43 research outputs found
Kesediaan guru terhadap perlaksanaan pentaksiran berasaskan sekolah bagi mata pelajaran kemahiran hidup bersepadu
Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah (PBS) telah diperkenalkan perlaksanaannya oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia di sekolah rendah seluruh Malaysia pada tahun 2011 dan sekolah menengah pada sesi persekolahan 2012. Usaha tersebut adalah sebahagian daripada program transformasi pendidikan Negara. Namun demikian, perlaksanaanya telah menimbulkan pelbagai isu dalam masyarakat sejak ianya diperkenalkan dan tidak terkecuali dalam kalangan guru sendiri. Justeru itu, kajian deskriptif ini telah dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti kesediaan guru-guru terhadap perlaksanaan PBS bagi mata pelajaran Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu (KHB). Aspek kesediaan yang dikaji adalah kesediaan guru dalam aspek pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap. Kajian ini telah melibatkan seramai 111 orang guru KHB dari 38 buah sekolah menengah harian biasa dalam daerah Johor Bahru. Data kajian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrument soal-selidik yang dibina sendiri oleh penyelidik. Kemudiannya data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa guru-guru KHB daerah Johor Bahru mempunyai tahap kesediaan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang tinggi terhadap perlaksanaan PBS. Selain itu, kajian juga mendapati guru mempunyai sikap yang positif terhadap perlaksanaan PBS dalam mata pelajaran KHB. Maka, kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa para guru khususnya guru mata pelajaran KHB bersedia untuk melaksana dan terus melaksanakan PBS dalam tugas seharian mereka. Sehubungan itu penyelidik mencadangkan konsep yang digunapakai dalam PBS diteruskan dan penambahbaikan dilakukan dari masa kesemasa
Socio-economic determinants of students’ academic achievement in building technology in North-central Nigeria
This study investigated socio-economic determinants of students’ academic achievement in building technology in North-central Nigeria. It was a quest to probe into the incessant cases of students’ poor achievement in building technology to identify students’ determining factors. Survey research design was adopted in carrying out the study. Data were collected from 113 students on their socioeconomic attributes and their academic record. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study showed that building technology education in Nigeria is male dominated and majority of colleges of education students in North-central Nigeria are under 20 years. Socio-economic determinants of students’ academic achievement in building technology include gender, age, study hours, family size, stipends per month, group reading, students’ health status, credit pass in SSCE and truancy. The challenges facing building technology students in the study area include epileptic power supply, inadequate ICTs, lack of functional building technology workshop among others
Elemen pelaksanaan pendidikan keusahawanan dalam program latihan kemahiran TVET: suatu penelitian terhadap masalah dan cabaran
Keusahawanan adalah merupakan satu inisiatif penting negara bagi mengatasi masalah pengangguran di samping meningkatkan ekonomi negara. Salah satu usaha kerajaan dalam menerapkan keusahawanan di kalangan golongan belia adalah melalui penerapan pendidikan keusahawanan dalam Pendidikan Latihan Teknik dan Vokasional (TVET). Namun, isu yang seringkali menjadi pedebatan adalah apakah elemen dan bagaimanakah penerapan pendidikan keusahawanan ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan berkesan. Sehubungan itu, artikel ini akan membincangkan pengenalpastian elemen pendidikan keusahawanan dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan keusahawanan Program Latihan Kemahiran TVET melalui analisis terhadap cabaran dan permasalahan pelaksanaan pendidikan keusahawanan berdasarkan kajian-kajian terdahulu. Kajian literatur penerokaan dengan melibatkan sebanyak 780 artikel yang diperolehi daripada enjin carian Scopus dan Google Scholar pada 9 September 2022 yang lalu. Berdasarkan analisa meta, terdapat 4 elemen utama telah dikenalpasti iaitu kurikulum, kompetensi, proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta sokongan kerjaya keusahawanan. Setiap elemen utama tersebut mempunyai sub elemen masing-masing dan semua elemen tersebut saling berhubungan di antara satu sama lain. Semua elemen yang terhasil ini adalah merupakan keperluan asas yang penting dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan keusahawanan yang berkesan di kalangan Program Latihan Kemahiran TVET
Students’ Psychosocial Perception of Automobile Technology Learning Environment and Attitudinal Outcomes in North-eastern Nigeria Tertiary Institutions
AbstractStudents’ perception of their learning environment is a crucial factor in improving quality of learning. Several researches revealed that students’ perception of the learning environment has a significant impact on the students’ academic performance and attitude. This study investigated relationships between students’ perception of automobile technology learning environments and their attitude towards automobile technology in north-eastern tertiary institutions of Nigeria. The research design of the study was a correlational survey design and the sample comprised 474 students offering automobile technology as a course in the institutions. The data were collected using ATLEI and ATAQ and these were analyzed using descriptive statistics, simple correlation, and multiple correlation analysis. The findings revealed that the automobile technology learning environments remain traditional and students anxiety-dominated the learning environment in the north-eastern tertiary institutions of Nigeria. It was recommended that lecturers in the institutions of learning should be sensitized on the importance of students’ perception of learning environment and enhanced student-student and student-lecturer relationships in their institutions
