127 research outputs found
Development of the Selected Properties of Zinc-Contaminated Soil Following an Addition of Neutralising Substances
Studies have been undertaken which assess the possibility of neutralising the effect of zinc on the contents of: organic carbon, total nitrogen, available forms of: phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in soil by applying neutralising substances – compost, bentonite and zeolite. In the series without an addition of neutralising substances, increasing zinc soil contamination resulted in an increase in the contents of total nitrogen, available forms of phosphorus, magnesium and potassium (especially), and a decrease in the organic carbon content, compared to the control object (without Zn). Application of bentonite and zeolite had an advantageous effect on the contents of carbon and available phosphorus and on the C:N ratio in soil, compared to the series without additions. Bentonite had a similar effect on the available potassium content in soil. It had a much greater effect on the organic carbon content in soil than zeolite. Not all of the neutralising substances added to soil had a significant effect on the contents of nitrogen and available magnesium in soil, compared to the series without neutralising substances
El papel de la Bahía de Mazarrón (Murcia) en los contactos comerciales mediterráneos en época romana
For many years I have dedicated myself to the study of commercial
contacts between the Roman provinces, based on research on amphorae.
The knowledge of the production of the amphorae of Baetica and
the deposits of the amphorae of Galia Cisalpina made it possible to
draw conclusions about commercial contacts between these provinces.
The aim of my new study of amphorae from Mazarrón Bay (Murcia),
funded by the NCN - National Science Centre in Poland, arose
from my previous research. Thanks to the collaboration of the University
of Murcia, the Archaeological Museum of Murcia and the Municipal
Archaeological Museum of the “Factoría Romana de Salazones” of
Mazarrón, I was able to document the hitherto unpublished amphorae
of the Mazarrón coast. During the process of documenting 574 amphorae,
excavated in the dredging works in Puerto de Mazarrón, in
the stores of the Museum of Murcia and the Museum of Mazarrón, I registered 169 containers coming from the production of the south coast of the region of Murcia. The typological and chronological elaboration, as well as the comparison with the finds of amphorae in the interior of the Mazarrón area, allow conclusions to be drawn about the local production and imports of containers from other regions of the Iberian Peninsula and from other Mediterranean areas. The study, based on pieces of material culture, allows the reconstruction of the role of Mazarrón Bay in the ancient trade of the peninsular southeast and other Mediterranean areas
Les importations d’amphores Dressel 20 en Gaule Cisalpine
José Remesal Rodríguez examined question of Baetica olive oil imports in Germania and Rome but lacked data on Cisalpine Gaul. This study aims at supplementing the data on import of Baetica olive oil to Northern Italy. As a result of a query in deposits in Friuli and Veneto a map of distribution of amphorae type Dressel 20 on the mainland was established. The image complements data concerning Transpadana and Transalpine Gaul. A map showing finds of Baetica amphorae in the Venetian Lagoon also arose. The lagoons of the Upper Adriatic were used for a transportation of goods to Aquileia, Concordia, Altino, Oderzo, Este and Verona. Dressel 20 amphorae are most numerous in Aquileia. In remaining cities of the Adriatic coast only single pieces of amphorae for olive oil were spotted. Analysis of these amphorae deposits enabled construction of a hypothesis on the existence of microregions in imports of goods to areas of Cisalpine Gaul during the Roman period
Amphorae in the Exhibition of the Archaeological Museum in Murcia (Spain)
This article deals with ancient amphorae in the exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Murcia (Spain). So far, the amphorae have only had inventory cards and there has been no typological-chronological study of them. Each of the 8 amphorae is a different type and purpose. These are finds from various locations in the Region of Murcia. The aim of the study is to supplement museum data and to show the Polish reader amphorae of local production and those imported to this region of Spain in the ancient period
Anfore espagnole del depostio di Verona (Italia). Interpretazione dei dati analiticii
We present the study of the amphorae found near the Tomb of Julie in Verona, as part of an investigation that we are carring out on the Baetican amphorae found in the Veneto región (Italy). Generally the Baetican amphorae studied here may be classified as a Dr 7 or 8 of incomplete amphorae Dr 7/8 should be verified.. Petrographical and mineralogical (XR Diffraction) analyses were made on the samples of Baetican amphorae. Usual statical methods, together with a new method called here «lpercubo» were applied for the elaboration of the same quantitative data of mineralogical analyses.. The most useful results were obtained by Discriminant Analysis and the «Ipercubo» method, proving that the majority of incomplete forms Dr 7/8 have pastes similar to the pastes of the Dr 7 group.Presentamos un estudio de las ánforas béticas halladas cerca de la Tumba de Julieta en Verona que forma parte de un trabajo general sobre todas las ánforas béticas procedentes de la región. La mayoría de ellas se clasifican como Dr.7 y 8 (Beltrán IA y B), dudándose a qué tipo pertenecían algunas ánforas incompletas. Para verificarlo se realizaron análisis Petrográficos y mineralógicos (difracción de RX), aplicándose para la elaboración de los datos cuantitativos de estos últimos, además delos normales métodos estadísticos, uno nuevo que denominamos «hipercubo». Los mejores resultados se han obtenido con el método discriminante y el «hipercubo» que muestra cómo las pastas de la mayoría de las ánforas incompletas se asemejan a las del grupo Dr 7
Sexual behaviours assessment in flight personnel
Wstęp. Ocena zachowań seksualnych oraz stopnia zaburzeń potencji należy do ważnych elementów badania
podmiotowego w każdym badaniu urologicznym mężczyzny.
