12 research outputs found

    Goal Detection in Soccer Video: Role-Based Events Detection Approach

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    Soccer video processing and analysis to find critical events such as occurrences of goal event have been one of the important issues and topics of active researches in recent years. In this paper, a new role-based framework is proposed for goal event detection in which the semantic structure of soccer game is used. Usually after a goal scene, the audiences’ and reporters’ sound intensity is increased, ball is sent back to the center and the camera may: zoom on Player, show audiences’ delighting, repeat the goal scene or display a combination of them. Thus, the occurrence of goal event will be detectable by analysis of sequences of above roles. The proposed framework in this paper consists of four main procedures: 1- detection of game’s critical events by using audio channel, 2- detection of shot boundary and shots classification, 3- selection of candidate events according to the type of shot and existence of goalmouth in the shot, 4- detection of restarting the game from the center of the field. A new method for shot classification is also presented in this framework. Finally, by applying the proposed method it was shown that the goal events detection has a good accuracy and the percentage of detection failure is also very low.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i6.637

    Content Based Radiographic Images Indexing and Retrieval Using Pattern Orientation Histogram

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    Introduction: Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is a method of image searching and retrieval in a  database. In medical applications, CBIR is a tool used by physicians to compare the previous and current  medical images associated with patients pathological conditions. As the volume of pictorial information  stored in medical image databases is in progress, efficient image indexing and retrieval is increasingly  becoming a necessity.  Materials and Methods: This paper presents a new content based radiographic image retrieval approach  based on histogram of pattern orientations, namely pattern orientation histogram (POH). POH represents  the  spatial  distribution  of  five  different  pattern  orientations:  vertical,  horizontal,  diagonal  down/left,  diagonal down/right and non-orientation. In this method, a given image is first divided into image-blocks  and  the  frequency  of  each  type  of  pattern  is  determined  in  each  image-block.  Then,  local  pattern  histograms for each of these image-blocks are computed.   Results: The method was compared to two well known texture-based image retrieval methods: Tamura  and  Edge  Histogram  Descriptors  (EHD)  in  MPEG-7  standard.  Experimental  results  based  on  10000  IRMA  radiography  image  dataset,  demonstrate  that  POH  provides  better  precision  and  recall  rates  compared to Tamura and EHD. For some images, the recall and precision rates obtained by POH are,  respectively, 48% and 18% better than the best of the two above mentioned methods.    Discussion and Conclusion: Since we exploit the absolute location of the pattern in the image as well as  its global composition, the proposed matching method can retrieve semantically similar medical images