390 research outputs found

    The Patterns of Poisoning Exposure in Different Ages in Duhok Governate: A three Years Study (2016, 2017, 2018)

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    التسمم باحدى المواد السامة سواء بشكل  مباشر أو غير مباشر  يسبب تهديدا لحياة المريض، خاصة في بعض الدول التي تفتقر للمستلزمات والفحوصات اللازمة لتشخيص نوع وسبب التسمم.في العراق كباقي الدول الاخرى يعتبر التسمم من المشاكل الصحية المزمنة وعليه هناك قلة كبيرة (شحة) في المصادر التي تلخص نوع التسمم وحالاته واسبابه,والاعمار المعرضة للتسمم في محافظة دهوك ونواحيها .لذلك اجريت هذه الدراسة لتحديد أنماط التعرض للتسمم من خلال تحديد انواع السموم  والعمر والجنس الأكثر عرضة  للتسمم في محافظة دهوك لفترة زمنية مابين (2016-2018) والتي بدورها تساهم في عميلة تشخيص العلاج المبكر لحالات التسمم المحتملة.اجريت  الدراسة ابتداء من الاول من شهر كانون الثاني لسنة 2016 لغاية نهاية  شهر الكانون الاول من سنة (2018) تم جمع البيانات من مديرية صحة دهوك والتی بنیت على البیانات الماخوذة من المستشفیات والمراکز الصحیە التابعە لمدیریة صحة دهوک والتي تضمنت انواع التسمم والعمروالجنس لکل نوع. تم استخدام المقایس الوصفیة الممثلة بالتکرارات والنسب المئویە والاوساط الحسابیة في مناقشة نتائج التحلیل والرسوم البیانیة. سجلت2781 حالة تسمم في محافظة دهوك والاقضية التابعة لها.اظهرت نتائج البحث ان هناك اكثر من 13  نوعا من التسمم يتعرض لها سكان محافظة دهوك وأقضيتها . وان اكثر الانواع شيوعا هو (التسمم الغذائي) والذي بلغ 61% في عام 2016، 75% في عام 2017 , 48% في عام 2018. تلتها  انواع اخرى من التسمم مثل (الاعشاب،المواد المسببة للحساسية، المعادن، الفوسفات العضوي،سم الفئران،ومواد اخرى)، والتي بلغت 11.7% في عام2016, 4.8% عام 2017 و  19.7% في عام 2018وثالث اكثر نوع  تسمم كان التسمم بلدغة العقرب 5% في عام 2016و 5.7% عام 2017 و 11.5% في 2018. التسمم الناتج من الادوية  كان اعلى نسبة في عام 2018 (667 حالة 9.6%) مقارنة بلسنوات 2017 (574 حالة 5.7%) و 2016 (476 حالة 4.3%).جميع انواع التسمم الاخرى (لدغة الحشرات. مساحيق التنظيف،لدغة الحية،لدغة الحيوانات و المبيدات الحشرية) سجلت نسب ما يقارب او اقل من 1% .لم يتم تسجيل اي حالة تسمم بادوية الادمان خلال سنوات الدراسة. اظهرت الدراسة ايضا ان نسبة الاناث كانت اكثر من نسبة الذكور المعرضين للتسمم. خلال سنوات الدراسة. كما وجدت الدراسة ان نسبة الاناث التي تعرضت للتسمم الغذائي كانت 80% مقارنة بنسبة الذكور 70%. النتائج اظهرت انه الاعمار مابين 15 و 48 سنة هم اكثر فئة عمرية معرضة للتسمم مقارنة بالفئات العمرية الاخرى. بنسبة 43.8% من جميع الحالات.  نستنتج من الدراسة الحالية ان الاناث هم الاكثر عرضة للتسمم وأن التسمم الغذائي هو الاكثر شيوعا في محافظة دهوك ونواحيها. وقد يعزى سبب  ذلك الى قلة الرقابة الصحية وانعدام الوعي الصحي والثقافي لدى شريحة معينة من المجتمع ساهمت في زيادة معدلات التعرض للتسمم بكل أنواعه.Poisoning with toxic substances accidently or deliberately can be life threatening and especially in some countries that lack the essential tests and facilities to identify the types and causes of these toxic substances. In Iraq, as many other countries, poisoning is one of the chronic public health problems. However, very little literature about the pattern of poisoning cases, types and age is available in Duhok Governorate. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the most common patterns of poisoning and the related age and gender in Duhok Governorate from 2016-2018, which would possibly contribute to the early diagnosis and treatment of poisoning. The present study was conducted for three years, started from 1st of January 2016 until31st of December 2018. Data were collected from Duhok General Directorate of Health database, based on the data collected from all Duhok Governorate hospitals and health care centers concerning poisoning types, patient’s age and gender. Descriptive statistic was used to analyze the data including (frequency, mean and percentage). A total of 27831 poisoned patients admitted to Duhok city and their districts health centers. Thirteen separated pattern cases of poisoning were recorded. The most common pattern of poisoning cases was food poisoning (61%) in 2016, (75%) in 2017, and dropped to 48% in 2018. In addition to other types of poisoning such as (herbals, sagwa, allergies, metals, organophosphate, rat poising and others) (11.7% in 2016, 4.8% in 2017 and 19.7% in 2018) and scorpion bites (5% in 2016, 5.7% in 2017 and 11.5% in 2018). Poisoning by drugs was the highest in 2018 (667 cases 9.6%) compared to 2017 (574 cases 5.7%) and 2016 (476 cases 4.3%). All other poisoning pattern (insect bite, soaps and other detergents, snake bits, animal’s bits and insecticide) were about or less than 1%. No recorded cases were poisoned by illegal addictive drugs during the period of study. Out of 27831 cases of poisoning, females were much prone to be poisoned than males during the three years 2018, 2017 and 2016. Females were affected by food poisoning (80%) as compared to male (70%). The age between 15-48 years old composed about 43.8% of the total cases, which is the highest % ration among other age groups. In Duhok Governorate, patterns of poisoning in the present study were the first to be documented. The study concludes that the majority of victims were female and food poisons were the most common type. It also seems that less effort is taken from the Committee of Health and Safety Issues. Our study suggests that establishment of specialist poison health centers, and raising awareness among people help effectively to resolve this public problem

