18 research outputs found

    A Motif Unique to the Human Dead-Box Protein DDX3 Is Important for Nucleic Acid Binding, ATP Hydrolysis, RNA/DNA Unwinding and HIV-1 Replication

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    DEAD-box proteins are enzymes endowed with nucleic acid-dependent ATPase, RNA translocase and unwinding activities. The human DEAD-box protein DDX3 has been shown to play important roles in tumor proliferation and viral infections. In particular, DDX3 has been identified as an essential cofactor for HIV-1 replication. Here we characterized a set of DDX3 mutants biochemically with respect to nucleic acid binding, ATPase and helicase activity. In particular, we addressed the functional role of a unique insertion between motifs I and Ia of DDX3 and provide evidence for its implication in nucleic acid binding and HIV-1 replication. We show that human DDX3 lacking this domain binds HIV-1 RNA with lower affinity. Furthermore, a specific peptide ligand for this insertion selected by phage display interferes with HIV-1 replication after transduction into HelaP4 cells. Besides broadening our understanding of the structure-function relationships of this important protein, our results identify a specific domain of DDX3 which may be suited as target for antiviral drugs designed to inhibit cellular cofactors for HIV-1 replication

    Loss of full length CtBP1 expression enhances the invasive potential of human melanoma

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    BACKGROUND: The C-terminal binding protein 1 (CtBP1) is a known co-repressor of gene transcription. We recently revealed that CtBP1 expression is lost in melanoma cells and melanoma inhibitory activity (MIA) expression is subsequently increased. The present study was performed to evaluate a more general role of CtBP1 in human melanoma and identify further CtBP1-regulated target genes. METHODS: Sequence analysis and expression profile of CtBP1 in melanoma cell lines were done by PCR. Boyden Chamber assays and co-immunoprecipitation were performed to investigate the functional role of CtBP1. Gene expression analysis and micro array data were used to define target genes. RESULTS: Interestingly, we detected an alternative splice product of CtBP1 with unknown function whose expression is induced at reduction of full length CtBP1. Overexpression of full length CtBP1 in melanoma cells had no effect on cell proliferation but did influence cell migration and invasiveness. To understand the effect of CtBP1 we identified putative LEF/TCF target genes found to be strongly expressed in melanoma using DNA microarray analysis. We focused on fourteen genes not previously associated with melanoma. Detailed analysis revealed that most of these were known to be involved in tumor metastasis. Eleven genes had expression profiles associated with melanoma cell invasiveness. CONCLUSION: In summary, this study revealed that reduction of CtBP1 expression is correlated with migratory, invasive potential of melanoma cells

    Effects of pulse-modulated radiofrequency magnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure on apoptosis, autophagy, oxidative stress and electron chain transport function in human neuroblastoma and murine microglial cells

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    The use of body-worn wireless devices with different communication protocols and rapidly changing exposure scenarios is still multiplying and the need to identify possible health effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure with extremely low-frequency (ELF) modulation envelops. In this study, effects of ELFmodulated 935 MHz RF-EMF on apoptosis, autophagy, oxidative stress and electron exchange in N9 microglial and SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells were investigated. Cells were exposed at 4 W/kg or sham-exposed for 2 and 24 h. RF-EMF exposure of both cell types did not alter apoptosis, the number of living cells nor the apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), irrespective of the exposure duration. RF-EMF exposure for 24, but not for 2 h, increased protein levels of the autophagy marker ATG5, whereas LC3B-I and II and pERK were not altered in both cell types and exposure times investigated. A transient increase in glutathione (GSH), but not hydrogen peroxide and cytochrome c oxidase was found only in SH-SY5Y cells, indicating that short-time RF-EMF at SAR levels accepted by today's safety guidelines might cause autophagy and oxidative stress with the effect being dependent on cell type and exposure duration. Further studies are needed to evaluate possible underlying mechanisms involved in pulse-modulated RF-EMF exposure

