198 research outputs found

    Dijamagnetska anizotropija i molekulska struktura izomorfnih kristala trihalogenbenzena

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    Measurements of the crystal diamagnetic susceptibilities of isomorphous trihalogenbenzenic crystals C6H3X3 (X = Cl, Br) of orthorhombic structure are reported. Molecular components, as diagonal values in crystal molecular tensor relation are deduced and their variancies are discussed. The measurements show that the molecular structure of these related crystals is of layer type, the molecules being planar in the vicinity of the (001) plane. Effects of partial substitution of halogen ions on the magnetic properties and on the packing forces of these crystals are also discussed. Reduction of the molecular anisotropies were observed and reduction of the molecular orbital areas were expected.Prikazuju se rezultati mjerenja dijamagnetske susceptibilnosti izomorfnih kristala trihalogenbenzena. Mjerenja pokazuju slojevitu molekulsku strukturu ispitivanih kristala. Raspravlja se utjecaj djelomične zamjene halogenih iona na magnetska svojstva i molekulsku strukturu tih kristala

    Magnetska i optička svojstva ftalata amonijeve kiseline

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    Studies of the principal diamagnetic susceptibilities and refractive indices of ammonium acid phthalate (AAP) crystal of orthorhombic phase are reported. The two properties for the crystal axes a, b and c are of opposite order, i.e., χa > χb > χc, while na > nb > nc. Their relationsto the structure are offered. The crystalis magnetically unique and optically biaxial with a strong negative optical birefringence. The optical axial plane is parallel to the (010) plane and the molecular one is nearer to the (100) plane. The work gives information on the shape and orientation of the molecules within the unit cell.Izvješćuju se rezultati istraživanja glavnih dijamagnetskih susceptibilnosti i indeksa loma ortorombske faze kristala ftalata amonijeve kiseline. Dva svojstva za kristalne osi a, b i c su suprotnog redosljeda: χa > χb > χc, dok je na > nb > nc. Izlažu se njihovi odnosi sa strukturom kristala. Ovi su kristali magnetski jedinstveni i optički biaksijalni s jakim negativnim dvolomom. Osna optička ravnina je paralelna ravnini (010) a molekulska je bliza ravnini (100). Ovaj rad daje podatke o obliku i orijentaciji molekula unutar jedinične ćelije

    Spectrum Sharing Opportunities of Full-Duplex Systems using Improper Gaussian Signaling

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    Sharing the licensed spectrum of full-duplex (FD) primary users (PU) brings strict limitations on the underlay cognitive radio operation. Particularly, the self interference may overwhelm the PU receiver and limit the opportunity of secondary users (SU) to access the spectrum. Improper Gaussian signaling (IGS) has demonstrated its superiority in improving the performance of interference channel systems. Throughout this paper, we assume a FD PU pair that uses proper Gaussian signaling (PGS), and a half-duplex SU pair that uses IGS. The objective is to maximize the SU instantaneous achievable rate while meeting the PU quality-of-service. To this end, we propose a simplified algorithm that optimizes the SU signal parameters, i.e, the transmit power and the circularity coefficient, which is a measure of the degree of impropriety of the SU signal, to achieve the design objective. Numerical results show the merits of adopting IGS compared with PGS for the SU especially with the existence of week PU direct channels and/or strong SU interference channels

    The Impact of Human Resource management Practices on Organizational Performance in Saudi Banking Sector

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    This study is examines the impact of human resource practices on organizational performance in banking  sector in Saudi Arabia, and how different variables  help an organization to achieve its objectives in efficient and effective way. The study focuses on seven variables of human resource management practices which: are training &development, performance appraisal , empowerment, compensation, job rotation, participation in decision making, and selecting system. The main object of this research is to evaluate the impact of human resource management practices on organizational performance. More precisely, on banking sector in Saudi Arabia. The data  instrument used for data collection was questionnaire, to analyze the effect of these seven variables, using descriptive statistics and correlation analyze in order to analysis the data . The result confirm that all. seven variables of human resource management practices are positively correlate with organizational performance in banking  sector in Saudi Arabia. which indicate that the enhancement in those human recourse practices can lead to improvement of  performance in banking  sector in Saudi Arabia, Key words: Human resource management  (HRM(  , performance, banking sector