305 research outputs found
Programmes de nutrition au sein des centres de sante communautaires: rôle dans l’amélioration de la prise en charge des femmes enceintes.
Au Mali, l’incidence de l’anémie ferriprive au cours de la grossesse est élevée. Pour contribuer à la réduction de cette anémie, un projet visant à renforcer les connaissances des professionnels de la santé en nutrition périnatale et sensibiliser les femmes enceintes pour une bonne supplémentation en fer/folate a été initié dans 14 centres de santé à Bamako. Cette étude a évalué les activités de ce projet au cours des six premiers mois de sa mise en oeuvre. Les connaissances des professionnels ont été évaluées par un questionnaire; les pratiques des sages-femmes et matrones ont été observées durant les consultations et les registres ont été utilisés pour recueillir les données rétrospectives (6 mois) et prospectives (6 mois) sur le nombre de sessions d’éducation en nutrition tenues ; le nombre de participantes à ces sessions et la quantité des comprimés de fer/folate vendus. Les résultats ont montré que les sessions d’éducation nutritionnelle sont passées de 13% à 40% de l’ensemble des sessions pour la santé et le nombre des femmes qui y ont participé a augmenté de 2.016 à 11.079. La moyenne mensuelle des comprimés de fer/folate vendus au sein des pharmacies des centres aux femmes enceintes est passée de 20.030±3.764 à 38.005±2.412 (P < 0,05) et les sages-femmes et matrones ont incorporé les conseils nutritionnels dans leur pratique quotidienne. Ce programme de nutrition a pu être intégré facilement dans les activités de routine des services de santé. Il a permis d’améliorer les connaissances du personnel et la qualité des services offerts aux femmes enceintes.MOTS CLES: Femmes enceintes - Santé communautaire - Nutrition - Anémie - Fer/Folate - Mali
Polymorphism of Prolactin Gene and Its Association with Egg Production Trait in Four Commercial Chicken Lines
Δε διατίθεται περίληψη στα ελληνικάBroodiness is a behavioral trait observed in most common breeds of domestic fowl and due to its fundamental role in avian reproduction, it has been of great interest to poultry scientists, breeders and producers of hatching eggs. Prolactin gene (PRL) is generally accepted as crucial to the onset and maintenance of broodiness in birds and thus plays a crucial role in egg production. Therefore, the present study aimed to screen the Single Nucleotides Polymorphisms (SNPs) of prolactin gene in four commercial chicken lines namely Hubbard F15, Lohmann, Cobb500, and Avian48 using PCR and direct sequencing. A total number of forty chickens (ten females from each of the four commercial chicken lines) were used. Blood samples were collected aseptically from brachial (wing) vein of the chickens for genomic DNA extraction. PCR reaction was done using five pairs of primers, one sense (F) and one antisense (R) primer for each of the five exons of prolactin gene. Finally, DNA sequencing and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) analysis was done using Laser gene Megalign program. The results showed three SNPs in Hubbard F15 chicken line; one synonymous SNP at the position 3838 bp (ACC/ACT-transition) in exon 2 while in exon 5, two SNPs were detected; one non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism at the position 7921bp (CCT/TCT-transition) which results in amino acid changes at codon positions 169 (P/S), and one synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism at the position 8187 bp T/ C. The study concluded that this SNP in PRL gene could be used as the potential molecular markers for egg production traits in chicken
Phylogeny and functional diversity of halophilic microbial communities from a thalasso environment
