5 research outputs found
One of the most important steps in constructing decision support systems is the selection of a feature model. Signs can be qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative signs reflect a verbal description of objects, the way a person sees an object. Quantitative signs have a numerical expression. It should be noted that the use of quantitative features is effective, for which the regularity of the correspondence of their values to the qualitative description is well identified. However, models for describing objects that differ from the usual perception of these objects by doctors (for example, wavelet analysis) are difficult to understand the decision-making process, therefore, they distrust the results. The choice of a system of features is carried out depending on the tasks of the system. Nevertheless, a system combining both models of signs can be useful for the recognition of malignant neoplasms, as training and clinical systems. It can serve as the basis for a classifier, and also teaches the associative perception of the appearance of a sign and its quantitative equivalent.Одним из важнейших этапов построения систем поддержки принятия решений является выбор модели признаков. Признаки могут быть качественными и количественными. Качественные признаки отражают словестное описание объектов, то, как человек видит объект. Количественные признаки имеют числовое выражение. Следует отметить, эффективность использование количественных признаков, для которых хорошо выявлена закономерность соответствия их значений - качественному описанию. Однако, модели описания объектов, которые отличаются от привычного восприятия этих объектов врачами (например, вейвлет анализ) сложны для понимания процесса формирования решения, поэтому вызывают недоверие к результатам. Выбор системы признаков осуществляется в зависимости от задач системы. Тем не менее, система, сочетающая обе модели признаков, может быть полезна для распознавания злокачественного новообразования, в качестве тренировочной и клинической систем. Может служить основой для классификатора, а также обучает ассоциативному восприятию появления знака и его количественного эквивалента
Analysis of Multiple Drug Resistance Mechanism in Different Types of Soft Tissue Sarcomas: Assessment of the Expression of ABC-Transporters, MVP, YB-1, and Analysis of Their Correlation with Chemosensitivity of Cancer Cells
Chemotherapy of soft tissue sarcomas (STS) is restricted by low chemosensitivity and multiple drug resistance (MDR). The purpose of our study was the analysis of MDR mechanism in different types of STS. We assessed the expression of ABC-transporters, MVP, YB-1, and analyzed their correlation with chemosensitivity of cancer cells. STS specimens were obtained from 70 patients without metastatic disease (2018–2020). Expression level of MDR-associated genes was estimated by qRT-PCR and cytofluorimetry. Mutations in ABC-transporter genes were captured by exome sequencing. Chemosensitivity (SI) of STS to doxorubicin (Dox), ifosfamide (Ifo), gemcitabine (Gem), and docetaxel (Doc) was analyzed in vitro. We found strong correlation in ABCB1, ABCC1, and ABCG2 expression. We demonstrated strong negative correlations in ABCB1 and ABCG2 expression with SI (Doc) and SI (Doc + Gem), and positive correlation of MVP expression with SI (Doc) and SI (Doc + Gem) in undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma. Pgp expression was shown in 5 out of 44 STS samples with prevalence of synovial sarcoma relapses and it is strongly correlated with SI (Gem). Mutations in MDR-associated genes were rarely found. Overall, STS demonstrated high heterogeneity in chemosensitivity that makes reasonable in vitro chemosensitivity testing to improve personalized STS therapy, and classic ABC-transporters are not obviously involved in MDR appearance. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study: Association of Genetic Alterations in the Apoptosis Pathways with Chemoresistance to Doxorubicin
Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are heterogeneous cancers with more than 100 histological subtypes, different in molecular alterations, which make its personalized therapy very complex. Gold standard of chemotherapy for advanced STS includes combinations of Doxorubicin and Ifosfamide or Gemcitabine and Docetaxel. Chemotherapy is efficient for less than 50% of patients and it is followed by a fast development of drug resistance. Our study was directed to the search of genetic alterations in cancer cells associated with chemoresistance of undifferentiated pleomorphic and synovial sarcomas to the abovementioned genotoxic drugs. We analyzed chemoresistance of cancer cells in vitro using primary STS cultures and performed genetic analysis for the components of apoptotic signaling. In 27% of tumors, we revealed alterations in TP53, ATM, PIK3CB, PIK3R1, NTRK1, and CSF2RB. Cells from STS specimens with found genetic alterations were resistant to Dox, excluding the only one case when TP53 mutation resulted in the substitution Leu344Arg associated with partial oligomerization loss and did not cause total loss of TP53 function. Significant association between alterations in the components of apoptosis signaling and chemoresistance to Dox was found. Our data are important to elaborate further the therapeutic strategy for STS patients with alterations in apoptotic signaling. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
Hypertensive disorders in women with peripartum cardiomyopathy: insights from the ESC EORP PPCM Registry
Hypertensive disorders occur in women with peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM). How often hypertensive disorders co-exist, and to what extent they impact outcomes, is less clear. We describe differences in phenotype and outcomes in women with PPCM with and without hypertensive disorders during pregnancy.
The European Society of Cardiology PPCM Registry enrolled women with PPCM from 2012-2018. Three groups were examined: 1) women without hypertension (‘PPCM-noHTN’); 2) women with hypertension but without pre-eclampsia (‘PPCM-HTN’); 3) women with pre-eclampsia (‘PPCM-PE’). Maternal (6-month) and neonatal outcomes were compared.
Of 735 women included, 452 (61.5%) had PPCM-noHTN, 99 (13.5%) had PPCM-HTN and 184 (25.0%) had PPCM-PE. Compared to women with PPCM-noHTN, women with PPCM-PE had more severe symptoms (NYHA IV in 44.4% and 29.9%, p<0.001), more frequent signs of heart failure (pulmonary rales in 70.7% and 55.4%, p=0.002), higher baseline LVEF (32.7% and 30.7%, p=0.005) and smaller left ventricular end diastolic diameter (57.4mm [±6.7] and 59.8mm [±8.1], p<0.001). There were no differences in the frequencies of death from any cause, re-hospitalization for any cause, stroke, or thromboembolic events. Compared to women with PPCM-noHTN, women with PPCM-PE had a greater likelihood of left ventricular recovery (LVEF≥50%) (adjusted OR 2.08 95% CI 1.21-3.57) and an adverse neonatal outcome (composite of termination, miscarriage, low birth weight or neonatal death) (adjusted OR 2.84 95% CI 1.66-4.87).
Differences exist in phenotype, recovery of cardiac function and neonatal outcomes according to hypertensive status in women with PPCM