54 research outputs found

    Influence of some Organic Manure and NPK 15:15:15 on Selected Physical Properties of Sandy Loam Soil in Mokwa Niger State Nigeria

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    The result of long time farming and poor soil management and conservation practices at Niger state college of Agriculture Mokwa Commercial farm which is the study area has led to serious soil degradation like nutrient depletion and soil erosion. There is the need for local content research and innovation to ameliorate the problem. This research work described the effect of organic manure and inorganic fertilizer (poultry manure, Cow dung and NPK fertilizer) on some soil physical properties i.e. the infiltration, porosity, bulk density and erodibility on a sandy loam soil of Mokwa North Central Nigeria. Four treatments of poultry, cow dung manure, NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer and non – application were applied in RCBD with 25t/ha of poultry manure and cow dung while NPK 15:15:15 was 150kg/ha and non- application as control replicated three times. Soil physical properties were measured and analyses were done to ascertain the soil aggregates. Ring infiltrometers were constructed and used to test the infiltration rate of the soil at each plot before soil treatments. Measurements were taken at time intervals for all the plots. The plots were then treated with manure and NPK and left for two weeks to decompose, after which infiltration measurements were taken again. Minitab 17 and Excel were used for the analysis. The cow Dung manure shows highest infiltration rate as compared to other treatments. The experiment shows that Cow Dung and poultry manure can be used to correct infiltration and soil physical anomalies especially when soil is compacted or clayey

    Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy: The Role of Traditional Versus Alternative Approach

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    Hypnosis is a state of mind that is characterized by focused attention and heightened receptivity for suggestions. It is either established by compliance with instructions or achieved naturally; the critical nature of the mind is bypassed during hypnosis and acceptable suggestions are delivered. Misperceptions about hypnosis by clinical practitioners and their clients have been shaped through years of inaccurate but interesting portrayals of hypnosis in books, plays, and movies. Part of the misperceptions is that individuals with seemingly magical powers to manipulate the unsuspecting innocent with their authoritative voice commands and penetrating eyes are depicted as hypnotists. This chapter will review the traditional and conventional approaches used in hypnosis, their advantages and disadvantages as well as where hypnosis is used as a complementary or alternative therapy to the modern day orthodox medicine. Despite the pejorative image display of hypnosis and misconceptions surrounding it, hypnosis still has numerous applications in contemporary medicine. Hypnotherapy conducted by a trained therapist is considered as a complementary or safe alternative to present day orthodox medication for numerous ailments

    Application of Reservoir Performance Indices on Kainji Reservoir System

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    Resilience may be defined as a yardstick that specifies the extent a reservoir recuperates when it fails previously. A reliable water resource system speedily returns to an acceptable state after a failure. Vulnerability measures severity or extent of failures or letdowns, if and once they occur. Sustainability index (SI) provides a sign of fundamental nature with respects to probable unwanted repercussions if imbalance of waters occurs. Sustainability index (SI) can also be expressed as a mean of reliability, resilience and vulnerability. This study employs commonly used indices (reliability, resilience, and Vulnerability) to assess the performance of Kainji reservoir system. To attain this, rain fall and river flow data were obtained from Kainji Hydrological station in New Bussa Nigeria. Analysis using MAKESENS software was used on the rainfall and river flows to look at the extreme events. In order to determine the performance of the reservoir system some reservoir performance indices were employed, these are; vulnerability, resilience, and sustainability index. This is achieved by adopting relevant existing equations. Reservoir flows and storages ware employed, different draft ratios were considered (0.3- 1.0). Varying demand levels were also chosen (0 – 0.8) as against the coefficient of variation to look at the monotonic behaviour of resilience against the various levels of demand. Volume reliability falls repeatedly as draft/ MAR upsurges and bigger values were attained as S/MAR rises. The analysis on the reservoir shows that as demand decreases the sustainability increases and also the higher the storage ratio the higher the sustainability index. It also shows that as draft ratio increases the resilience decreases, and because the draft ratio decreases the resilience increases. The reservoir system was classified as within year system, which suggests high resilience, less vulnerable and sustainable. The operation rule shows the need for optimization

    Anthelmintička učinkovitost nepročišćenog metanolskog iscrpka biljke Xylopia aethiopica protiv oblića Nippostrongylus brasiliensis u štakora

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    Xylopia aethiopica A. Rich (X. aethiopica; Annonaceae) is used commonly in Nigeria by traditional herbalists and pastoralists to control gastrointestinal helminth parasites. The anthelmintic effect of the crude methanol extract was evaluated in rats experimentally infected with the rat hookworm Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. Thirtyfive rats were each infected subcutaneously with 200 third stage infective larvae of the parasite and randomly grouped into seven groups. Five days after infection, rats in siof the groups were treated with the extract, the dose varying per group. Rats in the seventh (control) group were each given propylene glycol. Anthelmintic activity was assessed by comparing the number of worms recovered from treated rats to those from non-treated infected control rats. The extract at the dose of 0.8 g/kg, 1.0 g/kg, 1.2 g/kg, 1.4 g/kg, 1.7 g/kg and 2.0 g/kg produced deparasitization rates of 21%, 47%, 51%, 50%, 63% and 76% and were signifi cant (P>0.05) when compared to untreated control rats.Travari i stočari u Nigeriji tradicionalno koriste biljku Xylopia aethiopica protiv želučano crijevnih helminata. Anthelmintički učinak nepročišćenog metanolskog iscrpka istražen je na pokusno invadiranim štakorima oblićem Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. Ukupno 35 štakora podijeljeno je u sedam skupina. Svi štakori supkutano su invadirani s 200 invazijskih ličinki trećeg stupnja. Pet dana nakon invazije, štakorima iz svih šest skupina apliciran je iscrpak u različitim dozama. Štakorima sedme skupine primijenjen je propilen glikol. Učinkovitost je određena uspoređivanjem broja parazita u liječenih i neliječenih štakora. Značajna (P<0,05) anthelmintička učinkovitost dokazana je za sve primijenjene doze. Tako je rezultat primjene iscrpka u dozi od 0,8 g/kg bio smanjeni broj parazita za 21%. Veće doze (1,0 g/kg i 1,2 g/kg) smanjile su broj parazita za 47% i 51%. Za najviše doze (1,7 g/kg i 2,0 g/kg) potvrđena je i najviša učinkovitost od 63% i 76%