The El-Rawda solar saltern, located in North Sinai, Egypt, is formed through the process of water evaporation from the Bradawil lagoon. This evaporation leads to the precipitation of gypsum, halite minerals, and salt flats, which subsequently cover the southern and eastern areas of the lagoon. This study employed the shotgun metagenomic approach, the illumine platform, and bioinformatic tools to investigate the taxonomic composition and functional diversity of halophilic microbial communities in solar saltern. The metagenomic reads obtained from the brine sample exhibited a greater count compared to those from the sediment sample. Notably, the brine sample was primarily characterized by an abundance of archaea, while the sediment sample displayed a dominant abundance of bacteria. Both samples exhibited a relatively low abundance of eukaryotes, while viruses were only found in the brine sample. Furthermore, the comparative analysis of functional pathways showed many important processes related to central metabolism and protein processing in brine and sediment samples. In brief, this research makes a valuable contribution to the understanding of very halophilic ecosystems in Egypt, providing insights into their microbial biodiversity and functional processes
Production of sensitive gas sensors using CuO/SnO2 nanoparticles
Metal oxide nanoparticles, such as CuO and SnO2, are outstanding systems for H2S gas sensing in air. In this work, those nanoparticles were deposited with different mixing percentages on substrates to form percolating networks of nanoparticles. Electrical electrodes were deposited on the nanoparticles’ films to investigate their gas sensing response against H2 and H2S, and their electrical characteristics. The sensor devices based on CuO–SnO2 nanoparticles revealed enhanced sensing characteristics against H2S with a sensitivity of 10 ppm. The enhanced sensing characteristics could be attributed to the formation of PN-junctions among CuO and SnO2 nanoparticles. The reasonable production cost (due to simple structure and cheap used materials), low power consumption ( ~ 1 µW for H2S at room temperature), high sensitivity, high response, and reasonable response time of the present sensors qualify them for practical implementation in portable gas sensing devices with enhanced characteristics.Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library. This work was supported by both Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) under a Grant Number UREP21-035-2-013, and Qatar University fund under a Grant Number QUCG-CAS-20182019-1. The SEM/EDS measurements were accomplished in the Central Laboratories unit at Qatar University. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations
Оценка биотехнологического потенциала различных сортов пшеницы
Assess the ability to embryogenic callus formation and regeneration of plants of several varieties of soft and hard spring wheat breeding Egyptian and Russian in order to select genotypes suitable for biotechnology. Callus from mature embryos were isolated from dry seeds and immature embryos isolated from kernels at 10-12 days after pollination. The highest frequency of embryogenic callus production from mature embryos marked for cultivar Novosibirskaya-22 (71,4%), the lowest capacity for embryogenesis has the cultivar Sids-1 (4%). For some genotypes the higher frequency of production embryogenic callus obtained in the use of mature, but for others - immature embryos. For one genotypes higher frequency of embryogenic callus formation is received at use mature, and for others - immature embryos. With increase in age of culture the proportion of embryogenic calli was reduced at all cultivars, after four months of culturing it became close to zero. Novosibirskaya-22, Suhadzh-1, Gemmiza-1 can be used as sites of cell selection or genetic engineering.С целью отбора генотипов, пригодных для биотехнологии, оценена способность ряда сортов мягкой и твердой яровой пшеницы египетской и российской селекции к образованию эмбриогенного каллуса и регенерации растений. Каллус получали из зрелых зародышей, выделенных из сухих зерновок, и из незрелых зародышей, изолированных на 10-12-й день после опыления. Наибольшая частота образования эмбриогенного каллуса отмечена для сорта Новосибирская-22 (71,4%), наименьшей способностью к эмбриогенезу обладал сорт Сидс-1 (4%). Для одних генотипов более высокая частота образования эмбриогенного каллуса получена при использовании зрелых, а для других - незрелых зародышей. С увеличением возраста культуры доля эмбриогенных каллусов сокращалась у всех сортов, после четырех месяцев культивирования она становилась близкой к нулю. Новосибирская-22, Сухадж-1, Геммиза-1 могут быть использованы в качестве объектов клеточной селекции или генетической инженерии
