81 research outputs found

    Development of multi-input sensor algorithm for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) system stage 2

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    This project is to develop a multi-input algorithm of sensors for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) system for the stage two which is having high performance automated detection and monitoring on underwater application or for surveillances and defense application. The sensors implemented in AUV such as vision system, hydrophone system and sonar system successful develop in stage one. While in stage two we improved some multi-input sensor such as GPS system and compass module with pressure and temperature sensor system. In the stage one all multi-input sensor gives the best performances. The new design of vision system for AUV with the implementation of wireless camera, whereby, produce clearer image. The ultrasonic sensor is a main device to transmit and receive the signal from the obstacle.The ultrasonic sensor will be combined to the ultrasonic circuit. Hydrophone is an underwater microphone which with the help of pressure impulses of acoustic waves converts them into electrical signals which in further are used for communication. It was designed to be used underwater for recording or listening to underwater sound. In stage two GPS system uses to navigation the AUV which is using Smart GPS Receiver model EB-85A and GPS Engine Board EB-230. This design could easily be expended and made portable for use in AUV. In this project also aims to obtain data on pressure and temperature in the water around AUV and shows the relationship between pressure and water depth and pressure with temperature. The entire sensor produced the good result and all result analyzed stated in this paper

    Monitoring Grid Frequency

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    The grid frequency of a 50 Hz system varies from 49.8 Hz to 50.2 Hz. Every 0.01 Hz of change in grid frequency correspond to approximately 6% to 8% of power supply dropped in the grid (S. Pourmousavi et al. 2009). Hence high resolution of measurement device is a must to monitor the grid frequency. Most frequency measurement devices such as oscilloscope usually caters high frequency measurement range. Even though some oscilloscope able to measure low frequency signal, its accuracy and resolution is not up to the challenge of measuring grid frequency. Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) uses by most power system company is not economical to be used by small scale power generation company or for research purpose. In this paper, a simple zero crossing method will be employ to measure the grid frequency with a resolution of 0.003 Hz using Arduino Uno controller. The test and validation of the frequency data took place in Europe specifically at University of Applied Science Rosenheim

    Measurements of leaf area index using optical method (IAI-2000) in oil palm plantation: accuracy and limitation assessment

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    Leaf area index (LAI) is an important parameter for characterizing the canopy structure ofa crop. The LAI, which is often used as a critical variable to simulate different ecosystem models, is difficult to measure directly in oil palm. In this study, optical methods for quantifYing variation in LAI under different conditions were evaluated. It was found that the accuracy of the readings depended on different factors, such as measuring technique, view cap angle, spatial variability, and height of the measuring point. The measuring technique had an effect on the LAI measurement. Results showed that the Zigzag method underestimated the LAI compared to other methods. The LAI by the Zigzag method was 11.6% less than the LAI by the "one above and four below" technique and 5.7% less than the LAI by the "one above and eight below" technique. The LAI obtained I7y the "one above eight below" technique was 6.2% less than the LAI obtained with the "one abovefour below" technique. Results from the investigation ofthe effect of view cap on LAI measurement showed that the view cap strongly influenced the LAI calculation and LAI decreased with increase in the view cap angle. PCA LAI values were also affected by spatial variability and height of the sensor. PCA LAI values increased with increase in sensor height above ground with a maximum LAI value (2.77) at 2.5-meter height above ground and mzmmum LAI value (0.932) at O-meter height from ground. Maximum values of LAI were obtained for all dIrectIOns at 0.5-meter dtstance from the trunk and minimum LA1 values were obtained near the tip of the frond. The PCA LAI values increased by about 5%- 50% with increase in distance from the frond tip to frond base

    Synchronization of Compass Module with Pressure and Temperature Sensor System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)

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    This paper describes the synchronization of compass module with pressure and temperature sensor system for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). In general this project is the result of a combination of existing technology for underwater sensory to produce a complete system that aims to identify the position of the AUVs based on AUV degree of freedom. This can be done with the help of compass module that can find and order the AUV is moving at a fixed angle. This created a system that aims to obtain data on pressure and temperature in the AUV. Not only that, the project also aims to prove that the relationship between pressure and depth of the water and the relationship between pressure and temperature. All data gathered is capable of helping in the preparation of an AUV that can accommodate high pressure according to the depth to destination

    Synchronization of Compass Module with Pressure and Temperature Sensor System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)

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    This paper describes the synchronization of compass module with pressure and temperature sensor system for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). In general this project is the result of a combination of existing technology for underwater sensory to produce a complete system that aims to identify the position of the AUVs based on AUV degree of freedom. This can be done with the help of compass module that can find and order the AUV is moving at a fixed angle. This created a system that aims to obtain data on pressure and temperature in the AUV. Not only that, the project also aims to prove that the relationship between pressure and depth of the water and the relationship between pressure and temperature. All data gathered is capable of helping in the preparation of an AUV that can accommodate high pressure according to the depth to destination

    Measurement Of Low Frequency Signal Of Power Grid Using Arduino

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    The range of the frequency to be measured by a measurement device depends on the purpose of performing the measurement. The frequency measurement device is built specifically according to its range while the price of the device is proportional to its functions. In this paper, a low frequency measurement device to monitor grid frequency is designed using Arduino technology. All aspects of the design from the software to hardware is explained. This device costs less than 100 US Dollar and it is capable to perform data logging for data analysis. The frequency range for the device is between 45 Hz to 60 Hz with 0.003 Hz resolution. This paper also discuss the standard commercial measurement device in power system and Arduino capabilities. The measurement data from the device is analyze for its accuracy and reliability