Materiał i metody. W latach 1997–2000 w Wojskowym Instytucie Medycyny Lotniczej w Warszawie,
w ramach corocznych badań profilaktycznych personelu lotniczego, wojskowego i cywilnego, po uprzednim
uzyskaniu zgody, przeprowadzono ankietę, wykorzystując kwestionariusze Sex score oraz International
Index of Erectile Function 5 (IIEF-5). Za pomocą ankiety oceniono również potrzebę takich badań we
wspomnianej grupie zawodowej. Ocena zachowań seksualnych objęła 979 osób.
Wyniki i wnioski. W ocenie zachowań seksualnych u 471 badanych (48,1%) uzyskano wyniki w przedziale
11–16 punktów, zaś u 463 osób (47,3%) — w przedziale 17–20 punktów. W ocenie zaburzeń potencji u 682 badanych
rezultaty były następujące: u 476 osób (69,7%) suma punktów mieściła się w przedziale 17–22, a u 159 osób
wynosiła 23–25 punktów; 95% pacjentów uznało, że badanie jest potrzebne. W badanej grupie personelu
lotniczego zaburzenia funkcji seksualnych oraz potencji są umiarkowane.Introduction. The assessment of sexual functioning and potency disorders
is an important part of every male's urological examination.
Material and methods. The survey was carried out at the Air Force Medicine
Institute from 1997 to 2000 as a part of prophylactic medical examinations for
the civilian and military flying staff using Sex Score and International Index
of Erectile Function 5 (IIEF-5) questionnaires. The need for such examination
profile was also assesed. The group of 979 individuals was examined; all participents
gave their informed consent for data collection.
Results and conclusions. 471 patients (48.1%) scored 11-16 points, 463
individuals (47.3%) - 17?20 points. The potency assessment in 682 examined individuals
revealed that 476 of them (69.7%) scored 17-22, and 159 ones - scored 23?25 points.
The examination was considered as important by 95% of the participants. The investigated
group of flight personnel suffers from moderate sexual and potency dysfunction
Yellow nail syndrome in a patient with membranous glomerulonephritis
Zespół żółtych paznokci (YNS) jest zespołem chorobowym charakteryzującym się żółto-zielonym zabarwieniem paznokci, objawami ze strony układu oddechowego oraz obrzękami limfatycznymi. W niniejszej pracy zaprezentowano 52-letniego chorego
na błoniaste kłębuszkowe zapalenie nerek, hospitalizowanego w Instytucie Gruźlicy i Chorób Płuc w Warszawie z powodu podejrzenia alergicznej aspergilozy. Na podstawie obrazu klinicznego i radiologicznego rozpoznano YNS. Leczenie choroby nerek
nie miało wpływu na przebieg YNS. W trakcie 2-letniej obserwacji, mimo stabilnych parametrów nerkowych, obserwowano progresję zmian w obrębie układu oddechowego (rozstrzeni oskrzeli, płynu w jamach opłucnowych).Yellow nail syndrome (YNS) is a condition characterized by yellow-green coloration of nails, respiratory manifestations and lymphoedema. This article presents 52-year-old patient with membranous glomerulonephritis, hospitalized at the National
Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Research Institute in Warsaw, because of suspected allergic aspergillosis. Based on clinical and radiological evaluation the diagnosis of YNS was established. Treatment of renal disease did not affect the course of yellow nail syndrome. During the two-year follow-up, despite stable renal parameters we observed the progression of respiratory manifestations (bronchiectasis, pleural effusions)
Disseminated pulmonary actinomycosis — an unusual presentation
Promienica to rzadko występująca, przewlekła choroba infekcyjna wywołana przez bakterie beztlenowe Gram-dodatnie z rodzaju Actinomyces. Indukują one odczyn zapalny o charakterze ropnym w tkankach. Promieniowce są komensalami bytującymi w jamie ustnej, przewodzie pokarmowym i drogach rodnych, a infekcje mają charakter niemal wyłącznie endogenny. Ze względu na zmienny obraz kliniczny, przewlekły przebieg, częściej przypomina chorobę nowotworową niż zakaźną. Przedstawiamy przypadek 56-letniego mężczyzny z niezwykle rzadką płucną manifestacją promienicy w postaci obustronnych rozsianych guzków w miąższu płuc z objawami ogólnymi, po wstępnym leczeniu przeciwprątkowym. Rozpoznanie ostatecznie ustalono na podstawie badania histologicznego wycinków z płuc. Po 7 miesiącach leczenia przeciwbakteryjnego uzyskano poprawę kliniczną i radiologiczną.Actinomycosis is a rare, chronic infectious disease caused by anaerobic Gram-positive bacteria Actinomyces spp. They induces suppurative inflammation in tissues. They live as commensals in the oropharynx, interstitial tract and genital mucosa, causing almost exclusively endogenic infections. Beacause variable clinical course, its chronicity, quite often actinomycosis mimics rather neoplasmatic disease than infection. We present the case of 56-year old male with unusual pulmonary actinomycosis manifestation as bilateral disseminated lung nodules with systemic symptoms, after initial antitubercular treatment. Diagnosis definitely was made of histologic evaluation of lung specimen from surgical biopsy. After 7-month antibacterial treatment we have achived clinical and radiological improvement
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