the age of globalisation.Prispevek obravnava vpliv multikulturnih politik na evropsko državo blaginje. Empirični podatki kažejo, da pozitivne korelacije med implementacijo multikulturnih politik in povečanimi izdatki za socialne transferje ni zaznati, vendar se kljub temu v širši javnosti priseljevanje in implementacija multikulturnih politik pogosto označujeta kot grožnja obstoječi državi blaginje. Avtorici ne zavrneta a priori pomislekov, ki jih imajo državljani evropskih držav blaginje proti priseljevanju, temveč na njih gradita debato o spremembah koncepta socialne solidarnosti v dobi globalizacije

    Influence of food composition on freezing time

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    Freezing is still the best way to preserve food when is carried out properly and allows production of food without any chemical preservatives. It is important to accurately predict the freezing time of different kinds of food to assess the quality and safety of the foodstuffs, processing requirements, and economical aspects of food freezing. The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of food product composition on freezing time. The research based on hypothesis: the composition of food product has significant effect on freezing time considering that the products have the same shape, mass and relief. In our research we recorded four batches of standard product with three different fillings (chocolate, vanilla and forest fruit) at the same freezing conditions. The products from puff pastry were always made from the same ingredients and also mass, shape, relief, slab and surface were constant. The core temperature after 41 minutes of freezing at air temperature – 32 o C ± 2 o C and constant velocity reached in chocolate product – 24.4 o C ± 0.2 o C, meanwhile in forest fruit – 17.0 o C ± 0.2 o C and vanilla only – 12.8 o C ± 0.2 o Cthus confirmed our hypothesis. For SMEs (small and medium size food enterprisers) which represent 99 % of all enterprises in the EU, it is essential to establish their own model for predicting freezing time which is more applicable that general theoretical models that require a lot of data which are not common accessible for SMEs

    Dejavniki stresa med študenti

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    Neljubi sopotnik današnjega načina življenja je nedvomno stres, ki je neizogiben pojav uveljavitveno usmerjene družbe, kamor lahko uvrstimo tudi populacijo študentov. Študenti morajo izpolnjevati zahteve iz okolja, hkrati pa se soočajo z lastnimi sposobnostmi in interesi. Znaki stresa se lahko izražajo na različne načine in lahko vodijo do resnih zdravstvenih zapletov. Z namenom, da bi ugotovili dejavnike stresa med študenti, smo na Visoki šoli za zdravstvo v Ljubljani izvedli študijo, s katero smo dobili preliminarni vpogled v obravnavano problematiko. V kvantitativnem delu raziskave je sodeloval 101 študent. Po razdelitvi izjav v štiri kategorije, predstavijo dejavnike stresa naslednje vrednosti: 24,2 % intrapersonalne, 18,7 % interpersonalne, 40,9 % šola/služba, 16,2 % širše okolje. Najpogosteje zabeleženi dejavniki stresa ne glede na kategorijo so: šola (21,8 %), izpiti (7,4 %), preobremenjenost v šoli ali na delovnem mestu (7,0 %), družinske težave (6,7 %), hiter tempo življenja (5,3 %), finance (5,1 %), prepiri z bližnjimi (4,6 %), zgodnje vstajanje in težave s partnerjem (3,9 %). Tekstovno gradivo za kvalitativno analizo smo pridobili iz petih delno strukturiranih intervjujev. Prepoznane so bile tri kategorije: stresorji, znaki in način reagiranja. Znotraj kategorij so bile prepoznane še posamezne dimenzije. Kot ključno ugotovitev bi lahko navedli, da stresa v kateri koli njegovi teoretični komponenti ni mogoče raziskovati ločeno od konteksta pojavitve in doživljanja. Rezultati so večplastni in poglabljajo problematiko stresa med študenti z doživljajskega zornega kota. Prispevek želi opozoriti na prisotnost različnih dejavnikov stresa med populacijo študentov in vodi k razmišljanju o rešitvah za zmanjšanje in obvladovanje težav, s katerimi se srečuje obravnavana populacija

    Vpliv družbene dinamike in vrednotenja patriotizma na zaposlovanje v Slovenski vojski

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    The authors deal with the impact of migration, demographic and ethnic dynamics on employment in the Slovenian Army in connection with the contemporary dimensions of patriotism. The authors argue that the Slovenian Army as an employment organization is not prepared to adapt to contemporary social change, and is fostering traditional social values as army values. These are incongruent with contemporary social values among Slovenian youth. In their discussion the authors refer to the employment policy of the Slovenian Army that restricts the employment of immigrants/residents in Slovenia without Slovenian citizenship and people with dual citizenship on the basis of patriotism. Therefore, they put the so-called military values and especially patriotism under scrutiny. Conception of patriotism as authoritarian has a negative impact on the representative role of the Slovenian Armed Forces in Slovenian society, and in consequence also discredits its legitimacy. The negative role of the armed forces in Slovenian society is diminishing people’s interest in seeking employment in it.Avtorici v članku obravnavata vpliv migracijske, demografske in etnične dinamike ter vpliv prevrednotenja vrednot, s poudarkom na patriotizmu, na zaposlovanje v Slovenski vojski. Ugotavljata, da se Slovenska vojska kot delovna organizacija slabo prilagaja družbenim spremembam, pri čemer sloni na tradicionalnih vrednotah, ki so v vedno globljem neskladju z družbenimi vrednotami mladih. Izhodišče razprave je kadrovska politika vojske, ki ne dovoljuje zaposlovanja priseljencev/prebivalcev Slovenije brez slovenskega državljanstva in dvojnih državljanov, s predpostavko o pomanjkanju patriotizma kot osrednje vrednote Slovenske vojske. V drugem delu članka so »vojaške« vrednote s poudarkom na patriotizmu postavljene pod drobnogled.Razumevanje patriotizma v smislu avtoritarnega tipa patriotizma omejuje reprezentativnost vojske, pod vprašaj pa postavlja tudi njeno legitimnost v slovenski družbi, kar negativno vpliva na zaposlovanje v tej delovni organizaciji

