170 research outputs found

    Dispositional Effects on Job Stressors and Job Satisfaction: The Role of Core Evaluations

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    AbstractCore self-evaluations (CSE) is a broad, integrative trait indicated by self-esteem, locus of control, generalized self-efficacy, and (low) neuroticism (high emotional stability). The aim of this study was to investigate the role of core self evaluations and its traits in the job stressors and job satisfaction. Two hundred and twenty eight (45 males, 183 females) of Islamic Azad University employees completed Measures of Job Stressors which consisted of the Interpersonal Conflict at Work Scale, the Organizational Constraints Scale, and Quantitative Workload Inventory, Overall Job Satisfaction, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), Eysenck Personality Inventory Neuroticism Scale, Internality, Powerful Others and Chance Scale (IPC), as well as Core Self-Evaluation Scale (CSEs). Findings revealed the negative correlation of self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy and core self-evaluations with interpersonal conflict at work, organizational constraints, and job satisfaction. Neuroticism had also a positive correlation with them. Furthermore, regression analysis of the data demonstrated that self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, neuroticism, and core self-evaluations significantly predicted interpersonal conflict, organizational constraints, and job satisfaction. Therefore, based on the results it could be concluded that core self evaluation and four traits influence the job satisfaction and job stressors with the exception of quantitative workload

    Hypoxia: a Review

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    Tissue hypoxia occurs where there is an imbalance between oxygen supply and consumption. Growing evidence from experimental and clinical studies points to the fundamental and patho-physiologic role of hypoxia in cancer, ischemic tolerance, and stroke. Hypoxia-induced changes in ion homeostasis, erythropoiesis, angiogenesis, proliferation and differentiation. This review outlines hypoxia effect at molecular level and describes briefly hypoxia role in the physiological and pathological conditions

    Autogenous skin transplant for repair of traumatic ventral hernia in sheep

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    Traumatic ventral abdominal hernia is common in sheep. Fifteen adult sheep affected with large ventral hernia defect were treated. Skin was harvested from the same sheep and replaced for the defective abdominal muscle and sutured. Subcutaneous tissue and skin were opposed over the transplanted skin and sutured. The animals were evaluated clinically, haematologically and by biopsy. Clinically, the animals ate and drank normally after surgery. The transplanted skins were perfectly secured in place. Leukocytosis with neutrophilia and lymphopenia were noticed in 77.7% of cases until the 5th day post-operation. Biopsy results indicated vascularization, atretic hair follicles and no signs of rejection. After six months there were signs of re-herniation and the transplanted skin began to enlarge, showing a defect in the abdominal wall in all cases

    The Impact of Housing on Primary Students Welfare and Role of International Organizations to Improve IT

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    The purpose of this literature review paper is to determine the role of housing availability in improving well-being in childrens life and prevention of child abuse by considering the role of international organizations. This review shows that having a suitable home has an important role in succeeding the academic achievement among students, and also, homeless children more than others suffer from lack of health, physical problems and child abuse. Furthermore, this study finds that homeless school students more than their peers have a problem about academic achievement. This paper also supports the need of improving legal ways to respond to the problem of homeless among students. Key word: Housing, Students welfare, International organization, Child abuse, Academic achievemen

    The relationship between motivation in work and spirituality among nursing staff in the hospitals in Isfahan using spirituality- based motivation model