    Inhibition of Human Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator (uPA) Enzyme Activity and Receptor Binding by DNA Aptamers as Potential Therapeutics through Binding to the Different Forms of uPA

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    Urokinase-type plasminogen activator is widely discussed as a marker for cancer prognosis and diagnosis and as a target for cancer therapies. Together with its receptor, uPA plays an important role in tumorigenesis, tumor progression and metastasis. In the present study, systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) was used to select single-stranded DNA aptamers targeting different forms of human uPA. Selected aptamers allowed the distinction between HMW-uPA and LMW-uPA, and therefore, presumably, have different binding regions. Here, uPAapt-02-FR showed highly affine binding with a KD of 0.7 nM for HMW-uPA and 21 nM for LMW-uPA and was also able to bind to pro-uPA with a KD of 14 nM. Furthermore, no cross-reactivity to mouse uPA or tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) was measured, demonstrating high specificity. Suppression of the catalytic activity of uPA and inhibition of uPAR-binding could be demonstrated through binding with different aptamers and several of their truncated variants. Since RNA aptamers are already known to inhibit uPA-uPAR binding and other pathological functions of the uPA system, these aptamers represent a novel, promising tool not only for detection of uPA but also for interfering with the pathological functions of the uPA system by additionally inhibiting uPA activity

    Diagnosis in children with exercise‐induced respiratory symptoms: A multi‐center study

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    Objective Exercise‐induced respiratory symptoms (EIS) are common in childhood and reflect different diseases that can be difficult to diagnose. In children referred to respiratory outpatient clinics for EIS, we compared the diagnosis proposed by the primary care physician with the final diagnosis from the outpatient clinic and described diagnostic tests and treatments. Design An observational study of respiratory outpatients aged 0–16 years nested in the Swiss Paediatric Airway Cohort (SPAC). Patients We included children with EIS as the main reason for referral. Information about diagnostic investigations, final diagnosis, and treatment prescribed came from outpatient records. We included 214 children (mean age 12 years, range 2–17, 54% males) referred for EIS. Results The final diagnosis was asthma in 115 (54%), extrathoracic dysfunctional breathing (DB) in 35 (16%), thoracic DB in 22 (10%), asthma plus DB in 23 (11%), insufficient fitness in 10 (5%), chronic cough in 6 (3%), and other diagnoses in 3 (1%). Final diagnosis differed from referral diagnosis in 115 (54%, 95%‐CI 46%–60%). Spirometry, body plethysmography, and exhaled nitric oxide were performed in almost all, exercise‐challenge tests in a third, and laryngoscopy in none. 91% of the children with a final diagnosis of asthma were prescribed inhaled medication and 50% of children with DB were referred to physiotherapy. Conclusions Diagnosis given at the outpatient clinic often differed from the diagnosis proposed by the referring physician. Diagnostic evaluations, management, and follow‐up differed between clinics and diagnostic groups highlighting the need for evidence‐based diagnostic guidelines and harmonized procedures for children seen for EIS

    Standardization of Reporting Obstructive Airway Disease in Children: A National Delphi Process

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    Background: Pediatric pulmonologists report asthma and obstructive bronchitis in medical records in a variety of ways, and there is no consensus for standardized reporting. Objective: We investigated which diagnostic labels and features pediatric pulmonologists use to describe obstructive airway disease in children and aimed to reach consensus for standardized reporting. Methods: We obtained electronic health records from 562 children participating in the Swiss Pediatric Airway Cohort from 2017 to 2018. We reviewed the diagnosis section of the letters written by pediatric pulmonologists to referring physicians and extracted the terms used to describe the diagnosis. We grouped these terms into diagnostic labels (eg, asthma) and features (eg, triggers) using qualitative thematic framework analysis. We also assessed how frequently the different terms were used. Results were fed into a modified Delphi process to reach consensus on standardized reporting. Results: Pediatric pulmonologists used 123 different terms to describe the diagnosis, which we grouped into 6 diagnostic labels and 17 features. Consensus from the Delphi process resulted in the following recommendations: (i) to use the diagnostic label "asthma" for children older than 5 years and "obstructive bronchitis" or "suspected asthma" for children younger than 5 years; (ii) to accompany the diagnosis with relevant features: diagnostic certainty, triggers, symptom control, risk of exacerbation, atopy, treatment adherence, and symptom perception. Conclusion: We found great heterogeneity in the reporting of obstructive airway disease among pediatric pulmonologists. The proposed standardized reporting will simplify communication among physicians and improve quality of research based on electronic health records. Keywords: Asthma; Children; Clinical practice; Diagnosis; Diagnostic labels; Reporting; Standardization; Standardized reporting

