10 research outputs found

    The Erlang Weighted Tree, A New Branching Process

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    In this paper, we propose a new branching process which we call Erlang Weighted Tree(EWT). EWT appears as the local weak limit of a random graph model proposed by Richard La and Maya Kabkab. We derive the main properties of EWT such as the probability of extinction, the emergence of phase transition and growth rate

    Impact of Community Structure on Cascades

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    The threshold model is widely used to study the propagation of opinions and technologies in social networks. In this model, individuals adopt the new behavior based on how many neighbors have already chosen it. Specifically, we consider the permanent adoption model where individuals that have adopted the new behavior cannot change their state. We study cascades under the threshold model on sparse random graphs with community structure to see whether the existence of communities affects the number of individuals who finally adopt the new behavior. When seeding a small number of agents with the new behavior, the community structure has little effect on the final proportion of people that adopt it, i.e., the contagion threshold is the same as if there were just one community. On the other hand, seeding a fraction of the population with the new behavior has a significant impact on the cascade with the optimal seeding strategy depending on how strongly the communities are connected. In particular, when the communities are strongly connected, seeding in one community outperforms the symmetric seeding strategy that seeds equally in all communities. We also investigate the problem of optimum seeding given a budget constraint, and propose a gradient-based heuristic seeding strategy. Our algorithm, numerically, dispels commonly held beliefs in the literature that suggest the best seeding strategy is to seed over the nodes with the highest number of neighbors.Comment: Version to be published to EC 201

    A Study of Phase Transition in New Random Graph Families

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    Random graphs are mathematical models for understanding real-world networks. Important properties can be captured, processes studied, and rigorous predictions made. Phase transitions (sudden changes in structural properties caused by varying an underlying parameter) are commonly observed in random graphs. Our work focuses on phase transitions in three models. We study emergence of cascades and impact of community structure on phase transition in threshold-based contagion models using modular random graphs generated by configuration model and differential equation method. Using local weak analysis, we study a new graph model generated by bilateral agreement of individuals and analyze when a giant component emerges. Using the objective method and motivated by particle tracking in physics and object tracking in videos, we study detectability threshold of a hidden planted matching in a complete bipartite randomly weighted graph.PHDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155026/1/moharami_1.pd

    Performance Bounds for Policy-Based Average Reward Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

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    Many policy-based reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms can be viewed as instantiations of approximate policy iteration (PI), i.e., where policy improvement and policy evaluation are both performed approximately. In applications where the average reward objective is the meaningful performance metric, often discounted reward formulations are used with the discount factor being close to 1, which is equivalent to making the expected horizon very large. However, the corresponding theoretical bounds for error performance scale with the square of the horizon. Thus, even after dividing the total reward by the length of the horizon, the corresponding performance bounds for average reward problems go to infinity. Therefore, an open problem has been to obtain meaningful performance bounds for approximate PI and RL algorithms for the average-reward setting. In this paper, we solve this open problem by obtaining the first non-trivial error bounds for average-reward MDPs which go to zero in the limit where when policy evaluation and policy improvement errors go to zero.Comment: 30 page

    On the Convergence of Modified Policy Iteration in Risk Sensitive Exponential Cost Markov Decision Processes

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    Modified policy iteration (MPI) is a dynamic programming algorithm that combines elements of policy iteration and value iteration. The convergence of MPI has been well studied in the context of discounted and average-cost MDPs. In this work, we consider the exponential cost risk-sensitive MDP formulation, which is known to provide some robustness to model parameters. Although policy iteration and value iteration have been well studied in the context of risk sensitive MDPs, MPI is unexplored. We provide the first proof that MPI also converges for the risk-sensitive problem in the case of finite state and action spaces. Since the exponential cost formulation deals with the multiplicative Bellman equation, our main contribution is a convergence proof which is quite different than existing results for discounted and risk-neutral average-cost problems as well as risk sensitive value and policy iteration approaches. We conclude our analysis with simulation results, assessing MPI's performance relative to alternative dynamic programming methods like value iteration and policy iteration across diverse problem parameters. Our findings highlight risk-sensitive MPI's enhanced computational efficiency compared to both value and policy iteration techniques.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures, Under review at Operations Researc

