4 research outputs found

    Determination of Butyrate Synthesis Capacity in Gut Microbiota: Quantification of but Gene Abundance by qPCR in Fecal Samples

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    Butyrate is formed in the gut during bacterial fermentation of dietary fiber and is attributed numerous beneficial effects on the host metabolism. We aimed to develop a method for the assessment of functional capacity of gut microbiota butyrate synthesis based on the qPCR quantification of bacterial gene coding butyryl-CoA:acetate CoA-transferase, the key enzyme of butyrate synthesis. In silico, we identified bacteria possessing but gene among human gut microbiota by searching but coding sequences in available databases. We designed and validated six sets of degenerate primers covering all selected bacteria, based on their phylogenetic nearness and sequence similarity, and developed a method for gene abundance normalization in human fecal DNA. We determined but gene abundance in fecal DNA of subjects with opposing dietary patterns and metabolic phenotypes-lean vegans (VG) and healthy obese omnivores (OB) with known fecal microbiota and metabolome composition. We found higher but gene copy number in VG compared with OB, in line with higher fecal butyrate content in VG group. We further found a positive correlation between the relative abundance of target bacterial genera identified by next-generation sequencing and groups of but gene-containing bacteria determined by specific primers. In conclusion, this approach represents a simple and feasible tool for estimation of microbial functional capacity

    Early referring saved lives in kidney transplant recipients with COVID-19: a beneficial role of telemedicine

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    IntroductionThere is a strong impetus for the use of telemedicine for boosting early detection rates and enabling early treatment and remote monitoring of COVID-19 cases, particularly in chronically ill patients such as kidney transplant recipients (KTRs). However, data regarding the effectiveness of this practice are lacking.MethodsIn this retrospective, observational study with prospective data gathering we analyzed the outcomes of all confirmed COVID-19 cases (n = 955) in KTRs followed at our center between March 1, 2020, and April 30, 2022. Risk factors of COVID-19 related mortality were analyzed with focus on the role of early referral to the transplant center, which enabled early initiation of treatment and remote outpatient management. This proactive approach was dependent on the establishment and use of a telemedicine system, which facilitated patient-physician communication and expedited diagnostics and treatment. The main exposure evaluated was early referral of KTRs to the transplantation center after confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection. The primary outcome was the association of early referral to the transplantation center with the risk of death within 30 days following a COVID-19 diagnosis, evaluated by logistic regression.ResultsWe found that KTRs who referred their illness to the transplant center late had a higher 30-day mortality (4.5 vs. 13.6%, p < 0.001). Thirty days mortality after the diagnosis of COVID-19 was independently associated with late referral to the transplant center (OR 2.08, 95% CI 1.08–3.98, p = 0.027), higher age (OR 1.09, 95% CI 1.05–1.13, p < 0.001), higher body mass index (OR 1.06, 95% CI 1.01–1.12, p = 0.03), and lower eGFR (OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.94–0.98, p < 0.001) in multivariable logistic regression. Furthermore, KTRs who contacted the transplant center late were older, had longer time from transplantation, lived farther from the center and presented with higher Charlson comorbidity index.DiscussionA well-organized telemedicine program can help to protect KTRs during an infectious disease outbreak by facilitating pro-active management and close surveillance. Furthermore, these results can be likely extrapolated to other vulnerable populations, such as patients with chronic kidney disease, diabetes or autoimmune diseases requiring the use of immunosuppression

    Protective Effect of Vegan Microbiota on Liver Steatosis Is Conveyed by Dietary Fiber: Implications for Fecal Microbiota Transfer Therapy

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    Fecal microbiota transfer may serve as a therapeutic tool for treating obesity and related disorders but currently, there is no consensus regarding the optimal donor characteristics. We studied how microbiota from vegan donors, who exhibit a low incidence of non-communicable diseases, impact on metabolic effects of an obesogenic diet and the potential role of dietary inulin in mediating these effects. Ex-germ-free animals were colonized with human vegan microbiota and fed a standard or Western-type diet (WD) with or without inulin supplementation. Despite the colonization with vegan microbiota, WD induced excessive weight gain, impaired glucose metabolism, insulin resistance, and liver steatosis. However, supplementation with inulin reversed steatosis and improved glucose homeostasis. In contrast, inulin did not affect WD-induced metabolic changes in non-humanized conventional mice. In vegan microbiota-colonized mice, inulin supplementation resulted in a significant change in gut microbiota composition and its metabolic performance, inducing the shift from proteolytic towards saccharolytic fermentation (decrease of sulfur-containing compounds, increase of SCFA). We found that (i) vegan microbiota alone does not protect against adverse effects of WD; and (ii) supplementation with inulin reversed steatosis and normalized glucose metabolism. This phenomenon is associated with the shift in microbiota composition and accentuation of saccharolytic fermentation at the expense of proteolytic fermentation

    Vegan Diet Is Associated With Favorable Effects on the Metabolic Performance of Intestinal Microbiota: A Cross-Sectional Multi-Omics Study

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    Background and Aim: Plant-based diets are associated with potential health benefits, but the contribution of gut microbiota remains to be clarified. We aimed to identify differences in key features of microbiome composition and function with relevance to metabolic health in individuals adhering to a vegan vs. omnivore diet. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved lean, healthy vegans (n = 62) and omnivore (n = 33) subjects. We assessed their glucose and lipid metabolism and employed an integrated multi-omics approach (16S rRNA sequencing, metabolomics profiling) to compare dietary intake, metabolic health, gut microbiome, and fecal, serum, and urine metabolomes. Results: The vegans had more favorable glucose and lipid homeostasis profiles than the omnivores. Long-term reported adherence to a vegan diet affected only 14.8% of all detected bacterial genera in fecal microbiome. However, significant differences in vegan and omnivore metabolomes were observed. In feces, 43.3% of all identified metabolites were significantly different between the vegans and omnivores, such as amino acid fermentation products p-cresol, scatole, indole, methional (lower in the vegans), and polysaccharide fermentation product short- and medium-chain fatty acids (SCFAs, MCFAs), and their derivatives (higher in the vegans). Vegan serum metabolome differed markedly from the omnivores (55.8% of all metabolites), especially in amino acid composition, such as low BCAAs, high SCFAs (formic-, acetic-, propionic-, butyric acids), and dimethylsulfone, the latter two being potential host microbiome co-metabolites. Using a machine-learning approach, we tested the discriminative power of each dataset. Best results were obtained for serum metabolome (accuracy rate 91.6%). Conclusion: While only small differences in the gut microbiota were found between the groups, their metabolic activity differed substantially. In particular, we observed a significantly different abundance of fermentation products associated with protein and carbohydrate intakes in the vegans. Vegans had significantly lower abundances of potentially harmful (such as p-cresol, lithocholic acid, BCAAs, aromatic compounds, etc.) and higher occurrence of potentially beneficial metabolites (SCFAs and their derivatives)