26 research outputs found

    HDAC3 Mediates the Inflammatory Response and LPS Tolerance in Human Monocytes and Macrophages

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    Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are a group of enzymes that control histone deacetylation and bear potential to direct expression of large gene sets. We determined the effect of HDAC inhibitors (HDACi) on human monocytes and macrophages, with respect to their polarization, activation, and their capabilities of inducing endotoxin tolerance. To address the role for HDACs in macrophage polarization, we treated monocytes with HDAC3i, HDAC6i or pan-HDACi prior to polarization into M1 or M2 macrophages using IFNÎł or IL-4 respectively. To study the HDAC inhibition effect on cytokine expression, macrophages were treated with HDACi prior to LPS-stimulation. TNFα, IL-6, and p40 were measured with ELISA, whereas modifications of Histone 3 and STAT1 were assessed using western blot. To address the role for HDAC3 in repeated LPS challenge induction, HDAC3i or HDAC3 siRNA was added to monocytes prior to incubation with IFNÎł, which were then repeatedly challenged with LPS and analyzed by means of protein analyses and transcriptional profiling. Pan-HDACi and HDAC3i reduced cytokine secretion in monocytes and M1 macrophages, whereas HDAC6i yielded no such effect. Notably, neither pan-HDACi nor HDAC3i reduced cytokine secretion in M2 macrophages. In contrast to previous reports in mouse macrophages, HDAC3i did not affect macrophage polarization in human cells. Likewise, HDAC3 was not required for IFNÎł signaling or IFNÎČ secretion. Cytokine and gene expression analyses confirmed that IFNÎł-treated macrophages consistently develop a cytokine response after LPS repeated challenge, but pretreatment with HDAC3i or HDAC3 siRNA reinstates a state of tolerance reflected by general suppression of tolerizable genes, possibly through decreasing TLRs expression, and particularly TLR4/CD14. The development of endotoxin tolerance in macrophages is important to reduce exacerbated immune response and limit tissue damage. We conclude that HDAC3 is an attractive protein target to mediate macrophage reactivity and tolerance induction in inflammatory macrophages

    Successful dietary therapy in paediatric Crohn’s disease is associated with shifts in bacterial dysbiosis and inflammatory metabotype towards healthy controls

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    Background and aims: Nutritional therapy with the Crohn’s Disease Exclusion Diet + Partial Enteral Nutrition [CDED+PEN] or Exclusive Enteral Nutrition [EEN] induces remission and reduces inflammation in mild-to-moderate paediatric Crohn’s disease [CD]. We aimed to assess if reaching remission with nutritional therapy is mediated by correcting compositional or functional dysbiosis. Methods: We assessed metagenome sequences, short chain fatty acids [SCFA] and bile acids [BA] in 54 paediatric CD patients reaching remission after nutritional therapy [with CDED + PEN or EEN] [NCT01728870], compared to 26 paediatric healthy controls. Results: Successful dietary therapy decreased the relative abundance of Proteobacteria and increased Firmicutes towards healthy controls. CD patients possessed a mixture of two metabotypes [M1 and M2], whereas all healthy controls had metabotype M1. M1 was characterised by high Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes, low Proteobacteria, and higher SCFA synthesis pathways, and M2 was associated with high Proteobacteria and genes involved in SCFA degradation. M1 contribution increased during diet: 48%, 63%, up to 74% [Weeks 0, 6, 12, respectively.]. By Week 12, genera from Proteobacteria reached relative abundance levels of healthy controls with the exception of E. coli. Despite an increase in SCFA synthesis pathways, remission was not associated with increased SCFAs. Primary BA decreased with EEN but not with CDED+PEN, and secondary BA did not change during diet. Conclusion: Successful dietary therapy induced correction of both compositional and functional dysbiosis. However, 12 weeks of diet was not enough to achieve complete correction of dysbiosis. Our data suggests that composition and metabotype are important and change quickly during the early clinical response to dietary intervention. Correction of dysbiosis may therefore be an important future treatment goal for CD

    Targeting the immune epigenome in Crohn’s disease

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    Reduced IL-37 Production Increases Spontaneous Chemokine Expressions in Colon Epithelial Cells

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    Microscopic colitis, comprising collagenous colitis and lymphocytic colitis, is a common cause of chronic diarrhea. Previously, we showed enhanced chemokine productions in microscopic colitis patients, indicating dysregulated immune cell chemotaxis in the immunopathogenesis. We also showed decreased mRNA of IL-37, mainly regarded as an anti-inflammatory cytokine, in the colonic mucosa of these patients, potentially an important factor for the chronicity of the colitis. Our aim in this study was to understand the possible role of IL-37 in chemokine production using a cell line model. A colon epithelial cell line, T84, was stimulated with the TLR5 ligand flagellin. IL-37 protein production was reduced 20% using the CRISPR/Cas9 system, and the changes in chemokine mRNA and protein expressions were compared to cells transfected with empty plasmid. The 20% reduction in IL-37 protein levels spontaneously increased CCL5, CXCL8, CXCL10, and CXCL11 mRNA and protein expressions. CCL2 mRNA and protein levels were enhanced upon TLR5 stimulation. CCL3, CCL20, and CX(3)CL1 mRNA expressions were increased either spontaneously or following TLR5 stimulation, whereas CCL4 and CCL22 mRNA expressions were significantly decreased. Even a minor decrease in the ability of colon epithelial cells to produce IL-37 results in altered chemokine expression, mainly an increase in the production of several chemokines. Our results indicate that a decreased IL-37 expression by colon epithelial cells may be an important factor for increasing the recruitment of immune cells and subsequently developing microscopic coliti