    Bi-directional Beams Waveguide Slotted Antenna at Millimeter Wave

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    This paper focused on designing a bi-directional beams waveguide slotted antenna at millimetre wave spectrum. Waveguide slotted antenna is known for its highly directional pattern. By having bi-directional pattern, the capacity of system coverage can be expanded. The design is implemented by using antenna slot theory on a waveguide structure. The slotted are made on two wall surfaces and the performance is compared to the slotted on single wall. The two models designs are simulated using Computer Simulation Technology (CST) microwave software. The simulation results show that both models operate at 30 GHz with minimum reflection coefficient of -24.63 and -25.01 dB respectively. The two models achieved a fair high gain at 15.5 dB and 13.3 dB with directional beamwidth of 8.9 degree. The proposed bi-directional beams structure achieved a comparable gain in both directions when compared to the single direction

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Carbofuran with Diazotized Benzidine in Environmental Water Samples

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    A simple, rapid, accurate and sensitive spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determing carbamate pesticides in both pure and water samples. The method is appropriate for the determination of carbofuran in the presence of other ingredients that are usually available in dosage forms. The effect of organic solvents on the spectrophotometric properties of the azo dye and the structure of the resulting product have also been worked out and it is found to be 1:1 benzidine :carbofuran. The method can be successfully applied to determination of carbofuran in water samples. The method is based on diazotization of Benzidine (4, 4 – diamino biphenyl) with sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid followed by coupling with carbofuran in alkaline medium to form a yellow colored azo dye having the absorption maximum at 429nm against reagent blank solution. Beer’s law is obeyed in the concentration range of (0-14) ?g of 10mL carbofuran. Molar absorptivity of 1×104 L.mol-1.cm-1 which depend on the concentration level of carbofuran

    Regucalcin ameliorates doxorubicin-induced cytotoxicity in Cos-7 kidney cells and translocates from the nucleus to the mitochondria.

