4 research outputs found

    ANEURYSMAL BONE CYST: Report of Four Cases

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    I n this paper pour cases of aneurysmal bone cyst are reported and the different etiological factors considered. We believe that aneurysmal bone cyst disease entity with pathologica radiological and clinical charateristi

    Experimental Carcinoma of Esophagus : I - Effect of Nass in the Squamous Epithelium of Esophagus in Rats and Mice

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    Our experiments were based on the effects of NASS on squamous epithelium  layer of the esophagus in rats and mice as well as its effects on the skin of rats. these experiments concluded hyperplastic and early neoplastic changes in esophagus of some rats and loss of sebaceous glands in the skin of rats


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    Nephrotic syndrome _ Nephrotic syndrome is found in 30% of all of the cases of systematic LE. Nephropathy Changes Due to Lupus Erythematosus 21 (15,16) in peripheral blood may confirm definitively lupus cryhcrornatosus. Additional serological evidence such as hyper g-gJobu":nemia, and 19_s-g_ globulin may then positively confirm the (17). Supporting evidence of 11 specific type of glomerular substantiates prior clinical and paracIinical evidence: The foregoing ultrasnucturat chnracteristtcs are then seen to represent an additional check of routine diagnostic procedures In addition observed permits an opportunity to• correlate• min~te changes with known biochemical changes previosly A. Modjtabai et at Diagnostically the presence of kidney disease and the presence of L.E. Urine albumin _ The appearance of urine albumin to the extent of 8-10 mgm.mil is a sign of kidney damage. This may be accompanied by acute kidney inadequacy, cyrtitis with fever and pain. There may be a varying globulin excretion which is taken by some as a precursor of ensuing damage. This point, of course, has been debated. When clinical and paraclinical signs indicate LE. definitive conclu, sions may be. reached utilizing electron microscopy. The disease occurs more frequently in women than in men and especially among young people. More than one person in a family may bevaffectcd leading to the assumption that the trait is inherited. The hereditary nature of the disease, however, has not been definitely estab., lishcd. Basically the disease appears to original as an abnormal imrnu., nological reaction to external or internal causes or perhaps even auto.; immunological. Causative or aggravating factors may be long exposure to sunlight, and ultraviolet rays which may free lysozyrnes or other proteolytic enzymes which attack the ground substance of the cell membranes of the endothelium. Drugs such as penicillin, sulfonamide and hydralyzin have caused allergic reactions resulting in lupus although differences of opinions exist as to the roles these drugs may play, as a causative agent since in some patients a withdrawal at medication results in accessation of the symptoms but in other patients there is no apparent change. It has been proposed that the above mentioned drugs react with body proteins to form the antibodies causative .of the disease. Infections also have been mentioned as a causative factor as well as rheumatic factors and rheumatic arthritis. 20 Differences exist as to the physical manifestation of the L. E. syndrome however certain basic symptoms appear in all cases of the disease. These basic cyrnptorns may not be accompied by other peripheral manifestations