50 research outputs found

    Penerapan nilai melalui kurikulum tersembunyi dalam kalangan guru-guru sekolah rendah di daerah Johor Bahru

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    Kurikulum tersembunyi juga dikenali sebagai kurikulum tidak rasmi; kurikulum tidak formal; kurikulum tersirat atau dalam bahasa Inggeris disebut sebagai hidden curriculum atau unwritten curriculum. Proses penerapan nilai merupakan suatu proses identifikasi dan sosialisasi yang dilakukan oleh agensi tertentu sehingga seseorang itu secara langsung dan tidak langsung telah menerima atau mengambil standard nilai yang diamalkan oleh orang perseorangan dan kumpulan ahli masyarakat untuk dijadikan satu sistem nilainya sendiri. Kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk meninjau konsep kurikulum tersembunyi dan menentukan apakah strategi dan masalah penerapan nilai melalui kurikulum tersembunyi dalam kalangan guru-guru sekolah rendah di daerah Johor Bahru. Kajian ini adalah kajian kuantitatif. Kajian ini melibatkan 404 orang responden. Data yang diperolehi dianalisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS 20.0) yang melibatkan penggunaaan statistik deskriptif dalam bentuk skor min, sisihan piawai, kekerapan dan peratusan. Hasil kajian mendapati konsep kurikulum tersembunyi dalam kalangan guru-guru sekolah rendah di daerah Johor Bahru berada pada tahap tinggi (min = 3.89, sp = 0.40). Strategi penerapan nilai melalui kurikulum tersembunyi yang berada pada tahap tertinggi ialah strategi secara isyarat. Manakala masalah penerapan nilai melalui kurikulum tersembunyi yang tertinggi ialah masalah kurang pengetahua

    Pendidikan swasta kearah pembangunan pendidikan negara

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    Matlamat pendidikan di Malaysia bertujuan untuk menggalakkan perkembangan individu yang seimbang melalui perkembangan jasmani, mental, emosi, moral dan estetik. Individu yang dilahirkan dari sistem pendidikan seharusnya stabil dari segi jasmani, cekap menjalankan tugas serta mempunyai nilai estetik untuk menikmati keindahan alam semula jadi . (Abdul Rahim, 2010). Samada institusi pendidikan itu formal ataupun tidak, proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran tetap akan berlaku. Institusi pendidikan berperanan merancang kurikulum pendidikan yang bersesuai dengan kehendak masyrakatnya dalam usaha membentuk masyarakat yang berilmu pengetahuan dengan penekanan kepada pelbagai matapelajaran berteraskan keagamaan, sains, falsafah,jasmaniah, kemahiran, tatabahasa, astronomi,matematik, gimnastik dan sebagainya

    Pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran menggunakan frog VLE bagi mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu di sekolah rendah

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    Pada zaman digital dan globalisasi ini, perkembangan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi menuntut agar perubahan dibuat ke atas kaedah mengajar dan belajar. Proses pembelajaran kini melampaui ruang fizikal bilik darjah (Kukulska-Hulme & Traxler,2005)bersifat globalisasi dan sepanjang hajat (Sharples,2000). Oleh itu, banyak penyelidikan yang telah dan sedang dijalankan bagi memanfaatkan potensi teknologi untuk menyokong pengajaran dan pembelajaran

    Role of Self-Efficacy and Resistance to Innovation on the Demotivation and Insufficient Learning Capabilities of Preservice English Normal Students in China

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    Learning capabilities among students are the crucial element for the student’s success in learning a particular language, and this phenomenon needs recent studies. The current study examines the impact of self-efficacy and resistance to innovation on the demotivation and insufficient learning capabilities of preservice English normal students in China. The current research also investigates the mediating impact of demotivation among self-efficacy, resistance to innovation, and insufficient learning capabilities. The questionnaires were employed by the researchers to gather the data from chosen respondents. The preservice English students are the respondents of the study. These are selected using purposive sampling. These questionnaires were forwarded to them by personal visits. The researchers have sent 690 surveys but only received 360 surveys and used them for analysis. These surveys represented a 52.17% response rate. The SPSS-AMOS was applied to test the relationships among variables and also test the hypotheses of the study. The results revealed that self-efficacy and resistance to innovation have a significant and a positive linkage with demotivation and insufficient learning capabilities. The findings also indicated that demotivation significantly mediates self-efficacy, resistance to innovation, and insufficient learning capabilities. The article helps the policymakers to establish the regulations related to the improvement of learning capabilities using innovation adoption and motivation of the students