    Reported Symptoms Differentiate Diagnoses in Children with Exercise-Induced Respiratory Problems: Findings from the Swiss Paediatric Airway Cohort (SPAC)

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    BACKGROUND Exercise-induced breathing problems with similar clinical presentations can have different etiologies. This makes distinguishing common diagnoses such as asthma, extrathoracic and thoracic dysfunctional breathing (DB), insufficient fitness, and chronic cough difficult. OBJECTIVE We studied which parent-reported, exercise-induced symptoms can help distinguish diagnoses in children seen in respiratory outpatient clinics. METHODS This study was nested in the Swiss Paediatric Airway Cohort, an observational study of children aged 0 to 17 years referred to pediatric respiratory outpatient clinics in Switzerland. We studied children aged 6 to 17 years and compared information on exercise-induced symptoms from parent-completed questionnaires between children with different diagnoses. We used multinomial regression to analyze whether parent-reported symptoms differed between diagnoses (asthma as base). RESULTS Among 1109 children, exercise-induced symptoms were reported for 732 (66%) (mean age: 11 years, 318 of 732 [43%] female). Among the symptoms, dyspnea best distinguished thoracic DB (relative risk ratio [RRR]: 5.4, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.3-22) from asthma. Among exercise triggers, swimming best distinguished thoracic DB (RRR: 2.4, 95% CI: 1.3-6.2) and asthma plus DB (RRR: 1.8, 95% CI: 0.9-3.4) from asthma only. Late onset of symptoms was less common for extrathoracic DB (RRR: 0.1, 95% CI: 0.03-0.5) and thoracic DB (RRR: 0.4, 95% CI: 0.1-1.2) compared with asthma. Localization of dyspnea (throat vs chest) differed between extrathoracic DB (RRR: 2.3, 95% CI: 0.9-5.8) and asthma. Reported respiration phase (inspiration or expiration) did not help distinguish diagnoses. CONCLUSION Parent-reported symptoms help distinguish different diagnoses in children with exercise-induced symptoms. This highlights the importance of physicians obtaining detailed patient histories

    The Swiss Paediatric Airway Cohort (SPAC)

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    Chronic respiratory symptoms, such as cough, wheeze and dyspnoea, are common in children; however, most research has, with the exception of a few large-scale clinical cohort studies, been performed in the general population or in small, highly-selected samples. The Swiss Paediatric Airway Cohort (SPAC) is a national, prospective clinical cohort of children and adolescents who visit physicians for recurrent conditions, such as wheeze and cough, and exercise-related respiratory problems. The SPAC is an observational study and baseline assessment includes standardised questionnaires for families and data extracted from hospital records, including results of clinically indicated investigations, diagnoses and treatments. Outcomes are assessed through annual questionnaires, monthly symptom reporting mobile phone and follow-up visits. The SPAC will address important questions about clinical phenotypes, diagnosis, treatment, and the short- and long-term prognosis of common respiratory problems in children. The cohort currently consists of 347 patients from four major hospitals (Bern, Zurich, Basel and Lucerne), with 70-80 additional patients joining each month. More centres will join and the target sample size is a minimum of 3000 patients. The SPAC will provide real-life data on children visiting the Swiss healthcare system for common respiratory problems and will provide a research platform for health services research and nested clinical and translational studies