8,673 research outputs found

    On Neutrino Masses and Family Replication

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    The old issue of why there are more than one family of quarks and leptons is reinvestigated with an eye towards the use of anomaly as a tool for constraining the number of families. It is found that, by assuming the existence of right-handed neutrinos (which would imply that neutrinos will have a mass) and a new chiral SU(2) gauge theory, strong constraints on the number of families can be obtained. In addition, a model, based on that extra SU(2), is constructed where it is natural to have one "very heavy" fourth neutrino and three almost degenerate light neutrinos whose masses are all of the Dirac type.Comment: RevTex, 12 pages with 1 figure, minor changes to the text and added acknowledgment

    Effects of e−e+νee^- e^+ \nu_e Decays of Tau Neutrinos Near A Supernova

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    We revisit the constraints implied by SN 1987 A observations on the decay rate of a multi-MeV ντ\nu_\tau decaying into the visible channel ντ→e+e−νe\nu_\tau \rightarrow e^+ e^- \nu_e, if its lifetime is more than 10 {\it sec.}. We discuss its implication for the minimal left-right symmetric model with see-saw mechanism for neutrino masses. We also speculate on the possible formation of a ``giant Capacitor" in intergalactic space due to the decay of "neutronization" ντ\nu_\tau's and spin allignment possibility in the supernova.Comment: 29 Pages, Tex file, UMDHEP 94-4

    Vanishing corrections on the intermediate scale and implications for unification of forces

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    In two-step breaking of a class of grand unified theories including SO(10),we prove a theorem showing that the scale MIM_I where the Pati-Salam gauge symmetry with parity breaks down to the standard gauge group,has vanishing corrections due to all sources emerging from higher scales μ>MI \mu >M_I such as the one-loop and all higher loop effects,the GUT-threshold,gravitational smearing,and string threshold effects. Implications of such a scale for the unification of gauge couplings with small Majorana neutrino masses are discussed.In string inspired SO(10) we show that MI≃5×1012M_I \simeq 5\times 10^{12},needed for neutrino masses,with the GUT scale MU≃MstrM_U \simeq M_{str} can be realized provided certain particle states in the predicted spectum are light.Comment: 21 pages, Late

    Magnetic anomalies in Gd6Co1.67Si3 and Tb6Co1.67Si3

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    The compounds, Gd6Co1.67Si3 and Tb6Co1.67Si3, recently reported to form in a Ce6Ni2Si3-derived hexagonal structure (space group: P6_3 / m) and to order magnetically below 295 and 190 K respectively, have been investigated by detailed magnetization (M) studies in the temperature interval 1.8-330 K as a function of magnetic field (H). The points of emphasis are: We observe multiple steps in the M(H) curve for the Tb compound at 1.8 K while increasing H, but these steps do not appear in the reverse cycle of H. At higher temperatures, such steps are absent. However, this 'staircase' behavior of M(H) is not observed for the Gd compound at any temperature and the isothermal magnetization is not hysteretic unlike in Tb compound. From the M(H) data measured at close intervals of temperature, we have derived isothermal entropy change (Delta S) and it is found that Delta S follows a theoretically predicted H^2/3-dependence

    Lepton Flavor Violation and the Tau Neutrino Mass

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    We point out that, in the left-right symmetric model of weak interaction, if ντ\nu_\tau mass is in the keV to MeV range, there is a strong correlation between rare decays such as τ→3μ,τ→3e\tau \rightarrow 3 \mu, \tau \rightarrow 3 e and the ντ\nu_\tau mass. In particular, we point out that a large range of ντ\nu_\tau masses are forbidden by the cosmological constraints on mντm_{\nu_\tau} in combination with the present upper limits on these processes.Comment: UMDHEP 94-30, 14 pages, TeX file, (some new references added

    Magnetic anomalies in single crystalline ErPd2Si2

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    Considering certain interesting features in the previously reported 166Er Moessbauer effect and neutron diffraction data on the polycrystalline form of ErPd2Si2 crystallizing in ThCr2Si2-type tetragonal structure, we have carried out magnetic measurements (1.8 to 300 K) on the single crystalline form of this compound. We observe significant anisotropy in the absolute values of magnetization (indicating that the easy axis is c-axis) as well as in the features due to magnetic ordering in the plot of magnetic susceptibility (chi) versus temperature (T) at low temperatures. The chi(T) data reveal that there is a pseudo-low dimensional magnetic order setting in at 4.8 K, with a three-dimensional antiferromagnetic ordering setting in at a lower temperature (3.8 K). A new finding in the chi(T) data is that, for H//, but not for H//, there is a broad shoulder in the range 8-20 K, indicative of the existence of magnetic correlations above 5 K as well, which could be related to the previously reported slow-relaxation-dominated Moessbauer spectra. Interestingly, the temperature coefficient of electrical resistivity is found to be isotropic; no feature due to magnetic ordering could be detected in the electrical resistivity data at low temperatures, which is attributed to magnetic Brillioun-zone boundary gap effects. The results reveal complex nature of the magnetism of this compound

    B-L Violating Nucleon Decay and GUT Scale Baryogenesis in SO(10)

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    We show that grand unified theories based on SO(10) generate naturally the next-to-leading baryon number violating operators of dimension seven. These operators, which violate B-L, lead to unconventional decays of the nucleon such as n -> e^-K^+, e^- \pi^+ and p -> \nu \pi^+. In two-step breaking schemes of non-supersymmetric SO(10), nucleon lifetime for decays into these modes is found to be within reach of experiments. We also identify supersymmetric scenarios where these decays may be accessible, consistent with gauge coupling unification. Further, we show that the (B-L)-asymmetry generated in the decays of GUT scale scalar bosons and/or gauge bosons can explain consistently the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe. The induced (B-L)-asymmetry is sphaleron-proof, and survives down to the weak scale without being erased by the electroweak interactions. This mechanism works efficiently in a large class of non-SUSY and SUSY SO(10) models, with either a 126 or a 16 Higgs field employed for rank reduction. In minimal models the induced baryon asymmetry is tightly connected to the masses of quarks, leptons and neutrinos and is found to be compatible with observations.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure
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