9 research outputs found

    Open price term under the United Kingdom Sale of Goods Act 1979

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    In the contemporary world, man is witnessing the advancement of science and technology that has led to considerable changes in all areas of human life and in the definition of many concepts. In such a dynamic world, each science should do its part in coordinating with these developments in a manner that does not make any of the aspects of life to be imperfect or disturbed. ‘Law’ also has certain responsibilities among which the incontrovertible task to update old and insufficient rules. Choosing the subject of 'open price in sale of goods contracts', this article aims to study imperfect and old regulations on this issue in the United Kingdom Sale of Goods Act 1979 and suggest certain amendments through which the amount of the problematic consequences of such rules is expected to decrease. This study is a result of a doctrinal research with a library-based data collection method

    A Plastic Injection Molding Process Characterisation Using Experimental Technique: A Case Study

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    This Paper Illustrates An Application Of Design Of Experimental (DOE) Approach In An Industrial Setting For Identifying The Critical Factors Affecting A Plastic Injection Molding Process Of A Certain Component For Aircond Assembly. A Critical To Quality (CTQ) Of Interest Is Reducing Process Defects, Namely Short-Shot. A Full Factorial Design Was Employed To Study Simultaneously The Effect Of Five Injection Molding Process Parameters. The Five Process Parameters Are Backpressure, Screw Rotation Speed, Spear Temperature, Manifold Temperature, And Holding Pressure Transfer. Finally, The Significant Process Parameters Influencing The Short-Shot Defect Have Been Found. Empirical Relationship Between CTQ And The Significant Process Parameters Were Formulated Using Regression Analysis

    Hak kontraktual pihak ketiga: kerangka praktikal bagi Malaysia

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    Perbincangan mengenai hak kontraktual biasanya berkisar kepada hak dan tanggungan pihak-pihak yang berkontrak. Doktrin priviti memberi keisimewaan kepada pihak-pihak yang berkontrak. Sungguhpun begitu, perkembangan semasa yang membawa perubahan kepada tata cara sesuatu kontrak itu dimeterai turut membawa perubahan kepada hak kontraktual pihak ketiga. Pada awalnya, hak kontraktual pihak ketiga dianggap lazim bagi negara-negara yang mengamalkan undang-undang sivil namun asing bagi negara-negara yang mengamalkan common law. Kini, semakin banyak negara common law yang menyedari ketidakadilan kepada pihak ketiga yang diberi faedah menerusi kontrak oleh pihak-pihak yang berkontrak lalu mereka mengubah kerangka perundangan mereka bagi memberi keadilan kontraktual kepada pihak ketiga. Bertitik tolak dari itu, artikel ini cuba mengenengahkan satu kerangka praktikal bagi Malaysia. Untuk tujuan ini, landasan teoretis dan substantif bagi memberi hak kontraktual kepada pihak ketiga dibincangkan dengan menggunakan analisis legalistik tule

    Towards harmonisation of the ASEAN contract law: the legal treatment of unfair consumer contract terms among selected ASEAN member states

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    The rise of standard form contracts and the use of unfair terms to deprive consumers from their rights have indeed inspired the law in many countries to react against the increasing decline of the individual’s capacity to make free and rational choice. The legal development in this area illustrates the role of contract law, that is, to develop criteria and procedures through which contractual fairness can be assured. The development of contract laws throughout the Southeast Asian region is impacted by the tremendous historical and social diversity among the various countries, as demonstrated by the Malaysian, Singaporean and Bruneian contract laws, which reflect English common law due to historical development. However, countries such as Indonesia have been profoundly affected by long periods of civil law influence. The experience of the common law countries of the ASEAN member states in controlling the use of unfair terms in consumer contracts demonstrate a different regime of protection as opposed to the civil law countries. Harmonisation of ASEAN contract laws is essential for the regional cooperation of ASEAN countries in order to accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural development of the region. Bringing harmony between various contract laws of ASEAN countries would enhance economic prosperity as the laws of contract serve the economical and cultural values of society, in particular, consumer protection. Adopting the content analysis method, this paper aims at exploring the legal treatment of unfair terms in consumer contracts among the selected ASEAN member states. The paper will discuss and analyse the legislative provisions on unfair terms in Singapore, Brunei and the Philippines, focusing both on the legislative provisions as well as the judicial treatment of these terms. An analysis in the legal treatment in these three countries will then be undertaken in respect of harmonizing ASEAN contract law. The legal regime of all three countries reflects that the statutory control of exemption clauses in Singapore, Brunei and Philippines has taken many forms, however, since there are common features in the legislation, harmonizing it in respect of consumer protection can be achieved by reasonable compromises among the member states

    Doktrin priviti ke jus quasitum tertio: Rasional peralihannya

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    Doctrine of privity and its application has invited numerous criticisms amongst academician and members of the judiciary. On the other hand, there are also those who support and relentlessly defend its existence. Nevertheless, this doctrine, which has survived over a century, has recently encountered a shift in paradigm brought about by time and need of commerce. The void that has resulted is now being filled with another doctrine that is not at all alien to the spectrum of contract law – jus quaseitum tertio. With the background of changes occurring in the United Kingdom and several Commonwealth countries, this paper will endeavor to rationalize the shift that needs to occur in the Malaysian contract law, pertaining to doctrine of privit

    Fasal pengecualian liabiliti dalam kontrak pengguna di Malaysia

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    Consumerism loaded with paternalistic ideals of protecting customers is by all means a paradigm shift from the so-called freedom of contract ideology. The aim of consumerism is to regulate and intervene in the market in their noble cause of upholding and empowering consumers in trade. Nevertheless in the area of exclusion of trader’s liability in consumer contracts, the move towards upholding consumer rights has been very minimal. Absence of appropriate legal mechanism in the form of a specific legislation to curb the use of unfair terms in consumer contracts has lead to oppression of consumers and the spread of unethical conduct of traders. In Malaysia however, the legal development in the area of exemption clauses in consumer contracts appears to be minimal. In the area of exemption of liability in Malaysia, by virtue of section 3 and 5 of the Civil Law Act 1956, the common law principles have been applied. However the case law development in Malaysia on exemption of liability, especially when the parties are of unequal bargaining power, causes a serious concern in consumer protection. This article explores the status of exemption clauses within the theoretical corpus of contract . It then examines the extent of the legal treatment on exemption clauses in consumer contracts as illustrated in reported case

    Undang-undang kontrak Malaysia: keterbatasan pemakaian dalam kontrak pengguna

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    Kepesatan perkembangan ekonomi global telah membawa faedah kepada pengguna dengan keterbukaan pasaran barangan dan perkhidmatan lantas memoperkasakan hak pengguna untuk membuat pilihan berasaskankeperluan dan kuasa membeli. Walaupun fenomena ini dilihat masih seiringan dengan pendapat Adam Smith bahawa kepenggunaan adalah satu-satunya matlamat dan tujuan semua pengeluaran, namun senario ini secara tidak disedari turut menimbulkan ketidakpastian tentang tahap perlindungan terhadap pengguna dalam hubungan kontraktual yang mereka lakukan. Dengan demikian , sewajarnyalah kerangka perundangan kepenggunaan bergerak sederap dengan perkembangan semasa.Dimalaysia hubungan kontraktual dikawal selia oleh satu statut pemakaian am konteks kepenggunaan dengan menganalisis secara kritis kedudukan pengguna dalam kontrak bentuk seragam dan dibawah doktrin priviti dengan merujuk kepada sumber primer dan skunder perundangan. Diakhir analisis cadangan turut di kemukakan bagi mengatasi kelemahan Akta ini yang telah dikenal pasti