Penilaian berasaskan kompetensi di Institut Latihan Kemahiran, Johor Bahru
Kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti amalan penilaian yang digunakan untuk menilai kemajuan pencapaian pelajar. Kajian ini menjurus kepada kaedah penilaian serta cara untuk membantu pelajar yang gagal mencapai objektif pembelajaran di salah sebuah institut latihan kemahiran di Johor Bahru.Kajian ini merupakan kajian kes yang menggunakan temubual separa berstruktur sebagai instrument kajian. Seramai dua orang tenaga pengajar bagi kursus Sijil Teknologi Industri 1 telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Data daripada temubual telah ditranskripkan, dikodingkan dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis tematik. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa institut latihan ini mengunakan kaedah penilaian berasaskan „work-based learning’ dan „competency based approach’. Penilaian merangkumi pengetahuan, hasil kerja, keselamatan dan akhlak. Institut latihan ini juga menggalakkan kaedah belajar sepanjang hayat iaitu pelajar boleh belajar tanpa mengira had umur. Ia juga menekankan perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku kepada lebih baik dan positif kearah penjanaan budaya ilmu . oleh itu, pihak institut mewajibkan pelajar yang gagal mengulang semula mata pelajaran tersebut sehingga berjaya, walaupun terpaksa menambah masa pengajiannya. Secara keseluruhannya kajian ini telah dapat memberikan input yang berguna mengenai kaedah pelaksanaan penilaian berasaskan kompetensi. Implikasi kajian terhadap peningkatan kemahiran perkerjaan juga dibincangkan
Penentuan kesepadanan bidang pengajian-pekerjaan dalam kalangan graduan di kolej komuniti
Mismatch issues between training in skills training institutions and skills required by employers often raised. However, we found the lack of a study conducted to examine the compatibility of training between training institutions and industry. Thus, this study was undertaken to determine the level of matching between the fields of study with work and identify the underlying factors that affect compatibility between fields of study with the underlying employment among graduates. Our research involves Community College trainees in the field of electrical which graduation in 2013. This study is a quantitative study using a questionnaire as an instrument. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages and inferential statistical analysis such as Cramer -V Correlation test was used to analyze the data. The results show that almost 43.4 % of graduates work in fields that do not match the field of study at community colleges. In addition, the study also showed that there was no significant effect of educational characteristics (such as academic performance) and job characteristics (such as length of employment, type of employment sectors and employment status) on the correspondence between fields of study with jobs they undertake. Indeed, the quality of graduate students can not be measured only by the ability to place graduates in jobs in the sector , but what is more important is their ability to get a job in matching the field of study and skills acquired
Penilaian pembelajaran berasaskan kompetensi dalam pendidikan teknik dan vokasional
Pendidikan Teknik dan vokasional merupakan satu bidang yang penting bagi pembangunan sumber manusia khususnya untuk melahirkan pekerja mahir dan separuh mahir. Kaedah ini menggalakkan pelajar belajar sepanjang hayat dan menekankan perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku kepada lebih baik dan positif ke arah penjanaan budaya ilmu.Pengajar yang terlibat dalam proses pendidikan dan latihan akan melaksanakan penilaian untuk mengetahui keberkesanan latihan dan kemahiran yang diberi. Penilaian berasaskan kompetensi adalah penting untuk mengesahkan bahawa seseorang telah menunjukkan kemahiran praktikal serta pengetahuan asas yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan tugas mengikut standard tertentu. Penilaian direka dalam bentuk bertulis dan praktikal. Soalan penilaian menggunakan konsep teori Taksonomi Bloom berdasarkan domain kognitif yang merangkumi enam aras kognitif bagi menguji kualiti serta aras soalan untuk menilai kompetensi pelajar. Penilaian yang berkaitan pengetahuan asas, soalan dalam bentuk bertulis. Soalan dibina dalam pelbagai pilihan dan berstruktur pendek. Terdapat juga tugasan dalam bentuk aplikasi dan penyelesaian masalah. Penilaian peringkat yang lebih tinggi adalah dalam bentuk praktikal tahap satu, dua dan praktikal tahap tertinggi. Senarai semak dalam bentuk rubrik disediakan untuk menentukan kompetensi pelajar telah mencapai tahap standard yang ditetapkan. Penilaian pembelajaran berasaskan kompetensi dalam pendidikan teknik dan vokasional sangat penting supaya dapat melahirkan pelajar yang berpengetahuan, berkemahiran dan dapat memenuhi pasaran pekerjaan
Economic determinants of national carbon emissions: perspectives from 119 countries
The study aims to analyze the economic determinants of national
carbon emissions in a large cross-section of 119 countries. The
study followed the ‘theory of sustainable development’ to assess
the national sustainable developmental agenda. The study