A Histopathological Exploration of the Madurella mycetomatis Grain
Although the Madurella mycetomatis grains seem to interfere with the host defense mechanisms and impede the antifungal drugs penetration, yet their histological features are not fully known and hence this study was set out to determine that. The study included 80 patients with confirmed M. mycetomatis eumycetoma. After informed written consent, surgical biopsies were obtained from the excised tissues during the patients' surgical treatment. All sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, Grocott's hexamine silver, Periodic Acid-Schiff's, Masson-Fontana, Perl's Prussian Blue, Von-kossa's, Formalin Inducing Fluorescence and Schmorl's stains. Modified bleaching technique was used. The concentrations of Zinc, Copper, Calcium, Iron, Lead, Cobalt and Nickel were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The M. Mycetomatis grai
Assessment Of The Global Fallout Of Plutonium Isotopes In The Topsoil Of Qatar: Establishing A Baseline Concentrations Of 238pu, 239pu, And 240pu
A radio-analytical technique for determination of plutonium (Pu) isotopes in soil samples is tested against NIST and IAEA standard reference materials to determine its accuracy and precision for reliable results. The technique is then used in the investigation of 132 topsoil samples, collected from the natural environment of Qatar, to assess the effect of global fallout accumulation of these radionuclides in the region. Plutonium was sequentially leached form 1000 g of each soil sample using nitric and hydrochloric acids. The residual fine particles were separated by filtration and centrifuge. The solution was reduced to 1 ml by evaporation in dry oven and measured directly by CRC-ICP-MS/MS without prior chemical separation of Pu. The concentrations of 238Pu in the collected soil samples vary from < 0.026 - 0.058 fg/g (< 0.0160 - 0.0266 Bq/kg) with a mean value of 0.034 fg/g (0.0195 Bq/kg) and a median value of 0.032 fg/g (0.0195 Bq/kg). The concentrations of 239Pu fall in the range 5.67 - 166.09 fg/g (0.014 - 0.381 Bq/kg) with a mean value of 67.33 fg/g (0.154 Bq/kg) and a median value of 63.21 fg/g (0.145 Bq/kg). The concentrations of 240Pu fall in the range 1.48 - 28.21 fg/g (0.013 - 0.240 Bq/kg) with a mean value of 11.46 fg/g (0.098 Bq/kg) and a median value of 10.835 fg/g (0.093 Bq/kg). The isotopic and activity concentrations ratios of 238Pu/239Pu, 240Pu/239Pu, and 238Pu/239+240Pu can be used to identify the source. The main isotope ratios of 238Pu/239Pu in Qatari soils is (3.33 ± 1.02) x 10-4. A reported global and Chernobyl fallouts isotope ratio of 238Pu/239Pu are 1.77 x 10-4 and 4.3 x 10-3, respectively. The main isotope ratio of 240Pu/239Pu in Qatari soils is 0.1749 ± 0.0211. A reported global and Chernobyl fallouts isotope ratios of 240Pu/239Pu are 0.18-0.19 and 0.34-0.57, respectively. The average isotopic and activity ratios of 238Pu/239,240Pu in Qatari soils are (2.856 ± 0.881) x 10-4 and 0.0505 ± 0.0032, respectively. The activity ratio 238Pu/239+240Pu in releases from nuclear fuel reprocessing plants, nuclear tests, weapons grade, and Chernobyl fallout are about 0.25, 0.026, 0.014 and 0.47, respectively. Accordingly, it is difficult to identify the source, but it may be due to the contribution of more than one source. The most probable sources are both Chernobyl fallout of Pu isotopes and several decades of fallout Pu accumulation due to nuclear weapons testing. Novel Aspect New data base was established for the concentration and isotope ratios of Pu isotopes (238Pu, 239Pu, and 240Pu) in Qatar topsoil.qscienc
Gender effects on writing style in British English?