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    زمینه و هدف: انگیزش در کار مجموعه ای از نیروهای درونی و بیرونی بوده که به عنوان امری مهم و ضروری در شغل پرستاران و سایر افراد ارائه دهنده خدمات به بیماران جهت ارائه کار دقیق و با کیفیت شناخته شده است. این مطالعه به منظور تعیین رابطه انگیزش در کار و معنویت در میان کادر پرستاری بیمارستان های شهر اصفهان با استفاده از مدل انگیزشی مبتنی بر معنویت انجام گردید. روش بررسی: این مطالعه توصیفی- تحلیلی در سال 1393 بر روی 230 نفر از پرستاران، ماماها و بهیاران شاغل در بیمارستان های دولتی شهر اصفهان که به صورت نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده انتخاب شده بودند انجام گردید. ابزار جمع آوری شامل پرسشنامه محقق ساخته شامل 64 سوال بر اساس مدل انگیزشی مبتنی بر معنویت در حوزه ارتباطات فرافردی، درون فردی، میان فردی، برون فردی، انگیزش و فرا انگیزش و معنویت بود. یافته ها: در این مطالعه 230 نفر از پرستاران، ماماها و بهیاران شامل 57/8 (133 نفر) مرد و 42/2 (97 نفر) زن تحت مطالعه قرار گرفتند. ارتباطات فرافردی با بتای 0/86 بیشترین تأثیر را داشته و بعد از آن ارتباط درون فردی با بتای 0/70، ارتباط میان فردی و برون فردی با بتای 0/59 بر روی معنویت در کار اثر داشتند؛ همچنین متغیر معنویت در کار با بتای 0/667 به طور معنی داری بر انگیزش و فرا انگیزش موثر بود. ارتباط معنی داری بین مولفه های مدل انگیزش مبتنی بر معنویت با تحصیلات و سن افراد وجود نداشت نتیجه گیری: با توجه به تأثیرگذاری بیشتر ارتباطات فرا فردی و درون فردی در مقایسه با ارتباطات میان فردی و برون فردی در معنویت و انگیزش در کار پیشنهاد به ارتقای این ارتباطات توسط مدیران بیمارستان ها و بدین ترتیب افزایش انگیزش در کار با رهیافت معنویت می شود


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    Abstract. The macro volume of working capital in public transaction and various renting can formadministrative corruption in this field. To fight against corruption in public transaction, the governments have predicted different mechanisms and one of the most important types is obliging the administrative institutes to observe the formalities of tender in public transaction. The formalities of tender include the processes with the aim of protection of the public benefits, avoidance of corruption and keeping the competitive space. If the formalities of tender are not observed for some logical reasons, we can leave these formalities in the rules. As tender exception is performed without following the rules and processes of tender, observing the fundamental principles to guarantee the administrative health is necessary. These principles include transparency, competitiveness, responsiveness and revision of the administrative decisions. The present study evaluates the Iranian rules regarding leaving the formalities of tender based on the mentioned principles to define how much the rules are based on these principles. The studies show that none of the mentioned principles are observed as fully in the rules of not observing the tender formalities and the rules have serious shortcomings in this regard. The lack of observing of these rules have important role in administrative corruption in this stage of public transaction. It is attempted to explain theweaknesses and strengths of the relevant rules and present corrective solutions and remove the legislative problems and fight against corruption in this field.Keywords: Tender exceptions, Administrative corruption, Fundamental principles, Public transactio

    Child Abuse by Teachers and Legal Ways to Encounter in Rural Areas

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    Many children closely interact with teachers for nine months out of the year and schools are one of the safest places for students to be educated and teachers have a vital role for this education. Teachers should prevent from different kinds of child abuses and have an important role for preventing from child abuse. The primary purpose of this literature review study is to investigate of the phenomenon of child abuse within the school environment by teachers. The second aim of this paper is to determine the legal ways in different countries to encounter with physical child abuse by teachers. Child abuseby teachers has an in depth influence on children\u27s behaviors and their academic achievements. Abused children have been found to suffer from extreme deficits in school, exhibit poor academic performance, antisocial behaviour, poor self-respect, higher criminal behaviour rates, scepticism of adults, and central nervous system functioning. The findings of this paper showed that there are many reported cases of child abuse by teachers in rural areas, nevertheless, many countries banned or restricted physical abuse or corporal punishment and made legal decisions

