5 research outputs found

    Overview on Models and Standards Classification in E-Learning System

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    ABSTRACT E-learning is interface of information technology and educational technology which use of the tools to exchange information electronically and will be done with different models. Increasing access to hardware and software for e-learning, especially development of internet technology, educational institutions should modify education methods. Certainly, e-learning as a new method for teaching and learning has been welcomed in most parts of the world which can have many benefits for teachers, students and organizations. With improve facilities, equipment and infrastructure needed for e-learning can be established training courses at any time and any place and access to training programs and information resources and provided opportunities need to enhance knowledge and learn new skills. To implement and use the benefits of e-learning should recognize models and standards of e-learning. In this paper has been checked the concepts, principles, features, benefits and types of e-learning models and standards classification and instructional design models in the e-learning system

    Activation of the Under-windows Honey pot in Presenting a Factitious Networking

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    The extending use of the new technologies, the increasing number of the users, and also the increasing amount of the exchanged data between them, will certainly lower the acquaintance level of the personal elements with this virtual world, and this has caused the companies and the personal users ' security to be threatened more and more by extra danger. Security is one of the most complicated and most important current issues of the computer network world. In this study, in addition to discussing honey pot, a new method to enhance the security level has been presented, which has used a kind of honey pot called Honeyed. Our proposed method is that we will be able to actively and regularly change the Honey's presented configuration by an algorithm sketching. We performed our sketched tool in a network with a multi-node windows system and analyzed our study results and outputs. Finally, we will explain that thereby an invader cannot easily find out the network's existing deficiencies and weak points and cannot proceed with the next steps of the invasion

    Study on Learning Techniques for Text Classification

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    Data mining is a one of most popular technologies to information management. One of the most important our data, is text document. We can sort and classify these text documents by data mining techniques. Text classification is a technique to sorting text documents. Basic steps in text classification are preprocessing of documents, feature extract / selection, selects learning algorithm and evaluation. When we want to classify text documents using computer systems and machine learning techniques, one of the most important steps in text classification is selecting a learning algorithm. In this paper we review some effectiveness learning algorithm researches and show review results of these in a table form

    Feature Selection Techniques for Text Classification

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    Text classification of documents refers to classifying documents to one or more predefined classes. One of the most important steps in text classification is feature selection. In text classification, feature selection is a strategy that can be used to increase the efficiency and accuracy of classification. Feature selection techniques can be classified into two basic categories: filtering techniques and wrapper techniques. Filtering techniques are independent of the learning algorithm. But wrapper methods uses from learning algorithm as the evaluation function. In this paper we review some effectiveness feature selection researches and show review results of these in a table form