    Pengenalan kepada penulisan ilmiah

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    Pengenalan kepada penulisan ilmiah merupakan sebuah karya yang memerihalkan tentang konsep, pendekatan dan tatacara penulisan secara ilmiah. Karya ini merupakan hasil gagasan dan gabungan idea lapan orang tenaga pengajar Universiti Teknologi Malaysia yang berpengalaman dalam pengajaran penulisan ilmiah pada peringkat pengajian tinggi. Karya seumpama ini amat penting untuk dijadikan panduan serta rujukan pensyarah dan pelajar agar mutu penulisan ilmiah dapat dikawalselia dan dipelihara. Setiap pelajar di institusi pengajian tinggi akan berhadapan dengan tatacara berfikir, berbicara dan menulis secara ilmiah. Namun begitu, penulisan ilmiah adalah teras kepada penglahiran dan penterjemahan pemikiran pelajar menerusi teks penulisan hasil daripada proses pembelajarannya di universiti. Oleh itu, penulisan ilmiah yang dihasilkan oleh seseorang pelajar mestilah dapat memberi gambaran tentang sikap, keindahan dan kualiti pemikiran ilmiah yang dimilikinya. Kertas kerja ilmiah, laporan industri, projek sarjana muda dan tesis merupakan tugasan yang mesti dihasilkan oleh pelajar di sepanjang pengajiannya di institusi pengajian tinggi. Justeru itu, pada tahap awal kesemua tugasan tersebut menghendaki pelajar untuk memahami tatacara asas untuk menghasilkan suatu teks penulisan ilmiah yang bermutu. Keseluruhan bab dalam karya ini telah digarap dan dicerakinkan secara komprehensif dan bersistem bagi memudahkan pembaca memahami secara mekanis dan teknikal tatacara penulisan ilmiah yang bermutu. Selain itu, contoh sebuah penulisan ilmiah turut disertakan bagi memudahkan pemahaman pembaca. Akhirnya, karya ini amat sesuai di baca oleh semua pelajar di institusi pengajian tinggi, maktab perguruan dan sesiapa saja yang berminat untuk memperbaiki mutu penulisan ilmiah. Semoga karya ini dapat mencetuskan budaya berfikir, berbicara dan menulis secara ilmiah dalam komuniti institusi pengajian tinggi dan masyarakat amnya

    Teacher's experience in curriculum implementation : an investigation on English language teaching in vocational colleges in Malaysia

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    This qualitative research aimed to explore teachers’ experience in the implementation of the new English language curriculum in Malaysian vocational colleges. The research’s focus is on English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers’ perceptions on the new English language curriculum and its implementation, ESL teachers’ strategies in implementing the new English language curriculum, and the problems and challenges that they face in implementing the new English language curriculum. A full qualitative research paradigm was employed using a phenomenology design, where 6 ESL teachers from Negeri Sembilan participated to share their insights on the research topic. The research used purposive sampling method, and the participants were selected based on research location. The research instrument used to collect the data was a semi-structured interview administered via Facebook video call and recorded with Callnote application software. This approach was chosen for its feasibility and cost-saving nature. Research findings show that ESL teachers are receptive of the curriculum change and most of them understand the new curriculum well. They have positive feelings towards it despite acknowledging negative curriculum aspects, having curriculum concerns and dealing with problems and challenges. Teachers recommended for proper training and support in order to improve the teaching and learning process in ESL classroom. The implications of the research findings have been outlined and highlighted, followed by several suggestions for the stakeholders involved, including ESL teachers, policymakers, training division, and vocational college administrators

