539 research outputs found

    Dynamic Vehicle Routing for Data Gathering in Wireless Networks

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    We consider a dynamic vehicle routing problem in wireless networks where messages arriving randomly in time and space are collected by a mobile receiver (vehicle or a collector). The collector is responsible for receiving these messages via wireless communication by dynamically adjusting its position in the network. Our goal is to utilize a combination of wireless transmission and controlled mobility to improve the delay performance in such networks. We show that the necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of such a system (in the bounded average number of messages sense) is given by {\rho}<1 where {\rho} is the average system load. We derive fundamental lower bounds for the delay in the system and develop policies that are stable for all loads {\rho}<1 and that have asymptotically optimal delay scaling. Furthermore, we extend our analysis to the case of multiple collectors in the network. We show that the combination of mobility and wireless transmission results in a delay scaling of {\Theta}(1/(1- {\rho})) with the system load {\rho} that is a factor of {\Theta}(1/(1- {\rho})) smaller than the delay scaling in the corresponding system where the collector visits each message location.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Dynamic Server Allocation over Time Varying Channels with Switchover Delay

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    We consider a dynamic server allocation problem over parallel queues with randomly varying connectivity and server switchover delay between the queues. At each time slot the server decides either to stay with the current queue or switch to another queue based on the current connectivity and the queue length information. Switchover delay occurs in many telecommunications applications and is a new modeling component of this problem that has not been previously addressed. We show that the simultaneous presence of randomly varying connectivity and switchover delay changes the system stability region and the structure of optimal policies. In the first part of the paper, we consider a system of two parallel queues, and develop a novel approach to explicitly characterize the stability region of the system using state-action frequencies which are stationary solutions to a Markov Decision Process (MDP) formulation. We then develop a frame-based dynamic control (FBDC) policy, based on the state-action frequencies, and show that it is throughput-optimal asymptotically in the frame length. The FBDC policy is applicable to a broad class of network control systems and provides a new framework for developing throughput-optimal network control policies using state-action frequencies. Furthermore, we develop simple Myopic policies that provably achieve more than 90% of the stability region. In the second part of the paper, we extend our results to systems with an arbitrary but finite number of queues.Comment: 38 Pages, 18 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1008.234

    Discovery of a probable very fast extragalactic nova in a symbiotic binary

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    Very fast novae are novae that evolve exceptionally quickly (on timescales of only days). Due to their rapid evolution, very fast novae are challenging to detect and study, especially at early times. Here we report the discovery, made as part of our Transient UV Objects project, of a probable very fast nova in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 300. We detected the rise to the peak (which are rarely observed for very fast novae) in the near-ultraviolet (NUV), with the first detection just ∼2 h after the eruption started. The peak and early stages of the decay were also observed in UV and optical bands. The source rapidly decayed (two NUV magnitudes within 3.5 days), making it one of the fastest novae known. In addition, a likely quiescent counterpart was found in archival near-infrared Spitzer and VIRCAM images, but not in any deep optical and UV observations, indicating a very red spectral shape in quiescence. The outburst and quiescence properties suggest that the system is likely a symbiotic binary. We discuss this new transient in the context of very fast novae in general and specifically as a promising supernova Type Ia progenitor candidate, due to its very high inferred WD mass (∼1.35 M⊙; determined by comparing this source to other very fast novae)

    Host genetics and parasitic infections

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    AbstractParasites still impose a high death and disability burden on human populations, and are therefore likely to act as selective factors for genetic adaptations. Genetic epidemiological investigation of parasitic diseases is aimed at disentangling the mechanisms underlying immunity and pathogenesis by looking for associations or linkages between loci and susceptibility phenotypes. Until recently, most studies used a candidate gene approach and were relatively underpowered, with few attempts at replicating findings in different populations. However, in the last 5 years, genome-wide and/or multicentre studies have been conducted for severe malaria, visceral leishmaniasis, and cardiac Chagas disease, providing some novel important insights. Furthermore, studies of helminth infections have repeatedly shown the involvement of common loci in regulating susceptibility to distinct diseases such as schistosomiasis, ascariasis, trichuriasis, and onchocherciasis. As more studies are conducted, evidence is increasing that at least some of the identified susceptibility loci are shared not only among parasitic diseases but also with immunological disorders such as allergy or autoimmune disease, suggesting that parasites may have played a role in driving the evolution of the immune system

    UV follow-up observations of five recently active novae in M31

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    Recently we initiated the Transient UV Objects (TUVO) project, in which we search for serendipitous UV transients in near-real time in Swift/UVOT data using a purposely-built pipeline