201 research outputs found

    The dynamics of message passing on dense graphs, with applications to compressed sensing

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    Approximate message passing algorithms proved to be extremely effective in reconstructing sparse signals from a small number of incoherent linear measurements. Extensive numerical experiments further showed that their dynamics is accurately tracked by a simple one-dimensional iteration termed state evolution. In this paper we provide the first rigorous foundation to state evolution. We prove that indeed it holds asymptotically in the large system limit for sensing matrices with independent and identically distributed gaussian entries. While our focus is on message passing algorithms for compressed sensing, the analysis extends beyond this setting, to a general class of algorithms on dense graphs. In this context, state evolution plays the role that density evolution has for sparse graphs. The proof technique is fundamentally different from the standard approach to density evolution, in that it copes with large number of short loops in the underlying factor graph. It relies instead on a conditioning technique recently developed by Erwin Bolthausen in the context of spin glass theory.Comment: 41 page

    On Low-rank Trace Regression under General Sampling Distribution

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    A growing number of modern statistical learning problems involve estimating a large number of parameters from a (smaller) number of noisy observations. In a subset of these problems (matrix completion, matrix compressed sensing, and multi-task learning) the unknown parameters form a high-dimensional matrix B*, and two popular approaches for the estimation are convex relaxation of rank-penalized regression or non-convex optimization. It is also known that these estimators satisfy near optimal error bounds under assumptions on rank, coherence, or spikiness of the unknown matrix. In this paper, we introduce a unifying technique for analyzing all of these problems via both estimators that leads to short proofs for the existing results as well as new results. Specifically, first we introduce a general notion of spikiness for B* and consider a general family of estimators and prove non-asymptotic error bounds for the their estimation error. Our approach relies on a generic recipe to prove restricted strong convexity for the sampling operator of the trace regression. Second, and most notably, we prove similar error bounds when the regularization parameter is chosen via K-fold cross-validation. This result is significant in that existing theory on cross-validated estimators do not apply to our setting since our estimators are not known to satisfy their required notion of stability. Third, we study applications of our general results to four subproblems of (1) matrix completion, (2) multi-task learning, (3) compressed sensing with Gaussian ensembles, and (4) compressed sensing with factored measurements. For (1), (3), and (4) we recover matching error bounds as those found in the literature, and for (2) we obtain (to the best of our knowledge) the first such error bound. We also demonstrate how our frameworks applies to the exact recovery problem in (3) and (4).Comment: 32 pages, 1 figur

    Combinatorial approach to the interpolation method and scaling limits in sparse random graphs

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    We establish the existence of free energy limits for several combinatorial models on Erd\"{o}s-R\'{e}nyi graph G(N,⌊cNβŒ‹)\mathbb {G}(N,\lfloor cN\rfloor) and random rr-regular graph G(N,r)\mathbb {G}(N,r). For a variety of models, including independent sets, MAX-CUT, coloring and K-SAT, we prove that the free energy both at a positive and zero temperature, appropriately rescaled, converges to a limit as the size of the underlying graph diverges to infinity. In the zero temperature case, this is interpreted as the existence of the scaling limit for the corresponding combinatorial optimization problem. For example, as a special case we prove that the size of a largest independent set in these graphs, normalized by the number of nodes converges to a limit w.h.p. This resolves an open problem which was proposed by Aldous (Some open problems) as one of his six favorite open problems. It was also mentioned as an open problem in several other places: Conjecture 2.20 in Wormald [In Surveys in Combinatorics, 1999 (Canterbury) (1999) 239-298 Cambridge Univ. Press]; Bollob\'{a}s and Riordan [Random Structures Algorithms 39 (2011) 1-38]; Janson and Thomason [Combin. Probab. Comput. 17 (2008) 259-264] and Aldous and Steele [In Probability on Discrete Structures (2004) 1-72 Springer].Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOP816 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Maximum Weight Matching via Max-Product Belief Propagation

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    Max-product "belief propagation" is an iterative, local, message-passing algorithm for finding the maximum a posteriori (MAP) assignment of a discrete probability distribution specified by a graphical model. Despite the spectacular success of the algorithm in many application areas such as iterative decoding, computer vision and combinatorial optimization which involve graphs with many cycles, theoretical results about both correctness and convergence of the algorithm are known in few cases (Weiss-Freeman Wainwright, Yeddidia-Weiss-Freeman, Richardson-Urbanke}. In this paper we consider the problem of finding the Maximum Weight Matching (MWM) in a weighted complete bipartite graph. We define a probability distribution on the bipartite graph whose MAP assignment corresponds to the MWM. We use the max-product algorithm for finding the MAP of this distribution or equivalently, the MWM on the bipartite graph. Even though the underlying bipartite graph has many short cycles, we find that surprisingly, the max-product algorithm always converges to the correct MAP assignment as long as the MAP assignment is unique. We provide a bound on the number of iterations required by the algorithm and evaluate the computational cost of the algorithm. We find that for a graph of size nn, the computational cost of the algorithm scales as O(n3)O(n^3), which is the same as the computational cost of the best known algorithm. Finally, we establish the precise relation between the max-product algorithm and the celebrated {\em auction} algorithm proposed by Bertsekas. This suggests possible connections between dual algorithm and max-product algorithm for discrete optimization problems.Comment: In the proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theor

    Causal Message Passing: A Method for Experiments with Unknown and General Network Interference

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    Randomized experiments are a powerful methodology for data-driven evaluation of decisions or interventions. Yet, their validity may be undermined by network interference. This occurs when the treatment of one unit impacts not only its outcome but also that of connected units, biasing traditional treatment effect estimations. Our study introduces a new framework to accommodate complex and unknown network interference, moving beyond specialized models in the existing literature. Our framework, which we term causal message-passing, is grounded in a high-dimensional approximate message passing methodology and is specifically tailored to experimental design settings with prevalent network interference. Utilizing causal message-passing, we present a practical algorithm for estimating the total treatment effect and demonstrate its efficacy in four numerical scenarios, each with its unique interference structure
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