    Knowledge Management in Universities in Uganda: A Social Perspective

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    The study aimed at assessing the extent society been transformed using a cross sectional co-relational survey design and non standardized and adopted questionnaires administered to two private universities and students offering IT courses in third year (320); hence stratification. A construct validity index of 0.81 and a Cronbach alpha co-efficient of 0.75 deemed the instrument of quality. Results show that there was a significant effect of psychological attachment on knowledge management and an averagely negative relationship between knowledge management and society transformation (-0.53). Conclusively, universities should mingle with society to create room for graduates to acquaint themselves with problem solving approaches than leaving them as moving objects full of concepts and content with little or no application. The researcher thus recommends as follows: i) Institute knowledge workers in every faculty; ii) Arrange knowledge sharing forum for both students and lecturers; iii) Arrange for exchange programs with sister institutions; iv) Put awards for active knowledge workers; and v) The teaching paradigm should orient students towards problem based learning. Keyword: Knowledge management, Societ

    Challenges and Prospects of Using Information Communication Technologies (ICTS) among Nigerian Polytechnic Libraries Reference Services

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    This study focused on the threats and challenges of using information communication  technologies in reference services of polytechnic libraries was carried out using 600 questionnaires and observation was also used as instrument for data collection , survey method used adapted for this study. The data collected was analyzed using percentages and frequencies, means and standard deviation of the facilities, limited duration of use, denials to information into storage media,  like diskettes and flash drives as some of the major threats and challenges of the optimal utilization of these facilities among the selected polytechnic libraries’ Reference sections, suggestions and recommendations were proffered such as extending the duration of use , working towards generations of funds internally, among others, to check the threats and challenges

    Use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTS) among Library Staff in Selected Tertiary Institutions Libraries of Katsina State – Nigeria

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    The study determines the availability and use of information communication technologies facilities by library staff in four (4) selected tertiary institutions libraries of Katsina State. Survey research was adapted with population of 151 library staff and a random sample size of 120 staff in four (4) selected Tertiary Institutions Libraries of katsina state. The study revealed that 104 staff of various categories responded and 189 computers (desktop, flat screen and laptops) were available in institutions libraries understudy. On the problems militating against effective use of Information Communication Technologies  (ICTS) facilities by library staff, findings showed that erratic power supply represented  by 42% (29%) respondents was the greatest problem and this was followed by inadequate computers which were represented by 15 (22%) respondents. Recommendations were proferred eg non professional staff should be trained  up to paraprofessional  and professional status, while  modern computers  be procured by the concerned tertiary institution (among others )

    Leadership Style and Performance of Selected Manufacturing Companies in Uganda

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    Aiming at establishing a relationship between transformational leadership style and performance in sales of selected manufacturing industries in Uganda; the researcher used a co-relational survey design among all 110 employees (i.e. operational and administrative staff) of Oscar industries, Uganda Batteries Ltd (UBL) and Mukwano industries in Uganda that have worked with these industries for at least two years. Findings show that transformational leadership style has a remarkable influence on the performance in sales; hence recommending that manufacturing companies should: train their employees towards managing inventory properly in order to avoid frauds, delay of production; communicate the policies and procedures of the selected manufacturing companies; emphasize and practice the policies and procedures of physical segregation and proper accounting control merchandise on hand that is not the property of the entity; and build a formal sales process that each one in the organization follows. Keyword: Leadership, performance, sale

    Customer Orientation and Marketing Innovation Among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Yobe State, Nigeria

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    The study investigated the effect of customer orientation on marketing innovation among SMEs in Yobe State, Nigeria. The study adopted cross-sectional survey design. The target population was 363 participants who were either SMEs owners or managers. The sample size was 190 respondents. The main research instrument was questionnaire. Data was analyzed using linear regression analysis. The study found that customer orientation significantly explains 25.6% of the total variance in marketing innovation (Adjusted R2=0.256, p=0.000). The study concluded that customer orientation significantly affects marketing innovation. The study recommended that SMEs in Yobe State should employ well planned and mechanized way of handling customer complaints, customer satisfaction level and gather customer demographic characteristics using market research survey with the intent of meeting customers’ needs and demands. Keywords: customer orientation, marketing innovation, SMEs, Yobe State, Nigeria. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-21-18 Publication date:July 31st 201

    The Role of Vocational and Technical Education in Skill Acquisition in Nigeria

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    The paper discussed the role played by vocational technical education in relation to skill acquisition. It clearly described it as an education that emphasised the acquisition of practical and manipulative skills in addition to the moral training for building a useful citizen. It continued with a step backward to the development of vocational education during the colonial and pre colonial era, during that time the type of skill acquired was not as systematic as that of today but was effective because it save the purpose it was meant for. Our formal system of skill acquisition today is critised for ineffectiveness. And was among the factors that were responsible for the failure of most government programmes aimed at either poverty reduction, job creation, wealth and employment generation etc. Lastly the paper discussed the problems that lead to the ineffectiveness of the skills acquired, that was tied around poor funding, and finally possible solutions to the problems was also discussed. Key words: skill acquisition, vocational technical education