175 research outputs found

    Experimental study of wet ethanol impact on performance and exhaust gas emissions of gasoline engine with egr system

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    The increasing number of gasoline engines as a mode of transportation has an impact on increasing the consumption of gasoline fuel, which is becoming increasingly depleted and rising air pollution, especially in urban areas. To overcome this problem, ethanol as an alternative fuel was blended with gasoline in this study. Therefore, this study is intended to investigate the performance and exhaust emissions of gasoline engine fueled by gasoline and wet ethanol applying the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system. Wet ethanol was used as an alternative fuel because the price is competitive with gasoline. The percentage of wet ethanol blended into gasoline was in the range of 5% to 15%. This experiment was carried out at engine speed variations of 2500 rpm to 4000 rpm at intervals of 500 rpm. The results of this experiment illustrate that blending 15% wet ethanol into gasoline without EGR produces an increase of 11.74% torque, 11.73% brake power, and brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) of 3.80%, exhaust gas temperature of 4.1%, and 38.7% thermal efficiency than that of P100. Addition of 10% wet ethanol into gasoline fuel reduces 41.1% CO and 44.30% HC emissions. Meanwhile, the use of cold EGR with the addition of 10% wet ethanol increases CO2 emissions by 28.1% and decreases O2 by 7.5%


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    Development must have an impact on economic growth and economic growth must also have a real impact on the community, especially in revenue participation. This research aims to find out the pattern of economic growth and the inequality of income distribution in the four districts on Madura Island, based on the growth of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in the four districts of the island of Madura. The data analysis technique used is calculating economic growth and convergence analysis with panel data regression data in four districts on Madura Island. The results showed that the economic growth patterns of the four districts of Madura island tended to experience flutuatition, while the calculation of Williamson index the level of disparity was still relatively low because it was below 0.5. Finally, the intensive analysis shows that the convergent value of 0.11 means that 4 districts in Madura have absolute convergence where underdeveloped regions can develop faster than developed region

    Zika Virus Mutation and The Spreading to Indonesia

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    More than 13 countries in the Americas have reported sporadic Zika virus infection that show very rapid geographic expansion. While in Indonesia, the euphoria is also increasingly prevalent virus discussed especially after the discovery of Jambi positive patients infected with the virus Zika on January 26, 2016 last.Viruses transmitted by mosquito bites to humans are the same mosquito transmits dengue fever, chikungunya and yellow fever with symptoms that have similar resemblance to the zika virus. Based on similarity of symptoms of infection with dengue virus, can be analyzed using sequence alignment to get identical percentage, local alignment calculation, genetic mutation and the spread of the zika virus to Indonesia. From the whole process, Smith Waterman algorithm can be used to align dengue virus type 1, type 2, type 3, and type 4 with zika virus (Jambi). Mutations between dengue virus and zika virus on average 28% of dissimilarity sequences in the same position between the sequence. Overall, the dengue virus type 1 mutation to the zika virus was 28.2723%, the dengue virus type 2 mutation to the zika virus was 28.1984%, the dengue virus type 3 mutation to the zika virus 27.9373% and the mutation of dengue virus type 4 to the zika virus of 28.7206%. By looking at all mutations, from the simulation results note that the mutations of both viruses include mutation type I. The phylogenetic tree showed the spread of the Zika virus to Indonesia, originally from South Africa, the islands of Chile, Caledonia, the Philippines, Yap Micronesia, Thailand, Cambodia, and finally reached Indonesia. Zika virus jambi suspected of dengue virus mutation because a few years earlier there was a dengue virus outbreaks in a long time in Jambi, it turns out the virus zika jambi is not from mutation dengue virus but the virus comes from the Asian region

    Analisis Manajemen Ruas Di Simpang Empat Pasar Sidoharjo Lamongan Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika

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    A common problem in the traffic system is the inaccuracy of traffic lights on road conditions, often problems with these traffic lights cause traffic jams on roads, specifically at the intersection of four in Sidoharjomarkets, Lamongan district. In the section at the intersection of four Sidoharjo markets, the green light flashes in 3 phases, there are north, south, and east – westwhich are together, meaning that there are incompatible currents, namely two or more currents that are allowed to run together, potentially resulting in crowds. especially busy hours at the Sidoharjo market. Therefore, it takes traffic management to manage these problems. The use of Genetic Algorithm is used in this problem to find predictions for optimizing the cycle time phase of traffic lights. The results obtained are optimal for vehicle density of 30SSM/minute and red light delay time of 0.82 minute

    Pengaruh Jumlah Industri dan Tenaga Kerja Terhadap Nilai Produksi Industri Formal Kecil

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    The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of the number of industries and labor on the value of production in small industries in Lamongan Regency using the Durbin-Watson test. The Durbin-Watson test is an autocorrelation test that assesses the presence of autocorrelation in residuals. Data taken from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Lamongan Regency. Furthermore, it was analyzed using SPSS assistance. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that there is no autocorrelation between the number of industries and workers on the value of production in small industries in Lamongan Regency

    PKM Revenue Optimization Strategy UMKM BATIK Pamekasan During the Covid-19 Pandemic using Biogas Stoves, Improvement of Marketing and Managerial Systems

