39 research outputs found

    Media framing of a political personality: a case study of a Malaysian politician

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    The objective of this paper is to show how newspapers mould the image, personality and reputation of politicians through the pages of the newspapers by playing up or playing down their news and pictures. Using the framing theory, this paper looks at how 11 national and provincial newspapers frame news of Datuk Yong Teck Lee1, a politician from Sabah, a state within the Malaysian Federation. News samples were collected from 18 June 2008 (the day after the announcement made by Datuk Yong Teck Lee to quit the Coalition to the day after Coalition announced that they will focus on a Parliamentary by-election of Pematang Pauh on 7 August 2008. A total of 241 news and articles in Malay, English, and Mandarin were analyzed. In general, the study found mainstream and provincial newspapers differed in their reporting. Some newspapers tended to portray Datuk Yong Teck Lee negatively, while others pictured him as the hero of Sabah. There are also ‘neutral’ or objective reports. As the perception of people can be developed through their exposure of newspaper coverage, framing of news can help to show how newspapers play up or down such news and at the same time develop or destroy the reputation of political personalities

    Artikulasi isu-isu sejarah dalam media massa di Malaysia

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    Kajian ini bertujuan menelusuri perkembangan mediaskap di Malaysia secara sepintas lalu dan diikuti artikulasi isu-isu sejarah dalam media massa di Malaysia menerusi temubual mendalam dengan pengamal media. Secara umumnya, dari awal pengenalan akhbar sewaktu zaman penjajahan British sehinggalah kemunculan internet telah menyaksikan perubahan yang dramatik. Media memainkan pelbagai peranan penting kepada masyarakat mengikut peredaran masa. Peranan paling awal yang boleh dilihat adalah inisiatif mewujudkan semangat nasionalisme dan seterusnya mengerakkan usaha menuntut kemerdekaan. Pelbagai usaha telah dilakukan oleh media di Malaysia dalam beberapa dekad kebelakangan ini untuk mengetengahkan peristiwa-peristiwa bersejarah bagi mempromosi toleransi dan perpaduan dalam kalangan masyarakat pluralistik Malaysia. Media juga dilihat secara konsisten berkompromi dengan dasar kerajaan untuk menghasilkan kandungan yang bersesuaian dengan nilai-nilai ketimuran dan memenuhi aspirasi negara melahirkan masyarakat demokratik yang liberal menjelang tahun 2020. Pelbagai program telah diterbitkan dengan matlamat memperkenalkan sejarah Malaysia misalannya Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah disamping menyelitkan peristiwa-peristiwa bersejarah sebagai latar cerita bagi mempromosi keharmonian dan keamanan kepada masyarakat multi etnik di Malaysia. Usaha ini dipermudahkan dengan dasar yang diterapkan oleh kerajaan. Kemunculan internet terutamanya enjin pencarian telah membuka peluang kepada sesiapa sahaja yang berminat untuk mengakses lebih banyak maklumat. Sementara itu, media sosial telah bertindak sebagai platform wacana publik dan bertukar-tukar fikiran

    Perkembangan Persuratkhabaran Bahasa Mandarin di Malaysia dan Peranannya Dalam Masyarakat Cina

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    The establishment of Chinese newspapers in Malaysia began with the migration of overseas Chinese (Huaqiao) to Malaysia. Several of the pioneer Chinese newspapers such as Kwong Wah Yit Poh (1910), Nanyang Siang Pau(1923), Sin Chew Jit Poh (1929), Overseas Chinese Daily News (1932), and China Press (1946) are still in existence today. This article explores the development of the Chinese newspapers by tracing their chronology; analyses the factors that contributed to the emergence of the newspapers, and identifies their challenges. A salient aspect of the contemporary mediascape pertaining to Chinese newspapers is the ownership of the newspapers. In the past, the ownership of newspapers revolved around individual companies, whereas, majority of the newspapers in Malaysia now are owned by two Chinese tycoons, both from Sarawak, through Media Chinese International Limited (MCIL) and Kumpulan KTS. This article will show how the Chinese newspapers played a crucial role in advocating and fighting for Chinese education,culture and identity