    Backward and Forward Inference in Interacting Independent-Cascade Processes: A Scalable and Convergent Message-Passing Approach

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    We study the problems of estimating the past and future evolutions of two diffusion processes that spread concurrently on a network. Specifically, given a known network G=(V,E→)G=(V, \overrightarrow{E}) and a (possibly noisy) snapshot On\mathcal{O}_n of its state taken at (a possibly unknown) time WW, we wish to determine the posterior distributions of the initial state of the network and the infection times of its nodes. These distributions are useful in finding source nodes of epidemics and rumors -- backward inference\textit{backward inference} -- , and estimating the spread of a fixed set of source nodes -- forward inference\textit{forward inference}. To model the interaction between the two processes, we study an extension of the independent-cascade (IC) model where, when a node gets infected with either process, its susceptibility to the other one changes. First, we derive the exact joint probability of the initial state of the network and the observation-snapshot On\mathcal{O}_n. Then, using the machinery of factor-graphs, factor-graph transformations, and the generalized distributive-law, we derive a Belief-Propagation (BP) based algorithm that is scalable to large networks and can converge on graphs of arbitrary topology (at a likely expense in approximation accuracy)

    Impact of Community Structure on Cascades

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    International audienceThe threshold model is widely used to study the propagation of opinions and technologies in social networks. In this model individuals adopt the new behavior based on how many neighbors have already chosen it. We study cascades under the threshold model on sparse random graphs with community structure to see whether the existence of communities affects the number of individuals who finally adopt the new behavior. Specifically, we consider the permanent adoption model where nodes that have adopted the new behavior cannot change their state. When seeding a small number of agents with the new behavior, the community structure has little effect on the final proportion of people that adopt it, i.e., the contagion threshold is the same as if there were just one community. On the other hand, seeding a fraction of population with the new behavior has a significant impact on the cascade with the optimal seeding strategy depending on how strongly the communities are connected. In particular, when the communities are strongly connected, seeding in one community outperforms the symmetric seeding strategy that seeds equally in all communities

    Learning a Discrete Set of Optimal Allocation Rules in Queueing Systems with Unknown Service Rates

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    We study learning-based admission control for a classical Erlang-B blocking system with unknown service rate, i.e., an M/M/k/kM/M/k/k queueing system. At every job arrival, a dispatcher decides to assign the job to an available server or to block it. Every served job yields a fixed reward for the dispatcher, but it also results in a cost per unit time of service. Our goal is to design a dispatching policy that maximizes the long-term average reward for the dispatcher based on observing the arrival times and the state of the system at each arrival; critically, the dispatcher observes neither the service times nor departure times. We develop our learning-based dispatch scheme as a parametric learning problem a'la self-tuning adaptive control. In our problem, certainty equivalent control switches between an always admit policy (always explore) and a never admit policy (immediately terminate learning), which is distinct from the adaptive control literature. Our learning scheme then uses maximum likelihood estimation followed by certainty equivalent control but with judicious use of the always admit policy so that learning doesn't stall. We prove that for all service rates, the proposed policy asymptotically learns to take the optimal action. Further, we also present finite-time regret guarantees for our scheme. The extreme contrast in the certainty equivalent optimal control policies leads to difficulties in learning that show up in our regret bounds for different parameter regimes. We explore this aspect in our simulations and also follow-up sampling related questions for our continuous-time system

    Generalisation of code division multiple access systems and derivation of new bounds for the sum capacity

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    In this study, the authors explore a generalised scheme for the synchronous code division multiple access (CDMA). In this scheme, unlike the standard CDMA systems, each user has different codewords for communicating different messages. Two main problems are investigated. The first problem concerns whether uniquely detectable overloaded matrices (an injective matrix, i.e. the inputs and outputs are in one-to-one correspondence depending on the input alphabets) exist in the absence of additive noise, and if so, whether there are any practical optimum detectors for such input codewords. The second problem is about finding tight bounds for the sum channel capacity. In response to the first problem, the authors have constructed uniquely detectable matrices for the generalised scheme and the authors have developed practical maximum likelihood detection algorithms for such codes. In response to the second problem, lower bounds and conjectured upper bounds are derived. The results of this study are superior to other standard overloaded CDMA codes since the generalisation can support more users than the previous schemes