3 research outputs found

    An Automated Music Selector Derived from Weather Condition and its Impact on Human Psychology

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    Sometimes it is disquieting to generate a playlist to listen music for a specific moment. Though listening of music basically depends on our mood and it’s also been said that there exists a relation between our mood and weather, so our approach is to build an automated system to create a music playlist based on users mood and defined weather. Method is to measure the weight of each music files respect to defined mood and weather by using data mining algorithms

    Multiomics Analysis of the PHLDA Gene Family in Different Cancers and Their Clinical Prognostic Value

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    The PHLDA (pleckstrin homology-like domain family) gene family is popularly known as a potential biomarker for cancer identification, and members of the PHLDA family have become considered potentially viable targets for cancer treatments. The PHLDA gene family consists of PHLDA1, PHLDA2, and PHLDA3. The predictive significance of PHLDA genes in cancer remains unclear. To determine the role of pleckstrin as a prognostic biomarker in human cancers, we conducted a systematic multiomics investigation. Through various survival analyses, pleckstrin expression was evaluated, and their predictive significance in human tumors was discovered using a variety of online platforms. By analyzing the protein–protein interactions, we also chose a collection of well-known functional protein partners for pleckstrin. Investigations were also carried out on the relationship between pleckstrins and other cancers regarding mutations and copy number alterations. The cumulative impact of pleckstrin and their associated genes on various cancers, Gene Ontology (GO), and pathway analyses were used for their evaluation. Thus, the expression profiles of PHLDA family members and their prognosis in various cancers may be revealed by this study. During this multiomics analysis, we found that among the PHLDA family, PHLDA1 may be a therapeutic target for several cancers, including kidney, colon, and brain cancer, while PHLDA2 can be a therapeutic target for cancers of the colon, esophagus, and pancreas. Additionally, PHLDA3 may be a useful therapeutic target for ovarian, renal, and gastric cancer

    A Network Pharmacology and Molecular-Docking-Based Approach to Identify the Probable Targets of Short-Chain Fatty-Acid-Producing Microbial Metabolites against Kidney Cancer and Inflammation

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    (1) Background: A large and diverse microbial population exists in the human intestinal tract, which supports gut homeostasis and the health of the host. Short-chain fatty acid (SCFA)-secreting microbes also generate several metabolites with favorable regulatory effects on various malignancies and immunological inflammations. The involvement of intestinal SCFAs in kidney diseases, such as various kidney malignancies and inflammations, has emerged as a fascinating area of study in recent years. However, the mechanisms of SCFAs and other metabolites produced by SCFA-producing bacteria against kidney cancer and inflammation have not yet been investigated. (2) Methods: We considered 177 different SCFA-producing microbial species and 114 metabolites from the gutMgene database. Further, we used different online-based database platforms to predict 1890 gene targets associated with metabolites. Moreover, DisGeNET, OMIM, and Genecard databases were used to consider 13,104 disease-related gene targets. We used a Venn diagram and various protein−protein interactions (PPIs), KEGG pathways, and GO analyses for the functional analysis of gene targets. Moreover, the subnetwork of protein−protein interactions (through string and cytoscape platforms) was used to select the top 20% of gene targets through degree centrality, betweenness centrality, and closeness centrality. To screen the possible candidate compounds, we performed an analysis of the ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity) properties of metabolites and then found the best binding affinity using molecular docking simulation. (3) Results: Finally, we found the key gene targets that interact with suitable compounds and function against kidney cancer and inflammation, such as MTOR (with glycocholic acid), PIK3CA (with 11-methoxycurvularin, glycocholic acid, and isoquercitrin), IL6 (with isoquercitrin), PTGS2 (with isoquercitrin), and IGF1R (with 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b] pyridine, isoquercitrin), showed a lower binding affinity. (4) Conclusions: This study provides evidence to support the positive effects of SCFA-producing microbial metabolites that function against kidney cancer and inflammation and makes integrative research proposals that may be used to guide future studies