13 research outputs found

    Bacterial Contamination of Mobile Phones Carried by Medical Staff in Maternity, Neonatal, and ICU Wards of Shahid Beheshti and Imam Sajjad Hospitals in Yasuj

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    The use of mobile phones by healthcare personnel, doctors, patients, and patients’ companions are unavoidable in health centers, especially in hospitals. Besides being rarely clean, the mobile phone is a potential reservoir of disease and pathogens and hospital infections on bedside of hospitalized patients. In this study, the microbial contamination of mobile phones and potential of transmitting infections and their antibiotic resistance pattern were investigated. In this descriptive cross-sectional study, a questionnaire was prepared to assess the importance of maternity, neonatal, and intensive care unit (ICU) staff attention to how to use and clean the cell phones in terms of valid sources. Samples were taken from 116 cell phones using a sterile swab. The standard plate count was used to detect the existing bacteria, and the antimicrobial resistance patterns of isolated bacteria were determined by standard methods. The microbial culture experiments indicated that 107 cell phones had microbial contamination, accounting for 92.24% of mobile phones. From 132 isolated strains, 115 strains (87.12%) were gram-positive while 17 were Gram-negative (12.88%). Furthermore, 67 (57.76%), 9 (7.7%), 4 (3.45%), 10 (8.62%), 12 (10.35%), 22 (19%), and 8 (6.9%) strains were coagulase-negative staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium, Bacillus, Streptococcus, and Escherichia coli, respectively. The results of this study indicated that cell phones were contaminated with different types of bacteria, and that all species isolated partially played an important role in the development of hospital-acquired and opportunistic infections. Therefore, continuous disinfection of mobile phones and non-use or limited use of them in the hospitals are recommended

    Qualitative and Guantitative Evaluation of Air Pollution in the Panjom Azar and Sayyad Shirazi Hospitals of Gorgan

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    Background: Microorganisms in hospitals are potential sources of infection to patients and staff. &nbsp;&nbsp;Bioaerosol exposure is associated with a vast range of adverse health effects including infectious diseases, acute toxic effects, allergy and cancer. This study aimed to survey the type and density of bioaerosols in ambient air of different parts of educational hospitals Gorgan 2012. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, different wards of Gorgan educational hospitals including dialysis, patient room and ICU were investigated. Totally, 81 air samples were taken based on NIOSH standard method. Saborad Dextrose agar and Nutrient agarculture medium was used passive method media. Samples collected were shipped to lab and incubated for 48 hours. Finally Concentration was determined in cfu/m2/hr. Results: The diversity and density of Bioaerosoles the highest and lowest densities were in dialysis (30.65%) and operating rooms (19.55%) wards of panjom azar hospital and surgical women (23.35%) and operating rooms(15.35%) wards of&nbsp; Sayyad Shirazi hospital. The most common fungi and bacteria isolated from air hospitals were Staphylococcus epidermisand (41%) and penicillium (23.45%). Conclusion: According to the results of the chi-square test for detection of bacterial contamination of surfaces and equipment in the hospitals studied did not show a significant statistical difference (p-value<0.5) and the highest percentage of bacterial contamination of December is the fifth hospital. Also compared fungal infection in two hospitals showed that there is a significant statistical difference (p-value 0.000) and the highest percentage of fungal infections of December is the fifth hospital

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of ISO14001 on Hospital Wastes Management Using AHP in Tehran Hospitals

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    Background: Lack of enough supervision, wrong and partial planning in the part of hospital residuals management cause high volume of production from variety of residuals which controlling them impose high costs to every society. In order to improve hospital wastes management, implementing a system of environmental management like ISO14001 can improve the environmental performance of organization and introduce the ways of solving problems to managers. The main objective of this study was to identify and prioritize the effective factors in the implementation of ISO 14001 and the benefits of its implementation in hospitals of Tehran. Methods: In this study, after the identification of success factors and benefits of ISO 14001 implementation in hospitals of Tehran, the method of analytical hierarchy process is used in order to understand the importance and relative priority of these successful important factors and their benefits. Results: Results show that the most important successful factors, based on the importance, are management commitment, education and training, communications and community relations and documentation and control. &nbsp;Also, the most important benefits, of ISO 14001 implementation, are cost reduction in waste management, increasing the awareness and commitment of staff, risk management practices improvement and work process and procedures improvement. Conclusion: Findings of the study indicate that which success factors of ISO 14001 requires more attention by managers and are in priority while implementing them

    Investigating air pollutant trends based on temporal air quality indexes in Karaj, Iran, during 2012 − 2018