    "I employed my own strategy": Exploring primary headteachers' organisational and professional socialisations

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    Purpose - The main purpose of this study was to explore primary headteachers' perceptions of their professional and organisational socialisation within their novice years as school leaders. There is a lack of studies exploring primary headteachers' socialisation within the Malaysian primary education context. Methodology - A total of nine primary headteachers from three states were purposely selected and interviewed to obtain their perceptions on the professional socialisation they received before and after their appointment and the strategies that they employed within their organisational socialisation process. Findings - The study revealed that the primary headteachers employed their own organisational socialisation strategies in order to be accepted as a new member of the school. These were relatively diverse but accorded with their school's values and culture. However, in terms of their professional socialisation, there were various findings: some mentioned the lack of support programs while others acknowledged receiving quite helpful programmes within their initial years of headship. The findings and the implications for the improvement of primary headteachers' socialisation are discussed. Significance - This study provides supplementary literature that explores primary headteachers' organisational and professional socialisation within the Malaysian schooling context. This study notes some practical and theoretical implications for improving the prospective headteachers' training and their leadership development which aim to enhance the leadership qualities of future primary school leaders

    Students’ perception towards engaging factors of extreme e-service learning design for computer network course

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    Impact brought by COVID-19 changes the whole classroom culture from face to face to the extreme online learning and this includes a course that normally implements traditional face-to-face Service Learning. Educators are required to shift the learning into the online platform which is also known as Extreme e-Service Learning and it must be prepared in a proper way. In keeping students engaged with their learning, Extreme e-Service Learning needs to be designed based on engaging factors to encourage and support student engagement with their learning. Thus, in this study, researcher designed the Extreme e-Service Learning online platform based on the engaging factors and at the same time, investigating students’ perceptions towards this learning design. A set of questionnaires were distributed and analysed. Semi-structured interviews with students in a smaller group were conducted to have a deeper insight. Research findings suggest that students have positive views and perceptions in regard of using Extreme e-Service Learning mainly because of the learning activities and interesting features in this online platform. This study contributed to the design of Extreme e-Service Learning based on engaging factors that help e-Service Learning instructors in planning their teaching and learning process and ensure engaging experience for the students

    “I Employed My Own Strategy”: Exploring Primary Headteachers’ Organisational and Professional Socialisation

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    Purpose – The main purpose of this study was to explore primary headteachers’ perceptions of their professional and organisational socialisation within their novice years as school leaders.There is a lack of studies exploring primary headteachers’ socialisation within the Malaysian primary education context.Methodology – A total of nine primary headteachers from three states were purposely selected and interviewed to obtain their perceptions on the professional socialisation they received before and after their appointment and the strategies that they employed within their organisational socialisation process.Findings – The study revealed that the primary headteachers employed their own organisational socialisation strategies in order to be accepted as a new member of the school. These were relatively diverse but accorded with their school’s values and culture. However, in terms of their professional socialisation, there were various findings: some mentioned the lack of support programs while others acknowledged receiving quite helpful programmes within their initial years of headship. The findings and the implications for the improvement of primary headteachers’ socialisation are discussed.Significance – This study provides supplementary literature that explores primary headteachers’ organisational and professional socialisation within the Malaysian schooling context. This study notes some practical and theoretical implications for improving the prospective headteachers’ training and their leadership development which aim to enhance the leadership qualities of future primary school leaders

    The attainment of soft skills among students: impact of abroad study visit program

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    This study aims to determine the impact of an abroad study visit program on the attainment of soft skills among the students. A questionnaire was used to collect the data using a five-scale range of answers. Thirty-five students were selected among the participants of the program. The data is analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics, namely mean, standard deviation, and correlation. The primary finding obtained is that the program has provided a huge opportunity for the students to develop their professional ethics and moral indicated through the highest mean obtained by the items related to the construct. In terms of correlations, the positive and the strongest correlation is between the construct of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills and the construct of Lifelong Learning and Information Management. The implications of the findings are also discussed