37 research outputs found

    What determine the givers behavior? The mindset of waqf giver in Malaysia

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    There are several questions that have fascinated behavioral scientists for decades; one of them was: why do we give things like money, effort, guidance, help & kind words or/and time to others? Researchers have looked into why people donate, why they don’t do it as much as they would hope to and how to bridge this gap. But no clear answer to the psychology of giving; the inner motive that drive us to give. Available literature shows that charitable giving arises from a complexity of motives, attitudes, and demographic attributes. Some may give out of altruism, while others give out of egoism. Others find mercy, humility, obligation, tax deductions, and access to elite business and social networks as motives for giving. However, what the real motivations in the highest giving individuals is not very clear, specially what is related to Waqf in Malaysia. Waqfis a financial charitable endowment established by withholding immovable and movable properties to perpetually spend its revenue on fulfilling public needs; it has been the main source for public services that been provided to communities. The purpose of this paper is to explore traits of givers, in order to present factors associated with giving behavior. A qualitative method was used to attain the study objectives. The findings signified that unique thinking and psychology behind helping others played a crucial role in donor contribution to Waqf; this concludes that sincerity determinant quality of givers

    Psicología organizacional positiva: una alternativa saludable para la gestión de recursos humanos

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    La Gestión de Recursos Humanos (en adelante GRH) en las organizaciones está orientada por los conocimientos, técnicas, modelos y teorías proporcionados por diversas ciencias y disciplinas, como el derecho, la administración, la ingeniería industrial, la sociología, la antropología y, por supuesto, la psicología. El presente capítulo se orienta a presentar la Psicología Organizacional Positiva como una perspectiva más efectiva y resiliente de estudiar e intervenir en los procesos de GRH en las organizaciones.1a edició

    Insight of recent strategies and initiatives in managing integrity in Malaysia

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    The Malaysian government has taken several steps to combat corruption and nurture integrity in society, especially among civil servants. There are many key strategies aimed at fostering and enhancing a culture of integrity, thus, the Malaysian government has agreed to align all efforts on governance, dignity, and anti-corruption into a single integrated plan to strengthen anti-corruption initiatives. The National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP) was created and demonstrated to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG-16) that focuses on Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of recent strategies and initiatives in managing integrity in Malaysia and to evaluate the integrity behavior among public sector employees. The online questionnaire surveys were distributed to collect the primary data. About 100 employees were randomly selected among civil servants in Malaysia, and yielded a response rate of 77% (77 respondents). The data was then analyzed using SPSS to achieve the objectives; thus, descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation were used to analyze the study variables. The finding indicated that there is a significant relationship between anti-corruption plans and managing integrity among employees in Malaysia. This study will help policymakers to take necessary action to ensure the long-term continuity of the policies and action plans implemented to create a corrupt-free nation that values integrity. It will give value in achieving the SDG-16 goal to substantially reduce bribery and corruption in all their forms

    The Sources of Job Stress among Project Managers

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    Organizational stress and workplace health have become an issue of great concern over the last decade. Although some workplace stress is normal, but among project manager is excessive. Project managers are considered as the key persons and one of the most important elements of any project, and their performance highly influences on the overall success of the project. Due to the nature of their work, they tended to face a multitude of stressors that always interfere with their productivity and impact their physical and emotional health. Current study focuses on “job stress” as one of the main factors affecting project managers’ performance. Within this research, preliminarily time pressure, workload, limited resources, limited authority and conflict were studied as the main sources of job stress among project managers. Furthermore, and after conducting a pilot study, some other factors were identified and added to the initial five factors. Eventually, the main survey focuses on twelve (12) sources of stress that was carried out among thirty (30) international project managers; and eleven (11) factors were introduced as the most important sources of stress among project managers. Keywords: Job stress among project manager; conflict at workplace; sources of job stres

    Waqf between the past and present

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    Waqf plays a very important role in Muslim societies. It has been the main source for various public services provided to communities. It has been marginalized as a mere charity, although it has historically been successful in producing sustainable income and reducing poverty levels in Muslim countries. Traditionally, the creation of Waqf is inculcated in Muslims’ culture, and included all walks of life. It has also contributed to the service of man in various areas of development. Nonetheless, in modern times, Waqf has seen a declining role, which raises a number of questions as to what factors actually led to an earlier growth of Waqf, and what was the factor associated with its later decline. This review propagates a historical narrative of Waqf, highlighting the reasons for its decline and the need for reform. The paper concludes that if Muslims have good governments that can manage the funds are transparent, reformulates the laws governing Waqf, and design an integrated network of sciences to monitor issues and problems; they can realistically revive the practice of Waqf. The proper management and disbursement of Waqf can become a great source of revenue for the Ummah

    Leadership framework intensifies innovation culture in an organization

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    The exit of third revolution, paving the way for population of the world treads into the beginning of fourth industry revolution. Indeed the organizations in 22nd century will catalyst as medium for culture of innovation. Innovation has become a necessity in boosting the nation’s economic prowess. Necessarily a culture of innovation routinely touted as the key to achieve it in today’s era. This is a culture that is holding the majority of organizations around the world to sustain total growth. Hence the leaders of an organization from every industry and sector will face with multi challenges to optimize leadership capability. Therefore many scholars assume that both leadership and organization culture play important roles in fostering innovation. However there are not many options for researchers to explore comprehensive framework, which provide linkage of leadership appropriately with intensifies the innovation culture in an organization. Responding of this phenomenon, understanding leadership in relation of augmenting the innovation pivotal in creating sustainable organizations spheres. The mutual leadership and innovation has greatly unraveled abundantly by researchers through their work since decade ago to finetune the continuation. Backed by the strength of these fabric, this research paper promulgated the leadership of which was related to the culture of innovation in an organization, closely connected of leadership purview. The establishment of the framework constituted by qualitative analysis of quality literature reviews and selected case study of most innovative organization. Framework developed with right balance of integrated and directive linkage the innovation culture with wide angles of leadership for concerted effort of intensifying innovation culture. Furthermore this framework expected to be an avenue for researchers for any related structured research in fusion of leadership and innovation in the future