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    Aim: Due to the importance of the relationship between air pollutants and the incidence of many diseases in polluted cities, in this study, we collected the data related to yearly, seasonally, monthly, daily, and hourly concentrations of particulate matter (PM) 2.5, PM10, sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and ozone (O3) recorded at four monitoring stations across Karaj city, Iran, to investigate the air pollutant trends based on air quality indexes (AQIs) in the city during 2012–2018. Materials and Methods: The correlations between PMs and gaseous pollutants were analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient. The concentrations of air pollutants indexes including O3, NO2, SO2, CO, PM10, and PM2.5 were recorded in four air pollution monitoring stations in Karaj obtained from the monitoring system of the environment department. Then, the data were analyzed using SPSS and Graph pad softwares. Results: The findings showed that in 20%–40% and 1%–5% of days during 2012–2018, higher concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 were experienced than the national standard (NS) concentration, respectively. Furthermore, during this time, 0.3%–0.9% of days indicated the higher concentrations of CO and SO2 than the NS, respectively. Although the daily concentration of NO2 was lower than NS, 0.5%–5% of days were exposed to the higher concentration of O3 than NS. SO2 concentration showed a negative and positive correlation with PM10 (r = −0.69, P = 0.013) and O3(r = 0.58, P = 0.03), respectively. Conclusion: These results indicated that Karaj AQI was moderate and the most problem with air quality in Karaj city was attributed to the PM2.5 concentrations. To reduce health disorders related to this pollutant, it is necessary to control PM2.5 sources and sensitive groups should reduce outdoor activities

    Investigation of Microbial Contamination in Surfaces and Waterlines of Dental Units in Terms of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Coliforms

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    Background and aim: Water supply systems and various parts of dentistry unit have the ability to aggregate biofilms and thus the transmission of dangerous diseases to staff and patients. The aim of this study was to determine the bacterial contamination of surfaces and water lines of dental units of health center (Qods 2) in Divandareh city. Material and methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on dental units of the health center (Qods 2) in Divandareh city in 2019. 125 samples were collected from different parts of the units including unit lamp handle, lamp ON/OFF power button, open/close bolt of unit water, setting switch button (before and after disinfecting), and the inlet and outlet water of units. The samples were tested for Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Coliforms and Escherichia coli. Results: The results of this study showed that all samples collected from the studied parts of the units including unit lamp handle, lamp ON/OFF power button, open/close bolt of unit water, and setting switch button were positive as presence of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and coliforms before and after disinfection. Also, the unit lamp handle and setting switch button were positive as Escherichia coli. The inlet and outlet water were also positive for all the studied bacteria. The number of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in the handle of the unit lamp before disinfection (210±80.5 CFU/ml) and in the ON/OFF button of the lamp after disinfection (300±82.6 CFU/ml) were higher than the permissible amount (200 CFU/ml). Also, the number of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria detected in setting switch button, before disinfection, was higher (200±75.2) than the allowable value. Conclusion: According to the obtained results, the contamination level of water and surface of the studied dental units was high. Also, identifying of the considerable number of bacteria at the different surfaces of the units, indicating the improper use of the disinfectants and the possibility of biofilms presence in the unit waterlines

    Assessment of Fungal Aerosols Dispersion from Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site: A Case Study of Karaj, Iran

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    Introduction: Fungal aerosols from landfill sites can play a fundamental role in environmental pollution and health. The present study aimed to assess the dispersion of fungal aerosols from municipal solid waste disposal site. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the concentration of fungal aerosols was determined in four geographical directions at distances of 250, 500, 750, and 1000 m around landfill site. Relative humidity and temperature were also measured. Moreover the concentration and type of the fungal taxa isolated from landfill site under different environmental and metrological conditions were evaluated. Results: The results showed that the maximum and minimum concentrations of fungal aerosol in the landfill site were 256.18 ± 59.7 CFU/m3 and 76.56 ± 23.2 CFU/m3, respectively. The most frequent fungi detected from municipal landfill site included Penicillium (43.67%), Cladosporium (33.54%), Yeast (7.60%), Aspergillus (5.91%), Curvularia (3.62%), Chrysosporium (1.57%), Alternaria (1.54%), Scopulariopsis (0.84%), and Ulocladium (0.60%) taxa. The maximum identified fungal aerosol concentration in the area around the solid waste landfill was 350 CFU/m3. Furthermore, the concentration of fungal aerosols in the environment was significantly related to relative humidity, wind direction, and temperature in spring and winter (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Municipal solid waste disposal site can be a potential source for fungal aerosol dispersion. Moreover, fungal aerosols concentration is correlated with wind direction and speed, relative humidity, and temperature

    Communication skills of Academic members and it’s relation with theri evaluation outcome in Alborz university of Medical Sciences