    Nutritional Therapy Strategies in Pediatric Crohn’s Disease

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    The increase in incidences of pediatric Crohn’s Disease (CD) worldwide has been strongly linked with dietary shifts towards a Westernized diet, ultimately leading to altered gut microbiota and disturbance in intestinal immunity and the metabolome. Multiple clinical studies in children with CD have demonstrated the high efficacy of nutritional therapy with exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) to induce remission with an excellent safety profile. However, EEN is poorly tolerated, limiting its compliance and clinical application. This has spiked an interest in the development of alternative and better-tolerated nutritional therapy strategies. Several nutritional therapies have now been designed not only to treat the nutritional deficiencies seen in children with active CD but also to correct dysbiosis and reduce intestinal inflammation. In this review, we report the most recent insights regarding nutritional strategies in children with active CD: EEN, partial enteral nutrition (PEN), Crohn’s disease exclusion diet (CDED), and CD treatment-with-eating diet (CD-TREAT). We describe their setup, efficacy, safety, and (dis)advantages as well as some of their potential mechanisms of action and perspectives. A better understanding of different nutritional therapeutic options and their mechanisms will yield better and safer management strategies for children with CD and may address the barriers and limitations of current strategies in children

    Nutritional therapy strategies in pediatric Crohn’s disease

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    The increase in incidences of pediatric Crohn’s Disease (CD) worldwide has been strongly linked with dietary shifts towards a Westernized diet, ultimately leading to altered gut microbiota and disturbance in intestinal immunity and the metabolome. Multiple clinical studies in children with CD have demonstrated the high efficacy of nutritional therapy with exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) to induce remission with an excellent safety profile. However, EEN is poorly tolerated, limiting its compliance and clinical application. This has spiked an interest in the development of alternative and better-tolerated nutritional therapy strategies. Several nutritional therapies have now been designed not only to treat the nutritional deficiencies seen in children with active CD but also to correct dysbiosis and reduce intestinal inflammation. In this review, we report the most recent insights regarding nutritional strategies in children with active CD: EEN, partial enteral nutrition (PEN), Crohn’s disease exclusion diet (CDED), and CD treatment-with-eating diet (CD-TREAT). We describe their setup, efficacy, safety, and (dis)advantages as well as some of their potential mechanisms of action and perspectives. A better understanding of different nutritional therapeutic options and their mechanisms will yield better and safer management strategies for children with CD and may address the barriers and limitations of current strategies in children

    Nutritional therapy to modulate tryptophan metabolism and aryl hydrocarbon-receptor signaling activation in human diseases

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    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a nuclear protein which, upon association with certain endogenous and exogenous ligands, translocates into the nucleus, binds DNA and regulates gene expression. Tryptophan (Trp) metabolites are one of the most important endogenous AhR ligands. The intestinal microbiota is a critical player in human intestinal homeostasis. Many of its effects are mediated by an assembly of metabolites, including Trp metabolites. In the intestine, Trp is metabolized by three main routes, leading to kynurenine, serotonin, and indole derivative synthesis under the direct or indirect involvement of the microbiota. Disturbance in Trp metabolism and/or AhR activation is strongly associated with multiple gastrointestinal, neurological and metabolic disorders, suggesting Trp metabolites/AhR signaling modulation as an interesting therapeutic perspective. In this review, we describe the most recent advances concerning Trp metabolism and AhR signaling in human health and disease, with a focus on nutrition as a potential therapy to modulate Trp metabolites acting on AhR. A better understanding of the complex balance between these pathways in human health and disease will yield therapeutic opportunities

    Selective targeting of epigenetic readers and histone deacetylases in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases: Recent advances and future perspectives

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    Histone deacetylases (HDACs) and bromodomain‐containing proteins (BCPs) play a key role in chromatin remodeling. Based on their ability to regulate inducible gene expression in the context of inflammation and cancer, HDACs and BCPs have been the focus of drug discovery efforts, and numerous small‐molecule inhibitors have been developed. However, dose‐limiting toxicities of the first generation of inhibitors, which typically target multiple HDACs or BCPs, have limited translation to the clinic. Over the last decade, an increasing effort has been dedicated to designing class‐, isoform‐, or domain‐specific HDAC or BCP inhibitors, as well as developing strategies for cell‐specific targeted drug delivery. Selective inhibition of the epigenetic modulators is helping to elucidate the functions of individual epigenetic proteins and has the potential to yield better and safer therapeutic strategies. In accordance with this idea, several in vitro and in vivo studies have reported the ability of more selective HDAC/BCP inhibitors to recapitulate the beneficial effects of pan‐inhibitors with less unwanted adverse events. In this review, we summarize the most recent advances with these strategies, discussing advantages and limitations of these approaches as well as some therapeutic perspectives, focusing on autoimmune and inflammatory diseases

    The progress of intestinal epithelial models from cell lines to gut-on-chip

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    Over the past years, several preclinical in vitro and ex vivo models have been developed that helped to understand some of the critical aspects of intestinal functions in health and disease such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, the translation to the human in vivo situation remains problematic. The main reason for this is that these approaches fail to fully reflect the multifactorial and complex in vivo environment (e.g., including microbiota, nutrition, and immune response) in the gut system. Although conventional models such as cell lines, Ussing chamber, and the everted sac are still used, increasingly more sophisticated intestinal models have been developed over the past years including organoids, InTESTineℱ and microfluidic gut-on-chip. In this review, we gathered the most recent insights on the setup, advantages, limitations, and future perspectives of most frequently used in vitro and ex vivo models to study intestinal physiology and functions in health and disease