3 research outputs found

    Development of TECHNOLOGY for Preparing the Thermostable Milk-containing Filling and Study of Infrared Spectra of Its Components

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    Solving the problem of detecting counterfeiting in confectionery requires appropriate identification methods and is of paramount importance in the list of measures aimed at achieving food safety and quality.The following infrared spectra of the samples were studied in this work:– a model system containing xanthan gum and tare gum;– a model system containing xanthan gum, tare gum, and sugar;– a model system containing xanthan gum, tare gum, skimmed milk powder;– a model system containing xanthan gum, tare gum, maltodextrin.Absorption is characteristic of certain groups of atoms, its intensity is directly proportional to their concentration. Thus, the measurement of the absorption intensity makes it possible to calculate the amount of a given component in the sample.A detailed technological scheme for the production of heat-resistant fillings using gelatin has been developed, which allows obtaining a product with new organoleptic and physical and chemical properties. The novelty of the technological scheme is the use of thermostable fillings of gelatin and the enzyme transglutaminase, and a mixture of gums, in the technology. A special feature in the production of these fillings is the operation of structuring at a temperature of 55±5 °C, which distinguishes it from existing technologies.This paper reports the results of the infrared spectroscopic analysis of fillings, which made it possible to argue about the positive effect of gelatin usage in the technology of confectionery. The developed heat-resistant milk-containing filling has a high biological and nutritional value in comparison with the existing technologies of fillings for confectionery.It has been analyzed that polysaccharides, gelatin, skimmed milk powder, and powdered sugar are rich, first of all, in reactive groups. Therefore, the physical and chemical properties of the fillings will be enhanced (adhesion, moisture-binding forms, etc.

    Research Ofwintergarlic Storage Depending on the Elements of the Post-harvest Refinement

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    The object of research is the effect of post-harvest treatment with biological products on the safety of winter garlic. One of the most problematic places is to increase the shelf life of winter garlic for food and at the same time reduce disease damage. Processing of products with biological preparations before laying them in storage, the active strains of which are able to suppress the development of plant diseases, reduce production losses during storage.During the study, varieties of Merefiansky white and Merefiansky pinkwinter garlic grown in the forest-steppe of Ukraine are used. The preparations Gliokladin and Phytosporin are used at a concentration of 2% during the growing season and before being stored. Natural losses, the number of sprouted bulbs of garlic and affected by microbiological diseases, the total losses and the yield of standard products are determined.Processing vegetable products with biological products of various actions helps to extend the shelf life and increase the yield of standard products at the end of storage. It was found that treatment with biological products reduces the incidence of garlic diseases. After 6 months of storage, the untreated bulbs defy themselves with diseases of 8.33–8.93 %. Treatment with Phytosporin reduces the damage to microorganisms to 6.28–6.88 %. The most effective is the treatment of bulbs with Glyocladine. The number of affected bulbs decreases to 2.67–2.69 %. Biological treatment most suppresses the development of fusarium and bacteriosis. The number of affected bulbs is 0.2–0.65 and 1.1–1.6 %, respectively.The safety of winter garlic has a strong direct relationship with weight loss, the number of people affected by diseases and the amount of sprouted bulbs. The processing of garlic by biological preparations for storage does not ensure complete elimination of the harmful species, but only reduces the harmfulness of microorganisms to an acceptable level.The proposed method for processing garlic bulbs with biological products before storage will reduce losses and extend the period of consumption. In the development of new, low-cost, environmentally friendly and affordable storage technologies, this is an important technique

    Development of A Device for Cleansing Cow Udder Teats and Testing IT Under Industrial Conditions

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    Preparing cows for milking is one of the most important operations. Not only the speed of milk production but also the quality of milk depends on the level of the work performed. One of the most effective ways to mechanize the preparation of cows for milking implies the development of a special mechanical brush that cleans and stimulates the teat skin. As a result, there is no need to use additional foam detergents and napkins to cleanse and disinfect teats. A device has been designed for cleansing teats with two rotating brushes. Theoretical studies of the interaction of cleansing elements of the device for mechanical removal of pollutants from the udder teats in the course of milking operation were carried out. Assuming constancy of the modulus of elasticity, shape and roughness of teats, linear and angular velocities of brushes, nap stiffness, and homogeneity of physical and mechanical properties of contaminants on the teat, dependence of force Fe of the mechanical device on length l of the cleansing element and its speed ω was established. Under the condition that force Fe of the mechanical device is smaller than force Fp which causes pain but greater than the force retaining pollutants (adhesion), values of the main design and technological parameters of the developed device were determined: l=8 mm, ω=106 rpm. As a result of production tests, it was found that when using the developed device, the daily milk yield of the experimental group of cows exceeded that of the control group by an average of 1.1 times which has made it possible to obtain a supplement of 132.5 kg of milk. Along with this, there was a 0.19 % increase in milk fat content in the experimental group compared to the control group. The number of microorganisms decreased 2.2 times and the number of contaminant particles decreased 4.6 time