8 research outputs found
The Logos of Heraclitus from the phenomenological perspective of another beginning of Martin Heidegger
Undoubtedly, Heraclitus and Parmenides are permanent sources of Heidegger's thought. What has given these two a special place in Heidegger's thought is Heidegger's special conception of the original wisdom of the two and the role of their thinking in opening another path in thought. According to Heidegger making effort to find other beginnings for thought, beginnings which, unlike the conventional beginning of metaphysical history, do not lead to subject-object formulation, is the most urgent task in advancing original thought. In his view, the unattainable nature of the thinking of these thinkers, contrary to Aristotle's picked opinion, is not due to their stuttering and inexperience. Rather, it is because the beginning in its originality has become more apparent than anywhere else in the thoughts of these thinkers. In the interim, according to Heidegger Logos of Heraclitus has a privileged situation. Thus, the correct interpretation of the Logos of Heraclitus reveals to us aspects of the original beginning of thought. In this article, we go along with Heidegger's interpretation of this fundamental concept of Heraclitus' thought in order to get closer to this fundamental research question: What is the place of the Logos in Heraclitus' thought and how can it be prologue of another beginning
Meditative Thinking in the Age of Ges-tell
Thinking is one of those themes through of which Later Heidegger investigates about relationship of man with the Truth of Being. Truth of Being is the fundamental event under the historical destines sent by it the uncovering and hiddenness have their essential sway accomplished and man has an understanding of truth. According to Later Heidegger, we live in the age of need and forgetfulness of being and due to the domination of Will to Power we are deprived from an authentic thinking and also an original relationship with the world. Of course, thoughtlessness or lack of thinking is itself a destiny of Truth of Being and our negligence of this issue leads to the exacerbation of this need. In the current essay we study the meaning of original thinking which is referred to by Heidegger as meditative thinking within the context of his discussion of the hidden essence of being. We will show that Heidegger's debate of thinking has a well-established relevance to the core issue of his philosophy, i.e. problem of the Truth of Being. Moreover, it will be shown that the stance of such critics as Joseph C. Pitt concerning Heidegger's notion of technology as a passive understanding of technology is untenable because it does not ground itself on the originary concept of man as the Da of Seyn. Rather Pitt's notion of technology is founded on the understanding of calculative thinking that insists on Cartesian Subject that exacerbates the Seinsvergessenhei
Plato and Heideggerâs Views on Language: a Comparative Study
This paper intends to carry out a comparative study on Plato and Heidegger’s views on language. What allows such a comparison is that according to both Plato and Heidegger, the question of language is connected with the question of Being. In other words, they study the nature of language "in its relation to Being". Therefore, both Plato and Heidegger believe the true nature of language is "revealing and disclosing the Being or beings". However, their difference liesin their apparently similar attitudes towards the nature of language because the procedure of disclosure of Being in language, and the limits of this disclosure are different according to each of these two thinkers. This difference has finally its root in their fundamental views on man, Being, and their relationship
Investigating the Place of Language in Heidegger’s Ready-to-hand Ontological Horizon
Language is among the most controversial philosophic issues in twentieth century. Martin Heidegger is one of the philosophers of this epoch who has emphasized on language and its abilities. Present essay tries to consider the position of language and its relation to Heidegger’s ready-to-hand ontology in his philosophy. It argues that this ontology effects strongly Heidegger’s notion of language. Ready-to-hand ontology is a kind of practical encountering things in the world which makes no distinction between subject and object. Present essay examines language as one of the most important things in-the-world in horizon of this ontology. Relationship between ready-to-hand ontology and language is pursued in two periods of Heidegger’s thought. In first period, it concentrates on some parts of Being and time, and in second, on some other works of him. The question is whether this ontology opens a new possibilities approaching to the language? Here we try to answer this question as much possible