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    Based on the observations of the PKM TEAM, Partners experienced a drastic decline in sales and were predicted to go out of business due to the Covid 19 pandemic. The decline in sales and high production costs were due to PPKM. With a combination of knowledge from Biogas Renewable Energy (Physical Sciences), Quality and Quantity Management (Physical Sciences and Management Sciences), Financial Management (Economics), Marketing Management (Economics and Business Sciences) and even taking care of business licenses (Legal and Administrative Sciences) , and online sales using the Application (Informatics Engineering). This scientific combination method is carried out, in order to maximize the batik production process in UMKM ISHAK Batik, Managerial UMKM ISHAK Batik and batik sales using Offline and Online. This method can increase sales of Batik despite the PPKM implemented by the Indonesian government. The increase in sales is about 25% of the batik production fund. This article is a summary of PKM implementation activities. Keywords: Biogas, Batik, Offline and Online Marketing, Pamekasan, Covid-1

    Analysis of Implementation of National Education Standards (Case Study at SMAS BS Miftahul Ulum Terisi)

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    Improving the quality of education through the implementation of national education standards is the background of this research. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the Implementation of National Education Standards. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach. This research case study was carried out at SMAS BS Miftahul Ulum Terisi, Indramayu Regency. This research was conducted in the odd semester of the 2023/2024 Academic Year. Informants in this study were school principals, vice principals and teachers of SMAS BS Miftahul Ulum Terisi. Collection techniques used are observations, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is to record the results of field observations, collect and select and sort data, make patterns of relationships and findings. The results of this study indicate that 1) SMAS BS Miftahul Ulum Terisi has implemented eight national education standards well, but each of them has several challenges that need to be faced, 2) There are several factors that affect the implementation of the SNP, namely the availability of resources, government policies, improving the school's image , environmental conditions, the role of stakeholders and school culture, and 3) The impacts of implementing the SNP are improving the quality of education, increasing student motivation, improving school image and increasing student employment opportunities

    Pertanggungjawaban Pemerintah Desa terhadap Anggaran Dana Desa yang Tidak Terserap dalam Pembangunan

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    This research aims to find out the form of responsibility of the government of Tlontoraja Village, Pasean District, and Pampekasan District for the village funds that are not absorbed by the village development program. The maintenance of government authority through the authority of the government at the village level is charged by APBDes. The flow of village funds in Tlontoraja village obtains funding that comes from the village's original income. Details of the financial value of the village are channeled, among other things, in the amount of 40% for direct cash aid from the country's funds, 20% for food resilience, 1.5% for disaster management, and the rest for material development. The application procedure for the liquidation of village funds is divided into four stages, i.e., 30% for each stage, starting from stages I–IV. At each stage of such liquidation, the mechanism requires the form of accountability of the relevant village government. The method used in this research is based on a sociological, juris-empirical approach. The data collection technique is done using the interview technique. The results of the analysis show that if there is a budget that does not absorb the development of the village, then it should be channeled to the Silpa Fund. The research also does not show any misuse of the village budget funds by the Tlontoraja Village Government.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk pertanggungjawaban Pemerintah Desa Tlontoraja, Kec. Pasean, Kab. Pamekasan terhadap dana desa yang tidak terserap oleh program pembangunan desa. Penyelenggaraan wewenang pemerintahan melalui kewenangan pemerintah setingkat desa mendapat biaya dari APBDes. Aliran anggaran dana desa di Desa Tlontoraja memperoleh pendanaan yang bersumber dari pendapatan asli desaPerincian nilai keuangan desa yang disalurkan, antara lain, sebesar 40% untuk bantuan langsung tunai dana desa, 20% untuk ketahanan pangan, 1,5% untuk penanggulangan bencana, dan selebihnya untuk pembangunan bersifat material. Prosedur permohonan untuk pencairan dana desa dibagi dalam empat tahap, yaitu sebesar 30% untuk masing-masing tahap mulai dari tahap I – IV. Pada tiap-tiap tahapan pencairan tersebut, mekanisme mewajibkan bentuk pertanggungjawaban dari pemerintah desa terkait. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis-empiris berbasis pendekatan yuridis sosiologis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa jika terdapat anggaran yang tidak terserap pembangunan desa maka harus disalurkan ke dana Silpa. Hasl penelitian juga tidak menunjukkan adanya penyalahgunaan anggaran dana desa disalahgunakan oleh Pemerintah Desa Tlontoraja


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    The Covid-19 virus has an impact on all fields including education. All face-to-face activities must be stopped so that educational activities are carried out at home using an online system. This online learning process is switched by students to play at any time regardless of learning, because there is no face-to-face meeting by students and teachers. So that in this online learning, parents hope that there are people to teach their children to learn at home. With the Unisda Thematic KKN, it reduces parents' anxiety in overcoming student lazines


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    The integrated agricultural system is one form of a sustainable agricultural system. This system is a combination of agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry and other sciences which are still related to agriculture in a land. By combining these several fields, it is expected to be able to increase land productivity, agricultural development programs and environmental conversion as well as efforts to improve the welfare of rural farmers. In the context of utilizing livestock waste as agricultural fertilizer, and agricultural waste as animal feed. This activity will lead to mutual benefits for each other, on the one hand the livestock is able to produce fertilizer needs and agriculture provides animal feed. This is able to add additional value to business actors so as to reduce the number of losses for each other. This activity begins with socialization to the community, then field practice and mentoring
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