This study
investigates the effect of gender on writing style in English. We asked to
which extent male and female English writers use words and sentence structures
in the same way. We collected 36 recent opinion articles in British English by
male and female authors written on the same topic in matched pairs. We analyzed
the token-to-type ratio, word length (number of letters), sentence length
(number of words per sentence), sentence complexity (number of finite verbs or
subclauses per sentence) and use of emotional (‘?’, ‘!’) versus other
punctuation marks. Several textual parameters measured are correlated between
male and female authors, which indicates an effect of topic. Unexpectedly,
women used more subordinated clauses per sentence than men but no other significant
effects of gender were found. We provisionally conclude that no
gender-dependent instruction on English writing is needed in the foreign
language curriculum.
A tanulmány az angol nyelvű
írásokban érvényesülő gender-hatást vizsgálja. Arra a kérdésre keressük a
választ, hogy milyen mértékben hasonlóak az angol nyelven író női és férfi
szerzők által használt szavak és mondatszerkezetek. 36 brit angol
nyelvváltozatban készült, női és férfi szerzőktől származó, a közelmúltban
megjelent cikket választottunk, amelyek párba állítva egyazon témáról
fogalmaznak meg véleményt. Munkánk során elemeztük a szövegekben előforduló
szókincs kiterjedését, a szavak terjedelmét (leütések száma), a mondatok
terjedelmét (mondatonkénti szavak száma), a mondatok szerkezetét (tagmondatok
vagy állítmányi szerepben használt igék száma), valamint az érzelmeket kifejező
és egyéb írásjelek előfordulását. Az eredmények több szövegjellemző esetén a női
és férfi írásokban egyezésre utalnak, amely a téma hatására hívja fel a
figyelmet. Várakozásaink ellenére a női írók több alárendelő mondatszerkezetet
alkalmaznak az írásokban mint a férfiak, azonban nemre vonatkozó egyéb
szignifikáns eltérés nem azonosítható. Következtetésünk szerint az idegen nyelv
oktatásában nemek szerint eltérő angol nyelvű írásfejlesztés nem szükséges
Gender effects on writing style in British English?
This study
investigates the effect of gender on writing style in English. We asked to
which extent male and female English writers use words and sentence structures
in the same way. We collected 36 recent opinion articles in British English by
male and female authors written on the same topic in matched pairs. We analyzed
the token-to-type ratio, word length (number of letters), sentence length
(number of words per sentence), sentence complexity (number of finite verbs or
subclauses per sentence) and use of emotional (‘?’, ‘!’) versus other
punctuation marks. Several textual parameters measured are correlated between
male and female authors, which indicates an effect of topic. Unexpectedly,
women used more subordinated clauses per sentence than men but no other significant
effects of gender were found. We provisionally conclude that no
gender-dependent instruction on English writing is needed in the foreign
language curriculum.
A tanulmány az angol nyelvű
írásokban érvényesülő gender-hatást vizsgálja. Arra a kérdésre keressük a
választ, hogy milyen mértékben hasonlóak az angol nyelven író női és férfi
szerzők által használt szavak és mondatszerkezetek. 36 brit angol
nyelvváltozatban készült, női és férfi szerzőktől származó, a közelmúltban
megjelent cikket választottunk, amelyek párba állítva egyazon témáról
fogalmaznak meg véleményt. Munkánk során elemeztük a szövegekben előforduló
szókincs kiterjedését, a szavak terjedelmét (leütések száma), a mondatok
terjedelmét (mondatonkénti szavak száma), a mondatok szerkezetét (tagmondatok
vagy állítmányi szerepben használt igék száma), valamint az érzelmeket kifejező
és egyéb írásjelek előfordulását. Az eredmények több szövegjellemző esetén a női
és férfi írásokban egyezésre utalnak, amely a téma hatására hívja fel a
figyelmet. Várakozásaink ellenére a női írók több alárendelő mondatszerkezetet
alkalmaznak az írásokban mint a férfiak, azonban nemre vonatkozó egyéb
szignifikáns eltérés nem azonosítható. Következtetésünk szerint az idegen nyelv
oktatásában nemek szerint eltérő angol nyelvű írásfejlesztés nem szükséges
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