    Graphene Nanoplatelets (GnP)-PVA Based Passive Saturable Absorber

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    A passive Q-switched pulsed laser at 1.5 m region incorporating graphene nanoplatelets (GnPs) embedded in Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) is demonstrated. A surfactant is used to aid the dispersion of the GnPs before it is mixed with PVA to develop a GnPs-PVA film based SA. The SA is integrated into the laser cavity by attaching a cut of the GnPs-PVA film in between two fiber ferrule of the laser ring cavity.The proposed GnPs-PVA film based passive Q–switched laser was able to operate as the input pump power was increased from 39 mW up to a maximum of 148 mW before diminishing. The laser obtained operated with a central wavelength of 1530.76 nm. Repetition rates were obtained at 33 kHz to 91.5 kHz, throughout the tunable input pump power with the shortest pulse width of 2.42 s. Maximum attainable peak power and pulse energy of 1.2 mW and 5.9 nJ, respectively, was recorded, accompanied by a signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 28 dB

    Development of imaging application for oil palm fruit maturity prediction

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    Color is the most important indicator for the farmer to determine fresh fruit bunches (FFB) for oil palm fruit maturity in manual harvesting process. To automate the harvesting operation, the development of vision system will replace the human eye for matured FFB recognition. In real plantation environment, the variations of the daylight cause changes the light intensity, thus becoming the main issue that affects automatic recognition process. In this study, the relationships of mesocarp oil content and fruit ripeness were determined. Research was carried out by taking the picture of the oil palm fruit from the days after pollination stage (immature) until overripe stage. The samples were collected from oil palm age of 5, 16 and 20 years tree at MPOB –UKM Research Station, Bangi Lama. The variety of oil palm is Tenera (Dura X Pasifera). These images of 3 categories fruits were captured with setting image parameter and the lighting intensity under oil palm canopy that affected the image was simultaneously recorded in unit of Foot Candles (FC). The sample of fruits were analysed for its oil content at every stage of growth. NIKON coolpix4500 digital camera with tele-converter zooming device was used to capture the image of the fruit which were analysed for its digital color value. The lighting intensity was recorded using Extech Instrument Datalogging Light Meter. The Soxhlet Extractor machine was used to determine the oil content of the fruit mesocarp based on the experiment of Bunch Analysis procedure. The objective of this project is to develop the database of images of oil palm fruit bunches at different stages of fruit maturity. The data will then be used to develop the software to enable the planters to determine the time of harvesting the matured fruits. Initial result tests on 16 years old tree showed that digital value of optical properties was significant in determining the oil content of mesocarp palm. Using regression analysis of polynomial 2nd order method shows that optical property of oil palm fruit was significant in determining the oil mesocarp fruit with respect to its degree of maturity with correlation of equation; Y=-0.0074X2+3.6351X-374.06; R² = 0.9541 where Y = Mesocarp oil content; X = Hue value and R2 = Regression Squared respectively. To estimate the Optimum days for harvesting the FFB, the triangulation method will apply to the data collected from an experiment

    Spatial variability of soil organic carbon in oil palm: a comparison between young and mature stands

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    This study aimed at quantifying the spatial variability of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC), estimating SOC at unsampled locations and comparing the spatial variability of SOC between young and mature oil palm stands. Two study sites were chosen to represent two different palm age groups, i.e., 5 Years after Planting (YAP) and 17 YAP. A systematic sampling design was employed for soil sampling at the 0-20 cm depth based on a cluster of four palms that comprised three operational zones: Weeded Circle (WC), Frond Heap (FH) and Harvesting Path (HP). A total of 60 sampling clusters were obtained for each site. Soil samples were analyzed for SOC by dry combustion method. All measurement points were geo-referenced by differential Global Positioning System (dGPS). The SOC data were first explored using descriptive statistics, normality check, outlier detection and data transformation, followed by variography and interpolation. Spatial variability of SOC was mapped based on measured and kriged values. Results showed that all operational zones exhibited a definable spatial structure, which were described by either spherical or exponential models. All operational zones exhibited strong spatial dependence. Operational zones of 5-year old palms exhibited a shorter effective range than those of 17 year old palms. Additionally, SOC heterogeneity was evident among operational zones at both sites, where FH registered the highest SOC, followed by WC and HP. SOC concentration at 17 year old palms was found to be more stable than that from 5 year old palms. This study suggests spatial variability assessment appears to be a feasible technique to quantify the variability of SOC in oil palm cultivation

    Shape-Based Matching: Application of Defect Detection

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    This research is regarding to the application of a vision algorithm sensor to monitor the operation of a system in order to control the concerning jobs and work pieces recognition that are to be made during system operation in real time. This paper stresses more on the vision algorithm that mainly focus on shape-based matching application. The algorithm consists of two parts; training phase and recognition phase. The main focus of this paper is to create a region of interest at which they are able to adapt to a variety of applications and purposes depending on the needs of users. The system will be tested using several images that have a variety of characteristic and properties in developing a better system for industrial application. There are three types of glue defect; gap, bumper and bubble are trained through the systems in order to store their own characteristics and properties in the system for matching purposes. The matching process will take place for determine the results occur in recognizing the defects after gluing process being done