    Multiple-deficit dyslexia screening mobile game framework

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    Dyslexia is affecting more than ten per cent of the world population which involve difficulties in reading, writing and spelling. It is categorized as learning difficulties and it is estimated that around 314,000 Malaysian school-going children are dyslexic. One of the key issue facing the education system is the need for early and accurate identification of students with dyslexia. However, the current practice in the Malaysian school system is based on the teacher’s observation and initiation before the screening process can be implemented. The issue of ill awareness and untrained teacher is one of the constraints in the screening process. The insufficient number of dyslexic students in the Malaysia schooling system is the proof of its inefficiency and therefore it is a necessity to have a dyslexia screening tool which is simple, accurate and easy to use. The potential impact of early identification of dyslexia in Malaysia is critical with the possibility of a proper remedial program for the dyslexic children and reducing the enrolment into the special need classes. It is a great necessity to develop a simple screening test that could help teachers and parents to diagnose dyslexia symptom in a child based on multiple deficit theories. This study proposes a Multiple-Deficit Dyslexia Screening Mobile Game Framework to overcome this issue by providing a simple screening method using a series of mini-game in the mobile environment which incorporated Multiple-deficit theories of dyslexia and mobile game. The study has been divided into three phases which are (i) Analysis; (ii) Design and Development; and (iii) Implementation and Evaluation. In the analysis phase, all factors and elements related to the dyslexia screening process effectiveness were identified through document review and validated by experts. At the end of these phases, a Multiple deficit framework was proposed. In the design and development phase, the DleksiaGame was designed and developed based on the proposed framework. Besides that, two testing instruments were developed to assess the effectiveness and acceptance of the DleksiaGame which are (i) Game usability testing and the (ii) Serious game acceptance. These testings were conducted separately toward a different group of participants. A pilot study was conducted to ensure that all the instruments are valid and reliable. Finally, pre and post-test with non-equivalent control group design were used in the implementation and evaluation phase to test the screening effectiveness which involves 153 respondents from the Dyslexia Association of Malaysia. All collected data were analysed using SPSS 23.0 software. Findings from the pre and post test indicated that 80 per cent of the dyslexic children were correctly classified and highly motivated to play the DleksiaGame. In conclusion, the proposed MDysS Framework model has shown a positive acceptance among the teacher and the student

    Classification, Formalization and Automatic Verification of Untraceability in RFID Protocols

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    Résumé Les protocoles sécurité RFID sont des sous-ensembles des protocoles cryptographiques mais avec des fonctions cryptographiques légères. Leur objectif principal est l'identification à l'égard de certaines propriétés de intimité comme la non-traçabilité et la confidentialité de l'avant. La intimité est un point essentielle de la société d'aujourd'hui. Un protocole d'identification RFID devrait non seulement permettre à un lecteur légitime d'authentifier un tag, mais il faut aussi protéger la intimité du tag. Des failles de sécurité ont été découvertes dans la plupart de ces protocoles, en dépit de la quantité considérable de temps et d'efforts requis pour la conception et la mise en œuvre de protocoles cryptographiques. La responsabilité de la vérification adéquate devient cruciale. Les méthodes formelles peuvent jouer un rôle essentiel dans le développement de protocoles de sécurité fiables. Les systèmes critiques qui nécessitent une haute fiabilité tels que les protocoles de sécurité sont difficiles à évaluer en utilisant les tests conventionnels et les techniques de simulation. Cela a eu comme effet de concentrer les recherches sur les techniques de vérification formelle de tels systèmes pour assurer un degré élevé de fiabilité. Par conséquent, certaines recherches ont été faites dans ce domaine, mais une définition explicite de certaines de ces propriétés de sécurité n'ont pas encore été donnée. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de démontrer l'utilisation de méthodes formelles pour analyser les propriétés de intimité du protocole RFID. Plusieurs définitions sont données dans la littérature pour les propriétés non-traçabilité, mais il n'y a pas d'accord sur sa définition exacte. Nous avons introduit trois niveaux différents pour cette propriété en ce qui concerne les expériences de intimité existantes. Nous avons également classé toutes les définitions existantes avec différents points forts de la propriété non-traçabilité dans la littérature. De plus, notre approche utilise spécifiquement les techniques de calculs de processus pi calcul appliqués pour créer un modèle pour un protocole. Nous démontrons les définitions formelles de nos niveaux de non-traçabilité proposées et l'applique à des études de cas sur les protocoles existants.----------Abstract RFID protocols are subsets of cryptographic protocols but with lightweight cryptographic functions. Their main objective is identification with respect to some privacy properties, like anonymity, untraceability and forward secrecy. Privacy is the essential part of today's society. An RFID identification protocol should not only allow a legitimate reader to authenticate a tag but also it should protect the privacy of the tag. Although design and implementation of cryptographic protocols are tedious and time consuming, security flaws have been discovered in most of these protocols. Therefore the responsibility for reliable and proper verification becomes crucial. Formal methods can play an essential role in the development of reliable security protocols. Critical systems which require high reliability such as security protocols are difficult to be evaluated using conventional tests and simulation techniques. This has encouraged the researchers to focus on the formal verification techniques to ensure a high degree of reliability in such systems. In spite of the studies which have been carried out in this field, an explicit definition for some of these security properties is still missing