417 research outputs found

    Optical network technologies for future digital cinema

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    Digital technology has transformed the information flow and support infrastructure for numerous application domains, such as cellular communications. Cinematography, traditionally, a film based medium, has embraced digital technology leading to innovative transformations in its work flow. Digital cinema supports transmission of high resolution content enabled by the latest advancements in optical communications and video compression. In this paper we provide a survey of the optical network technologies for supporting this bandwidth intensive traffic class. We also highlight the significance and benefits of the state of the art in optical technologies that support the digital cinema work flow

    Random network coding for secure packet transmission in SCADA networks

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    Dynamic Studies ofSteam Methane Reformer (SMR) in Ammonia Plant

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    Mathematical modelingand simulation of Steam MethaneReformer(SMR)over sulfide nickel catalyst on alumina support has been studied. It is consists of primary and secondary reformers which is playan important role in the production of ammonia. This study consists of chemical reaction kinetics; chemical reaction equation and rate constants for a given catalyst; to develop a mathematical model for a steam reformer incorporating the reaction kinetics; to study the behavior of the reactor for changes in different variables such as feed rate, feed composition, temperature, etc. i

    Using a priori algorithm for supporting e-commerce system

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    The Internet technology has brought about a significant impact in doing business. It promotes the new way of doing business by enabling new system such as electronic commerce (e-commerce) to the worldwide users. Currently, the e-commerce system does not only provide electronic transactions like online payment, electronic cart shopping and ordering, and online tracking, but it must also be able to support a good relationship with their customers by providing a creative way in its business operations. It is because of many organizations having to maintain their customers by serving a good customer satisfaction. Lack understanding of the customers will cause an organization loss their customers and then would loss the company profit. This paper demonstrates the development of e-commerce system by focusing on the use of a Priori algorithm as supported feature in our e-commerce system. The feature is included to increase a good customer relationship management for the proposed system. It is hoped the proposed prototype would illustrate some practical ideas on how much advantages can be benefited from the e-commerce system and customer relationship management

    Designing Successful Strategy for Business Process Outsourcing Based on Ontological Knowledge Map

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    Business process outsourcing (BPO) is an advanced type of IS outsourcing. This study will investigate the obstacles and challenges of BPO Industry. One of the most important problem in this area is identifying existing explicit knowledge and using it to create further knowledge for decision making, so deep investigation on a conceptual model is needed that helps realize the complexities of outsourcing areas especially for business process outsourcing. Most of outsourcing literature has focused on social and cultural impacts and very few tools have been developed to assist manager in making outsourcing decision by modelling the knowledge. In this paper we propose a methodology for modelling the knowledge of a domain in small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). This methodology is based on ontological knowledge map. Findings of this research overcome these obstacles through the use of a formal organizational ontology and knowledge structure maps. The ontology guides decision makers in managing the complexity of outsourcing with holistic approach to the domain of outsourcing. Ontologies as a conceptual model provide a framework to facilitate efficient and effective knowledge-sharing, knowledge reusing and improving communication by modelling the domain of discourse. Keywords: business process outsourcing, ontology, knowledge ma


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    Optimalisasi kualitas informasi dan penyampaiannya sangat dibutuhkan oleh semua organisasi termasuk di dalamnya adalah institusi kampus. Salah satu usaha untuk peningkatan kualitas informasi di kampus Universitas Madura adalah dengan mengembangkan aplikasi yang dibuat dengan menggunakan platform Android yang diberi nama aplikasi UNIRA inOneHand. Namun, dengan penggunaan plaftform baru serta metode baru dalam penyajian informasi akademik menggunakan perangkat mobile menyebabkan adanya kemungkinan adanya kesenjangan antara kebutuhan dan kemampuan pengguna dalam penggunaan teknologi yang baru. Berdasarkan adanya kemungkinan adanya kesenjangan antara kemampuan pengguna dalam memanfaatkan aplikasi UNIRA in One Hand, maka dilakukan sosialisasi dalam penggunaan aplikasi UNIRA inOneHand untuk seluruh civitas kampus Universitas Madura dan terutama bagi mahasiswa Universitas Madura. Sosialisasi telah dilaksanakan di kampus Universitas Madura pada bulan Februari 2021. Hasil dari pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam sosialisasi penggunaan aplikasi UNIRA inOneHand mendapatkan pemahaman serta pengetahuan yang meningkat dalam penggunaan aplikasi sehingga mereka dapat menggunakan aplikasi dengan baik serta sesuai dengan yang diharapkan oleh pengembang aplikasi.


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    Malaysia automotive industry is facing extraordinary challenges from global competition such as foreign brands through trade liberalization and the changes on customer behavior. The National Automotive Policy (NAP) still not fully transformed Malaysian automotive industries into a globally competitive and export-oriented sector. Hence, more research needed to find out more strategies to overcome every single challenge. Hence, this paper aim to study about Malaysia automotive industry’s challenges and strategies comprehensively.Based on findings, there are nine main strategies to overcome various challenges; EEV, ELV, sustainability, performance monitoring, relationship, management, NPD, customer engagement and continuous improvement. Most of the studies related to green such as end-of-life vehicle (ELV), Energy Efficient Vehicles (EEV) and sustainability but still lack of study about new product development (NPD) even though the significance towards industry’s survival. Due to that, further research will investigate on NPD specifically on cross-functional team empirically in the future due to cross-functional team is one of the factors of NPD success.Total 46 the most relevant articles has been chosen from various journals and databases between year 2016 and 2018 with keywords “Malaysia†and “Automotive†for the most updated review. The challenges and strategies reviewed due to other than as a guidance for further research, it can help companies to improve the strategies suitable with the challenges they are facing. From author knowledge, no studies about comprehensive review on Malaysia automotive industry’s challenges and strategies as most of the study focus on certain topic such as on quality management

    Examining the determinants of users' acceptance of IT in the Yemeni public sector: pilot study

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    This paper presents the results of a pilot study conducted to test a pre-proposed model. The model modified the technology acceptance model (TAM) by adding the constructs: Organizational culture, Individual factors, Gender, and Perceived Personal Benefit to the original version of TAM. Data was collected quantitatively from30 employees of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MoSAL) Yemen, whom their jobs involve using IT. SmartPLS software PLS-SEM method was used to test the reliability of measurement model, and to assess the structural model. The results confirmed the reliability of the research instrument, as the measures of internal consistency were mostly acceptable. The results also indicated the significance of the hypotheses that relates organizational culture with perceived usefulness and perceived personal benefit; the. Finally, the model showed a good predictive power since 47% of the focal factor, behavioral intention, was explained by its relationships with the other factors

    Person detection with deep learning and IoT for smart home security on Amazon Cloud

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    Numerical solution of two dimensional stagnation flows of Micropolar fluids towards a shrinking sheet by using SOR Iterative Procedure

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    In this paper, the problem of two dimensional stagnation flows of micropolar fluids towards a shrinking sheet has been solved numerically by SOR iterative procedure. The similarity transformations have been used to reduce the highly nonlinear partial differential equations of motion to ordinary differential equations. The resulting equations are then integrated by using appropriate numerical techniques. The results have been calculated on three different grid sizes to check the accuracy of the results. The numerical results have been obtained for various values of the parametera. For, the problem relates to the stagnation flow towards a stretching sheet. For, the problem relates to the flow towards a shrinking sheet. Moreover, the results computed for micropolar case are found in good agreement with those obtained with the Newtonian results