employed cross-sectional, robust least squares, and Markov
switching regression for parameter estimates. The findings indicate
that information disclosure, the cost of business start-up procedures,
sustainable fuel imports, and renewable energy decrease
emissions stock. In contrast, ease of doing business and logistics
operations increase it. According to the ex-ante analysis, information
disclosure, the cost of business start-up procedures, and
environmentally friendly logistical operations would likely reduce
emissions stock. Ease of doing business and lower renewable fuel
expenditures will almost certainly increase emissions stock in the
majority of subsequent years. Over time, information disclosure is
expected to significantly impact carbon emissions, followed by
renewable energy consumption, doing business, and logistical
operations. Sustainable economic policies worldwide make it possible
for green technology and environmentally friendly manufacturing
to be put into place
Environmental sustainability competency framework for polytechnics engineering programmes
Sustainability challenges such as degradation of ecosystem, loss in biodiversity, depletion and destruction of natural resources, numerous instances of pollution, and the extreme poverty of millions of human beings all originated from how people think. In an effort to improve the situation, the UN declared the years 2005-2014 as Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), calling for a thorough integration of competencies in sustainability issues at all levels of education. In line with this, addressing numerous sustainability-related problems requires an urgent need to reorient the school curricula, so that appropriate sustainability competencies are injected. Since the contents of HEIs curricula revolve around knowledge-based goals, skill-based goals and affective goals, this study investigated competencies (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) in the environmental sustainability suitable for incorporation into Higher National Diploma (HND) electrical/electronic engineering curriculum in Nigeria. The study employed qualitative approach through document analysis and semi-structured interview with the participants. The documents analyzed were twelve Journal Articles and five Skill Standards. The researchers also conducted interviews with electrical/electronic personnel in the academia and industry. The empirical findings of the semi-structured interviews corroborated the theoretical findings in the documents analyses. The study discovered several competencies in the document analysis as well as interviews, which were ultimately analyzed thematically. The themes include: Climate change, Ecology, Environmental Resource Management, System Thinking, Sustainable urbanization, Recycling/Re-use, and Empathy and Ethics. The researchers analyzed only 17 documents and conduct 10 interviews, thus, conclusions derived from these sources rely on the genuineness of the information provided by the participants. The findings provide the researchers, accreditation body as well as curriculum developers with competencies in environmental sustainability in the events of curriculum upgrade or renewal to integrate sustainability. The findings are the results of triangulated data elicited theoretically and empirically
Conceptual model of technical sustainability for integration into electrical/electronic engineering programmes in Nigerian polytechnics
Global warming is probably the greatest threat of this century. Several developed and developing countries have taken important measures to reduce its adverse effects, including greening their Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) curricula. However, Sub Saharan African countries are left behind to that effect, despite the fact that people in these countries are the greatest recipients of the global warming harmful consequences. The goal of this research therefore, is to investigate the suitable competencies in technical sustainability for incorporation into Higher National Diploma electrical/electronic engineering curriculum in Nigeria. The authors used mixed-method approach employing sequential exploratory design in the study. In the qualitative phase, we analyzed documents consisting of 10 journal articles and 3 skills standards, as well as conducted a total of 10 interviews with experts. Also, we carried out 3 rounds of modified Delphi survey using 28 participants to ascertain the appropriateness of the competencies suitable for infusion into the said curriculum. The study discovered competencies suitable for incorporation into the curriculum which include cognitive-related competencies in clean energy, eco-design, and RD; psychomotor-related competencies in sustainable production, waste-to-energy-technology, communication/ICT, and use of modern engineering software tools; and affective values related to engineering ethical responsibility, occupational health and safety, cooperation/teamwork, and equity. We analyzed only 13 documents, conducted 10 interviews, and administered questionnaires in 3 rounds of Delphi survey technique to 28 experts in only one geo-political zone of the country. Thus, conclusions derived from these sources rely on the genuineness of the information provided by the participants. The findings provided the researchers, accreditation bodies as well as curriculum developers with competencies in technical sustainability in the events of curriculum upgrade or renewal to integrate technical sustainability. The findings are the results of triangulated data elicited theoretically and empirically