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    Introduction: The ability of effective communication is the most important indicator of effective teaching that enhances the self-confidence and learning motivation in students. On the other hand, evaluation of teachers in view point of students is the most common method of determining success in achieving the goals of education, so this study was performed to determine the relationship between Communication skills of Academic members and their evaluation outcome in Alborz university of Medical Sciences 2013. &nbsp;Methods: This descriptive cross sectional study done in 2013 in in Alborz university of Medical Sciences. 81 academic members were selected by convenient sampling method. The data collection instrument was a demographic questionnaire and Queen Dom validated questionnaire, which has 34 items and 5 subscales, with the maximum score of 170. Analysis of the data took place on two levels of descriptive statistics [average and standard deviation] and inferential statistics [T-test and Pearson correlation coefficient] by SPSS 16. &nbsp;Results: Total mean of communication skills was 123.93&plusmn;7.82. Mean of communication sub-skills including emotion control, message perception, decisiveness, listening to and showing recognition to message were 29.04&plusmn;2.88, 33.9&plusmn;2.70, 18.44&plusmn;1.71, 25.54&plusmn;2.45 and 17&plusmn;2.13, respectively. There was a significant association between emotion control and ​​evaluation score and regulating emotions (p=0.02). Test results showed that there weren&rsquo;t any significant association between total score of communication skills with evaluation score and demographic variables. Conclusion: The results indicate there is no relationship between teacher evaluation score and their communication skills

    Comparison of the Effect of Area and Capacity of Swimming Pools on the Coliforms and Heterotrophic Contamination

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    Background& Objective: Swimming is great exercise and entertainment and enjoyment for people of all ages, especially in the hot season. Due to health issues and ways to ensure the health and welfare of people, swimming pools are very important. Therefore, in this study, relationship between the capacity and area of the pool with microbial contamination and heterotrophs were investigated. Materials and Methods: This study, based on applied research and analytical - descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional survey was conducted. In this project, we studied 35 swimming pools in the city of Karaj. For this purpose, samples were collected every month for 9 months, turbidity, pH, free residual chlorine was measured at the sampling time and testing for total coliform, E.coli coliform and counting of hetrotrophic organisms in the laboratory of water and wastewater was performed. Data was analyzed by using SPSS software and peyerson analytical. Results: Frome the 315 coliform samples about 90.2% was pure. Of the 315 tested HPCs, 99.7 percent was found in the clean range. The minimum HPC reported is zero, at most 250 with an average of 18/11 and a standard deviation of 266.68. Peyerson correlation test between heterotrophic bacteria with water turbidity and area to swimmer also has a significant relationship. In this study, there was no significant relationship between swimming pool pollution with pool area. Conclusion: According to the results, observance of the sanitary regulations of the pool and technical issues can be effective in reducing microbial and heterotrophs contaminatio

    To Investigate the Abundance of Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning in Karaj-Iran from 2006 to 2011

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    Background: Aluminium phosphide (ALP) is a highly effective insecticide and rodenticide used frequently to protect stored grain. Acute poisoning with this compound is common in some countries including India and Iran, and is a serious health problem. The objective of this study was to survey ALP poisoning and the outcome in hospitals in Karaj, Iran. Materials and Methods: The study was a retrospective study from April 2006 to April 2011. Records of all patients admitted and hospitalized to hospital during the five-year period were collected. Information including gender, age, amount of ALP consumed, route of exposure and outcome were extracted from the patients notes. Results: During the five-year period, 67 patients, 53.7% men and 46.3% women were admitted with ALP poisoning. Most poisoned people were under the age of 21 years.The most common signs and symptoms at admission were nausea (79.4%), vomiting (76.5%), abdominal pain (31.4%) and metabolic acidosis (41.1%). Suicidal intention was the most common cause of poisoning leading to 44.8% deaths and most cases were male (P<0/05). Conclusion: Due to high mortality, follow poisoning with ALP best treatment is prevention. It should be noted that although in previous years, hospitals did not record all cases of poisoning cases but data indicate a high consumption of this poisoning as a suicidal factor in Karaj city. Withdrawal of ALP tablet from the market and the monitoring of their performance can reduce the rate of poisoning in society

    COVID-19 and coronary artery disease; A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background and aim: Patients with underlying cardiovascular disorders such as coronary artery disease (CAD) are more prone to severe forms and multiple complications of COVID-19. The present systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to investigate the impact of CAD on patients with COVID-19. Methods: Main electronic databases, including Medline (via PubMed), EMBASE, and Web of Science, were carefully searched and reviewed for original research articles published between 2019 and 2021. One hundred nine studies that address CAD in patients with COVID-19 were selected and analyzed. Results: Following search and screening processes, 109 relevant publications were selected for analysis. The meta-analysis of prevalence studies indicated that the frequency of CAD among patients with COVID-19 was reported in 10 countries with an overall frequency of 12.4% [(95% CI) 11.1–13.8] among 20079 COVID-19 patients. According to case reports/case series studies, 50.9% of COVID-19 patients suffered from CAD. Fever was the most common symptom in these patients (47%); 36.5% also had hypertension. Conclusion: The results obtained during the present study show that the simultaneous presence of COVID-19 and CAD, especially in men and elderly patients, can increase the risks and complications of both diseases. Therefore, careful examination of the condition of this group of patients for timely diagnosis and treatment is strongly recommended