    Gender Perspective on the Arab Spring

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    AbstractThis paper looks at the role of media of Arab Spring by presenting a gender perspective of the upheaval. This is an assessment of the potential role of “New media” as a reliable source of information and its implications on “conventional media outlets” such as television and newspapers. The study suggests that a prospective trend of joint venture between “horizontal means of communication” in conjunction with “conventional media” is to be seen in the future. The results indicate that an outburst in the use of “social media” occurred during the uprisings that swept the “Arab world” in early 2011. Two years later; this phenomenal reliance on social media tools and networks continue to gain momentum ranking “digital media” the most desired source of information. Yet, the results suggest that “digital media” does not overcome the status of “conventional media” rather operates in parallel with each other. The study highlights a gender perspective of the “Arab Springs”; its causes and implications on the people in three of the Arab countries; Egypt, Yemen and Libya, drawing on the opinion of 314 female students from the Middle East, Asia Africa who were surveyed during the summer of 2012

    Journalists in Malaysia

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    Journalists in Malaysia

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    Marketing Malaysia to the Middle East Tourists: towards a preferred inter-regional destinations

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    This paper attempts to demonstrate the importance of the Middle East market to the Malaysian tourism industry, to discuss their travel profiles and behavior, and finally to suggest strategies to better position Malaysia as the most preferred inter-regional destination among the Arab tourists. It is estimated that there will be a total of 35 million outbound tourist arrivals from the Middle East in 2020. The Arab tourists tend to stay longer, spend more and are unfazed by the high tropical temperatures. The Middle East region is also a very viable market for tourism as it is home to a growing young population with a high per capita income, particularly the Saudi Arabia and UAE. This paper also discusses the pattern of outbound tourism from the region as well as the marketing efforts undertaken by the Malaysian tourism players to attract the Middle East travelers. Malaysia promotional efforts so far very much concentrated for tourism products and services within the Klang Valley area and tourism players in other parts of the country are still far from the so called “Arab Tourist’s Friendly”. It is suggested that Malaysia should focus more of their marketing efforts to well capture the Saudi Arabia and UAE outbound travel, to develop distinctive youth-oriented tourism products, to increase air links between major tourist cities in Malaysia and the Middle East, to start fully utilize the internet media for promotion and distribution, and to encourage the Arabs to purchase timeshare vacation homes in Malaysia

    New media and democracy: the changing political landscape in Malaysia

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    The new media, the Internet, has been used by businesses, government bodies, organisations, individuals etc. to conduct business, services and social transactions. The development and ascendancy of the Internet as an informational medium, has altered the information environment in which political elites and interested citizens function (Woodly 2008). In Malaysia, for example, the Internet is used as an alternative to mainstream media which is viewed as being pro-establishment. As of now there are a few online newspapers, such as Malaysiakini, The Malaysian Insider and blogs, with some of the blogs being run by former journalists. The run-up to Malaysia’s March 2008 General Elections had seen the Internet becoming a key political battleground for the first time as the use of ICT comes into full bloom with the opposition parties using the medium more than the Government parties. Some characteristics of Habermas concept of public sphere was truly mirrored in the run up to the General Elections and its aftermath where the Internet, via blogs, served as a public sphere for voters. As one of the characteristics of the public sphere where all citizens are guaranteed access, with the advent of the Internet, anyone with a computer and Internet connection (including wireless) can have access to the Internet. The new media has gradually penetrated the Malaysian political scenario affecting the status quo as seen in the March 2008 General Elections. The government can no longer under estimate the power and influence of the new media

    Kebebasan akhbar dan kebebasan bersuara: satu tinjauan dari sudut perlembagaan undang-undang Malaysia

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    Circulation of Malaysian newspapers: a decade of mixed fortune

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