    Teoretska tematizacija priseljenskega/etničnega podjetništva v kontekstu države blaginje

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    The authors discuss the dynamics of immigrant/ethnic entrepreneurship in different welfare state regimes through the prism of theoretical frameworks that were developed in the United States and Europe. It is argued that, contrary to the United States, in Europe this is largely a politically encouraged economic activity with the underlying aim of integration of immigrants into the majority society and maintaining public support for financial redistribution within a welfare state regime. These differences stem from conditions created by different types of welfare states and have a strong influence on the development of ethnic entrepreneurship theories on the two continents. Due to exploring ethnic entrepreneurship under different conditions: (neo)liberalism in the United States and (neo)corporativism in Europe, theories follow different lines of analytical reasoning.Autorice raspravljaju o dinamici imigrantskog/etničkog poduzetništva u različitim režimima socijalnih država kroz prizmu teorijskih okvira razvijenih u SAD-u i Europi. Dokazuje se da je to u Europi, obratno nego u SAD-u, uglavnom politički ohrabrivana ekonomska aktivnost sa skrivenim ciljem integracije imigranata u većinsko društvo i očuvanja podrške za financijsku redistribuciju unutar režima socijalne države. Te razlike potječu iz uvjeta koje su stvorile socijalne države i snažno utječu na razvoj teorija etničkog poduzetništva na dva kontinenta. Zbog istraživanja etničkog poduzetništva u različitim okolnostima – (neo)liberalizmu u SAD-u i (neo)korporativizmu u Europi – teorije slijede različite linije analitičkog zaključivanja.Prispevek se skozi teoretsko perspektivo, ki je bila najprej razvita v ZDA in se je potem selila v Evropo, osredotoča na priseljensko/etnično ekonomijo v kontekstih različnih modelov države blaginje. Za razliko od razmer v ZDA, kjer je priseljensko/etnično podjetništvo prepuščeno tržni dinamiki, v Evropi prihaja do intenzivnejšega političnega spodbujanja njegovega razvoja, in to v povezavi s strategijami za učinkovitejšo integracijo priseljencev v t. i. večinsko družbo. Slednje je povezano tudi s konkretnimi prerazporejanji finančnih spodbud omenjeni ekonomski iniciativi. (Neo)liberalizem v ZDA in (neo)kotporativizem v Evropi ustvarjata različne vrste držav blaginje, kar se kaže tudi v pogojih za razvoj in delovanje priseljenskega/etničnega podjetništva in ne nazadnje v teoretskih razhajanjih, ko teorije sledijo kontekstualnim razlikam in gradijo različne smeri analitične argumentacije

    Consumer\u27s attitude and manipulation of raw milk from milk vending machines

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    Despite the high nutrition level of raw milk, consumption of it poses a health risk for consumers, especially high-risk populations. The aim of this survey was to determine consumer’s attitude towards raw milk from milk vending machines (n = 305) and to investigate their habits in manipulation of raw milk from the time of purchase until consumption (n = 74). Survey results show that the majority of consumers purchases milk once a week, using their own glass bottle and consume the milk in approximately two days. In most cases, consumers transport milk to their homes in less than 15 minutes without the use of a cooler bag. The manner of bottle cleaning technique depends on bottle material. Almost half of the consumers boil milk before consumption, which is associated with their attitude towards the safety of raw milk consumption. Most of them are satisfied with the level of hygiene on milk vending machines. The majority of consumers is unfamiliar with health risks of raw milk consumption and correct usage

    Nudge tools

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    Foodborne diseases represent an important public health challenge. Improper food handling can cause food contamination at any stage of the food supply chain. Food safety knowledge and training alone cannot be effective enough to change food handler’s hygiene behavior in practice. Employees’ behavior is significantly influenced by various factors at both individual (knowledge, practice, motivation) and organizational levels (food safety culture). If the factors are positively oriented and under control, food handlers have a better attitude and awareness of the importance to ensure food safety by observing all hygiene requirements. Companies that deal with people as a risk factor use nudge tools which can, through their different approaches, significantly influence behavioral changes. Nudge tools that change people\u27s behavior in a predictable way, can be used to improve hygiene behavior also in food establishments. In the studies so far, the most commonly used nudge tools are priming (for example, signs, words, smell) and affect (for example, disgust). Nudging may represent an important tool for improving hygiene behavior among food handlers. Food handlers are one of important risk factors, however, they are too often given insufficient attention