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    From Europe PMC via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: ppub 2022-01-01Publication status: PublishedDoxorubicin (DOX) is a potent anticancer drug, which can have unwanted side-effects such as cardiac and kidney toxicity. A detailed investigation was undertaken of the acute cytotoxic mechanisms of DOX on kidney cells, using Cos-7 cells as kidney cell model. Cos-7 cells were exposed to DOX for a period of 24 h over a range of concentrations, and the LC50 was determined to be 7 µM. Further investigations showed that cell death was mainly via apoptosis involving Ca2+ and caspase 9, in addition to autophagy. Regucalcin (RGN), a cytoprotective protein found mainly in liver and kidney tissues, was overexpressed in Cos-7 cells and shown to protect against DOX-induced cell death. Subcellular localization studies in Cos-7 cells showed RGN to be strongly correlated with the nucleus. However, upon treatment with DOX for 4 h, which induced membrane blebbing in some cells, the localization appeared to be correlated more with the mitochondria in these cells. It is yet to be determined whether this translocation is part of the cytoprotective mechanism or a consequence of chemically induced cell stress

    Compressive Strength, Temperature Performance and Shrinkage of Concrete Containing Metakaolin

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    The influence of metakaolin (MK) on concrete was investigated as a partial replacement of cement, which is liable for high content of CO2 emission during the manufacturing process. The study aimed to assess the compressive strength, temperature performance and drying shrinkage of MK blended concrete. Different ratios of MK (5%, 10%, and 15%) as cement replacement, and two ratios of superplasticizer (SP), 1.5%, and 2% as cement weight were utilized in this study. The results indicated that using MK increased the compressive strength at 28¬ day. The improvement of strength is ascribed to the pozzolanic reaction and the packing effect of fine MK particles. MK blended concrete experienced a decrease in the temperature rise of heat of hydration (HOH) and low drying shrinkage when compared to the control concrete. The SP ratio does not have significant effect on the temperature of the concrete mixtures: however, using 1.5% SP slightly reduces the drying shrinkage of MK blended concrete compared to 2% SP. In conclusion, Incorporation of MK as partial cement substitute enhances the concrete strength, thus various types of concrete can be produced. Low temperature and drying shrinkage of MK blended concrete help in reducing thermal crack after casting process

    Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of water cooling on the temperature distribution of photovoltaic modules using copper pipes

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    In hot climates, PV efficiency drops dramatically if the surface temperature of the panels rises over a specific limit. Consequently, a cooling system is required to preserve PV modules as close to their operating temperature as feasible. For this purpose, the influence of an increase in PV surface temperature on PV performance was studied experimentally and numerically at the Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI) in July. The current study uses a cooling system consisting of rows of copper pipes connected to the PV backside. The experiments are conducted for four distinct scenarios, each with a different input fluid temperature ranging from 19.5 to 61 °C. The parametric analysis focuses on three influential factors: ambient temperature, solar radiation, and fluid inlet temperatures. In addition, other inputs are configured in accordance with the experimental conditions. The results showed that installing a cooling water system decreased the PV surface temperature from 60.20 °C to 40.24 °C at 9:00 am and from 73.98 °C to 73.33 °C at 1:30 pm. Furthermore, the electrical, thermal, overall, and exergy efficiencies drop as radiation intensity and water inlet temperature increase. In addition, the numerical results are validated with the experimental ones, and it shows high degrees of concordance

    Experimental Study on the Behavior of Axially Loaded Reinforced Concrete Square Columns Strengthened with SIFCON Shell

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    Slurry infiltrated fiber concrete (SIFCON) is an advanced generation of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) with higher fiber content. SIFCON offers excellent potential for use in areas that require high ductility and impact resistance, particularly when designing seismic retrofits and repairing or strengthening structural reinforced concrete members. This study investigated the behavior of square normal strength concrete (NSC) columns of grade M35 strengthened with SIFCON shell and compared them with unstrengthen NSC. The effect of different SIFCON shell thicknesses (2 and 3) cm, fiber type and volume fraction (4 and 6%), and tie spacing (8 and 16) cm were studied. The fiber types employed were polypropylene and hooked-end steel fiber. Eleven columns were cast and tested for the current investigation in two groups, where the first group (control specimens) consists of two unstrengthen NSC columns and one square NSC column strengthened with a 2 cm SIFCON shell with a 6% steel fiber ratio. The second group comprises eight NSC columns strengthened with a hybrid fiber SIFCON shell. The NSC square columns had dimensions of (8x8x80) cm. 3 cm SIFCON shell thickness was observed to evolve the strengthen columns' load-carrying capacity and energy absorption. The maximum load achieved is about 223% as compared with unstrengthened NSC columns. The energy absorption was about 16 times that of the control. At the same time, the stiffness of strengthened columns is less than that of NSC columns