6 research outputs found
Emotional stability and its relationship to anxiety about coronavirus among Najran University students
The study aimed to examine the relationship between emotional stability and anxiety about Coronavirus among Najran University students. To achieve the objectives of this descriptive study, the researchers used the scales of emotional stability and anxiety about the Coronavirus pandemic. The study sample consisted of (521) students at Najran University (319 males, 202 females), who were selected following the simple random method. The results revealed that the students’ level of emotional stability came to a medium degree, and the level of anxiety about the Coronavirus pandemic among students also came to a medium degree. In addition, there was a negative statistically significant correlation between emotional stability and the level of anxiety about the Coronavirus. The study revealed statistically significant differences in the level of emotional stability according to the gender variable in favor of females, indicating that males were more emotionally stable than females. Furthermore, there were significant differences based on the type of college in favor of scientific colleges. However, no significant differences in the level of anxiety in favor of gender or college type
Survival and reduction in foodborne bacteria using methyl cellulose film doped with europium oxide nanoparticles
The study validated the efficacy of methyl cellulose films doped with different concentration of Eu2O3 nanoparticles to inactivate foodborne pathogens. Eu2O3 nanoparticles were added to the methyl cellulose solution with different weight percentages (0.0, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, and 1.5 wt%). X-ray diffraction patterns for the prepared films were studied. A significant lower count of E. coli, S. typhimurium, and S. aureus (p ≤ .05) inoculated in MC films doped with Eu2O3 nanoparticles compared with pure MC film could be achieved. The findings acquired verify the impact of prepared MC films doped with Eu2O3 nanoparticles on the test strains
BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a worldwide health alarm that is rising for the most part of the world as the result of increasing incidences of diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the aim of this pilot study was to provide data about risk factors for CKD in Hail region, KSA to plan for a comprehensive survey in the area.METHODS: A survey was performed, employing household visits, covered 300 individuals, selected from two areas in Hail region to fulfill the planned sample for this pilot setting. A questionnaire was used to obtained information about CKD risk factors. Results: High percentages of risk factors were indicated in a family history (FH) of DM representing 72%, followed by family history of hypertension, recurrent urinary tract infection, DM, family history of renal disease, hypertension, and analgesic abuse, constituting 65%, 59%, 26%,26%, 25%, and 22%, respectively. Conclusion: This study shows increased risk factors for CKD in Hail area. There is an urgent need for more detailed measurement for these risk factors through a comprehensive survey to evaluate individuals with risk factors, to enable earlier detection, and risk factor reduction through rising of awareness. CONTEXT: Insuficiența renală cronică (IRC) constituie o alarmă de sănătate la nivel mondial, care este în creștere, în cea mai mare parte a lumii, ca rezultat al incidenţei crescute a cazurilor de diabet zaharat, hipertensiune arterială și alte boli cardiovasculare. Prin urmare, scopul acestui studiu pilot a fost de a furniza date cu privire la factorii de risc pentru IRC din regiunea Hail, Regatul Arabiei Saudite, pentru planificarea unui studiu cuprinzător în zona.METODE: Studiul a fost efectuat folosind vizitele în gospodării, acoperind 300 de persoane selectate din două zone din regiunea Hail, pentru a completa eşantionul planificat pentru această testare pilot. A fost utilizat un chestionar pentru obținerea de informații cu privire la factorii de risc ai IRC.REZULTATE: Un procent ridicat de factori de risc au fost identificaţi într-un istoric familial (IF) de DZ, reprezentând 72%, urmat de antecedente familiale de hipertensiune arterială, infecții recurente ale tractului urinar, DZ, antecedente familiale de boli renale, hipertensiune arterială, și abuz de analgezice, constituind 65 %, 59%, 26%, 2 6%, 25%, și respectiv 22%.CONCLUZIE: Acest studiu identifică factorii de risc crescut pentru IRC în zona Hail. Este o nevoie urgentă de măsurare mai detaliată a acestor factori de risc printr-un studiu cuprinzător pentru a evalua persoanele cu factori de risc, pentru a permite depistarea din timp, și reducerea factorilor de risc, prin creșterea gradului de conștientizare. Cuvinte cheie: boala cronică de rinichi, hipertensiune arterială, diabet zaharat, Hail
Prevalence and management of hyperkalemia in chronic kidney disease and heart failure patients in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
Abstract Hyperkalemia is a frequent complication in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) or heart failure (HF) and associated with neuromuscular manifestations, changes in the electrocardiogram, and increased risk of mortality. While data on the prevalence and management of hyperkalemia in the gulf region are scarce, risk factors such as preference for potassium‐rich foods (e.g., dates and dried fruits/vegetables), periods of intense fasting (e.g., Ramadan), and diabetes (an ancestor of CKD and HF) are common. Therefore, a panel of nephrologists and cardiologists from countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) convened to collate and review available data on the prevalence, regional drivers, and current practice in the management of hyperkalemia in the region. Eventually, this review provides consensus recommendations on a balanced utilization of dietary and pharmacological options including new potassium binders for achieving and sustainably maintaining desirable serum potassium levels in countries of the GCC region. Alignment with regional habits and practice was a key aspect to facilitate the uptake of the recommendations into physicians’ practice and patients’ lives